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Radio Microphone Task Force Progress report

gsc12_grsc5_32. Radio Microphone Task Force Progress report. Resolution GSC-10/8. Considering: that various countries and regions have established differing standards and test methods for these devices. Resolves:

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Radio Microphone Task Force Progress report

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  1. gsc12_grsc5_32 Radio Microphone Task ForceProgress report

  2. Resolution GSC-10/8 Considering: that various countries and regions have established differing standards and test methods for these devices. Resolves: • to facilitate a strong and effective global radio standards collaboration on Radio Microphones and cordless Audio standardization in a technology neutral environment; • that given the World wide appeal and use of band 2 micro transmitters, : That GRSC Working Party 1 should examine existing standards and limits and prepare a draft documents for GRSC#11; • that given the ITU limits are different in the three regions,: The GRSC Working Party1 should examine the cost benefits of using the most stringent limits for the GRSC standards; • that GRSC Working Party 1 should examine the “EMC” method of testing and report back to GRSC#11; • that GRSC Working Party 1 should seek members views and comments on band sharing with other services now that the broadcast bands have become congested with simulcasting of analogue and digital transmissions

  3. Resolves 1: Radio Microphones • The ETSI Radio Microphone Standard, EN 300-422 has been updated with digital systems and is out for public enquiry until 10 August 2007. • With the devastation caused by the “Digital Dividend” reviews in Europe compatibility studies are being undertaken in L band. • Considerable work has been carried out by the industry prior to submission for sharing this new spectrum, • this information plus all other draft documents mentioned in this presentation can be found at: http://portal.etsi.org/docbox/Workshop/GSC/GRSC_WP1_radio_mics/ • Within Europe there is an increasing awareness that Radio Microphones play an important part in a range of Industries, an example of this is that within the UK, OFCOM has been forced by public opinion to issue a second consultation on their proposals !

  4. Resolves 1: Aids for the Handicapped • With the closure of the European harmonised band for ERMES, other uses were considered for this spectrum, Aids for the handicapped now have channel allocations in the bands: h1 169.4000 - 169.4750 MHz 10 mW e.r.p. h2 169.4875 - 169.5875 MHz 10 mW e.r.p.

  5. Resolves 2: Band II Micro Transmitters • Following publication of ETSI Standard EN 301 357 many European Administrations have legalised their use. • After experience with the standard a number of amendments to clarify the measurement techniques have been made. • The major one being the use of Chambers for all measurements, in order to eliminate contributions from Broadcast transmitters. • Another area requiring clarification was the measurement of external power leads when used with a battery operated device, • The draft copy of EN 301-357 details these changes.

  6. Resolves 3: Regional differences "...that given the ITU limits are different in the three regions,: The GRSC Working Party1 should examine the cost benefits of using the most stringent limits for the GRSC standards..." • ??????

  7. Resolves 4: “EMC” method of testing "...that GRSC Working Party 1 should examine the “EMC” method of testing and report back to GRSC#11..." • Following feed back from the use of EN 301 357 from both industry and Test Lab’s this method has proved to be useful in measuring low power devices.

  8. Resolves 5: Band sharing "...that GRSC Working Party 1 should seek members views and comments on band sharing with other services now that the broadcast bands have become congested with simulcasting of analogue and digital transmissions..." • As previously mentioned Radio microphones are seeking to “bandshare” in L band. • Within Europe The European Commission has placed mandates to investigate Flexible bands and work is underway in both ETSI and the Administrations to investigate the possibilities. • Within the UK a considerable amount of work is underway to investigate the possibilities raised by the Cave Review, initially in the 2.7 – 3.4 GHz band with experimental Licences expected latter this year.

  9. Radio Microphone Task Force • Thanks you for your interest in this subject • For further informationplease contact: • Brian Copsey • BC@copsey-comms.com • +44 7860 300552

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