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onRamp to Algebra ™

Designed for at-risk students before Algebra 1, this flexible program addresses high failure rates in Algebra, providing essential support and instruction through a blended print/digital solution for successful math learning.

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onRamp to Algebra ™

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  1. onRamp to Algebra™ Prepare for Algebra Success! Algebra Success | 1/10/12

  2. onRamp to Algebra (At-A-Glance) • Intervention Program • Designed for students who are at-risk for failing Algebra 1 • Flexible Implementation Model • *Designed as an additional 45-minute math class for Grade 7 or 8 (yr. prior to Algebra 1) • Can also be implemented in a Summer School setting (but would likely cover only 4 of the 6 units) • Can also be implemented as a math “Replacement Curriculum” (but missing some on-level Standards) A Blended Print/Digital Solution • Can grow with the technology schedule of each school 1 onRamp to Algebra

  3. The Importance of Algebra • . College and Career Readiness Algebra is a demonstrable gateway to later achievement. Students need it for any form of higher mathematics later in high school; moreover, research shows that completion of Algebra II correlates significantly with success in college and earnings from employment. - National Math Panel 2008 2 onRamp to Algebra

  4. A National Issue High Algebra Failure Rates • The #1 subject failed in H.S. • Typically 25% failure rates - with much higher rates in many large, urban districts. 3 onRamp to Algebra

  5. Why the Stubborn Problem? 2011 NAEP Math Results % of Students NOT Proficient 4 onRamp to Algebra

  6. Likely Causes Curriculum too fast paced for many students. • Especially students who enter middle school with gaps in foundational knowledge. Common Core puts more algebra in grade 8. • This will make middle school more challenging as districts transition to Common Core. Limited time and budgets for Professional Development. • Math programs sometimes implemented without true fidelity • Differentiated Instruction and Intervention techniques • Too many students stop trying. • Failure becomes self-perpetuating—the Matthew Effect in math. • Math anxiety taxes working memory and reduces performance. 5 onRamp to Algebra

  7. Schools are aware. And Trying… A Variety of Solutions • Intervention on targeted topics • “Off the shelf” intervention courses from publishers • Homegrownsolutions • Double-dose Algebra • Extra practice • Summer school 6 onRamp to Algebra

  8. onRamp to Algebra™ Prepare for Algebra Success! Algebra Success | 1/10/12

  9. onRamp to Algebra™ Prepare for Algebra Success! • Emphasis on Conceptual Understanding • Interactive, Supported Learning • Thoughtful Supports to make Teachers Successful Algebra Success | 1/10/12

  10. 9 onRamp to Algebra

  11. Opening onRamp to Algebra

  12. Opening onRamp to Algebra

  13. Work Time onRamp to Algebra

  14. Work Time onRamp to Algebra

  15. Closing onRamp to Algebra

  16. Closing onRamp to Algebra

  17. Homework in the Student Book onRamp to Algebra

  18. Homework Online onRamp to Algebra

  19. Units • Unit 1: Foundations of Algebra • Unit 2: Operations with Fractions • Unit 3: Positive and Negative Numbers • Unit 4: Ratio and Proportionality • Unit 5: Showing Relationships with Graphs • Unit 6: Expressions, Equations, and Exponents onRamp to Algebra

  20. Product Array Teacher Student • 6 SE units (per student) • 20 Extra Practice Workbooks • Online student license • eText • Online Concept Book • Online Math Tools • Animations/Videos • Glossary • Online Tests • 6 TE units • 1 Program Overview • 1 Content DVD • online teacher license • eText • Online Concept Book • Presentation Screens • PD Videos • Onsite/Webex PD onRamp to Algebra

  21. onRamp to Algebra: 3 critical areas of focus • 1. Focus on Critical Content Addresses key Algebra 1 foundational skills in depth. Algebra success is assured through prevention, not “after-failure” re-teaching. 2. Proven “Workshop” Model Engages students through doing and explaining the mathematics, with appropriate learning aids, contexts, and connections. The workshop model embeds the Standards for Mathematical Practices. 3. Unique Support for Teachers Builds in powerful teacher supports: coaching, math background, how to foster conceptual understanding. These supports enable ALL teachers to be SUCCESSFUL teachers. Embedded Coach supports Overview & Implementation Guide Unit PD Videos 20 onRamp to Algebra

  22. Assessment and Progress Reporting • onRamp to Algebra uses an entry-level evaluation (a course pre-test), progress monitoring, and summative evaluations (cumulative unit tests and a course post-test) as key assessment tools for teachers to measure student success. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) developed the pre-test, cumulative unit tests, and the post-test. Informal assessments take place throughout the daily workshop during the Opening, Work Time, and Closing. • Pre-Course Assessment. The pre-test is a 30-item multiple-choice assessment, available on paper or online.  It gives a base line of students’ prior knowledge of the content covered in the course, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of individual students and the class as a whole. The results will also help determine student “eligibility” for  onRamp to Algebra.   For this course, it is expected that a student’s score be between 65% and 20%.  The Pre-Course Assessment is designed to parallel the content and difficulty of the Post-Course Assessment.   • Formative Progress Assessments. The onRamp to Algebra course provides 5 assessments for teachers to monitor student progress towards mastery of course goals. Each 20-item multiple-choice test covers key concepts from all six units.  These assessments can be delivered on paper or online. We recommend these be given once a month starting after the third month of classes.  These will help both the student and the teacher have an on-going picture of the student’s progress towards understanding the concepts of the course. • Unit Quizzes. Each unit has two to three quizzes following the culmination of lessons on an important idea in the unit. The quizzes review the concepts of the previous lessons and usually contain short‑answer items. Due to the nature of the responses, these quizzes are available exclusively in print (within the 6 Unit Teacher Editions).  Answer keys are provided to simplify the grading process. • End‑of‑Unit Assessments.  These 6 assessments cover the essential concepts of an entire unit and are designed to be administered during one 45-minute class period. Each unit concludes with both a multiple-choice and a short response assessment. Both are available in print (within Unit TEs) and online. • Post-Course Assessment. Designed to be administered in 35 minutes, the Post-Course Assessment includes five items for each of the six units covered in onRamp to Algebra. The content and difficulty of the items have been matched to those of the Pre-Course Assessment, enabling teachers to make reliable comparisons of test results. The print form of this assessment is in this Overview and Implementation Guide. This assessment is also available to be administered online. • Daily Homework.  Homework is available in print version in the Student edition, and is also available online.  The online homework provides students instant feedback for students and valuable information for teachers that saves time and helps analyze class results and focus instruction. Online homework also includes interactive learning aids to provide scaffolded support  to each student. • Math Attitude Survey. Many students have developed negative attitudes toward learning mathematics. The pre-course Attitude Survey tool allows students to self-identify their feelings and the processes they use (or don’t use) to do math. The survey also gives the teacher information on these feelings. Giving the Attitude Survey again at the end of the school year will help gauge whether the onRamp experience has been successful in giving students more confidence as they face the challenges of algebra. This attitude survey is in print format (within the Overview and Implementation Guide). • Observation Assessments. Using a provided document for each unit, a teacher can choose to informally determine student progress in understanding the main ideas within each unit. This tool is in print format (within each unit Teacher Edition). onRamp to Algebra

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