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In this lesson, students will learn how to greet and say goodbye in the target language. They will engage in conversations, express emotions, and exchange opinions. The importance of studying a foreign language will also be discussed.
Objetivo:Estudiantes van a poder saludar y despedirse. • Standard Addressed: • 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. • 4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. • Calentamiento: (5 min) • 1. When do I collecttheactividad incial? • 2. Where do yougoifyouneedtogetmake up work from an excused absence? • Where does the homework go, and when is it due? • When is our first quiz? Saludar
Objetivo:Estudiantes van a poder saludar y despedirse. • Standard Addressed: • 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. • 4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. • Calentamiento: (5 min) • Whendo I collecttheactividad inicial? • every 2 weekson Friday, dropit off as youleaveorbeforewehave a test/quiz. Saludar
Objetivo:Estudiantes van a poder saludar y despedirse. • Standard Addressed: • 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. • 4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. • Calentamiento: (5 min) • 1. When do I collectthe calentamiento? • Wheredo yougoifyouneedtogetmake up work from an excused absence? • The pinkcrate, under the appropriate day’s folder, or the archive folder if it’s more than a week. Saludar
Objetivo:Estudiantes van a poder saludar y despedirse. • Standard Addressed: • 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. • 4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. • Calentamiento: (5 min) • 1. When do I collectthe calentamiento? • 2. Where do yougoifyouneedtogetmake up work from an excused absence? • Where does the homework go, and when is it due? • The homework tray next to the door, as soon as you enter. Saludar
Objetivo:Estudiantes van a poder saludar y despedirse. • Standard Addressed: • 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. • 4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. • Calentamiento: (5 min) • 1. When do I collectthe calentamiento? • 2. Where do yougoifyouneedtogetmake up work from an excused absence? • Where does the homework go, and when is it due? • When is our first quiz? • 21August (next Friday) Saludar
Why study a foreign language? • You'll get paid more: With such a vital and profit-producing skill, you can command a higher salary. • Gain independence: You'll feel more confident and self-sufficient if you can speak more than one language. • Improve memory: Learning a language helps improve memory. • Improves your reading skills: Studying a language can help you get more out of your own reading, too.
Why study a foreign language? • Make new friends: Spanish is the 3rd most spoken language worldwide. If you know both English and Spanish, you almost double the number of people you can chat with. • Understand your own culture: You'll draw connections and comparisons between your culture and other cultures, so you’ll know yourself better.
Why study a foreign language? • More comfortable dealing with unfamiliar situations: Once you know that you can learn something totally new and different, you'll feel better prepared when faced with uncertain or unfamiliar problems. • Could help you get a scholarship: Being able to speak more than one language could help with admissions or even getting a scholarship.
Why study a foreign language? • Improve test scores: Researchers have found that with each year of language study, scores on college and grad school exams go up. • Speak in code: You and your friend or partner can switch languages when you don't want present company eavesdropping.
Meeting People Greeting: Hola ________ ________ ¿Quépasa? ¿Quétal? • Activity Instructions: • When I say something to you, respond. • We’ll start with me talking to the whole group, then I will call on specific people.
Meeting People Class conversation: Reply with what I say (so if I say “hola,” you say “hola” etc. HolaOR ¿Quépasa? OR ¿Quétal?
Meeting People Conversation: Choose one of the following, and reply to me. HolaOR ¿Quépasa? OR ¿Quétal?
Meeting People Conversation: HolaOR ¿Quépasa? OR ¿Quétal? ADD: ¿Cómote llamas?Reply Me llamo ___. ¿Y tú?OR ¿Y usted?
Meeting People Conversation: A: HolaOR ¿Quépasa? OR ¿Quétal? B: HolaOR ¿Quépasa? OR ¿Quétal? A: ¿Cómote llamas? B: Me llamo ___. ¿Y tú? (or ¿Y usted?) A: Mucho gusto B: El gusto esmíoOREncantado(a) ORIgualmente
Meeting People Conversation: A: HolaOR ¿Quépasa? OR ¿Quétal? B: HolaOR ¿Quépasa? OR ¿Quétal? A: ¿Cómote llamas? B: Me llamo ___. ¿Y tú? (or ¿Y usted?) A: Mucho gusto B: El gusto esmíoOREncantado(a) ORIgualmente A: Hasta luegoOR Hasta mañana B: Hasta luegoOR Hasta mañana
Introducing People Le presento a ____ Tepresento a _____