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From Knowledge to Competences ? – Challenges for Global Learning in Schools

From Knowledge to Competences ? – Challenges for Global Learning in Schools. Paradigm shift: from input-quality to outcome outcome = learning = competences. = reflection on the learner‘s perspective and the learner’s benefit. Global Education …. .

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From Knowledge to Competences ? – Challenges for Global Learning in Schools

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  1. From Knowledge to Competences? – Challenges for Global Learning in Schools

  2. Paradigm shift: from input-quality to outcome outcome = learning = competences

  3. = reflection on the learner‘s perspective and the learner’s benefit

  4. Global Education …. = Education, that opens people’s eyes and minds to the realities of the world, and awakens them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all”. (Maastricht 2002)

  5. What do we understand as a ‚competence‘? “The concept of competence refers to an individually or interindividually available collection of prerequisites for successful action in meaningful task domains.” (Franz E. Weinert 1999, p. 6)

  6. Competences = cognitive skills and knowledge + motivational, volitional and social readiness + successful action

  7. Whatarekeycompetencesfor global learning? Numerousapproaches(de Haan 2006; Scheunpflug & Lang-Wojtasik 2005; Barth 2007; Orientierungsrahmen 2005; Sterling 2001/2006 etc.) → Wiek, Withycombe & Redman 2011: Synthesis of 43 approaches to competences education for sustainability

  8. Competences in Global Learning (Wiek, Withycombe& Redman 2011) • Systems-thinking competence • Anticipatory competence • Normative competence • Strategic competence • Interpersonal competence

  9. Competences in Global Learning

  10. Competences in Global Learning

  11. What to chose? Martina and Paul want to put out a chocolate as a prize in their class. They decide on full-cream milk chocolate. They have to choose out of 4 kinds. Martina and Paul regard the available information:

  12. Martina and Paul reflect what to chose: • Very important for them is non genetically manipulation • Very important is the price • Important is fair trade • Important is organic cultivation • It‘s not important where to buy

  13. Paul‘sdecisionmaking

  14. Martina‘sdecisionmaking

  15. Martina‘sdecisionmaking

  16. Reflect: • What are the differences in decision making? • Which decision fits better to the criteria of Martina and Paul? • Are there any suggestions you would give to Martina?

  17. Methodstoachievecompetences in Global Learning • scenarios, simulations, dilemma decisions, • engagement, activities • allowing self-esteem and self-efficacy • connecting classrooms, opportunities to reflect intercultural communication • structuring methods, planning, finding information • philosophical inquiry Elements of Global Learning may be incorporated not only in geography and citizenship education but in every subject.

  18. DeSeCoDefinition andSelectionofCompetences, OECD 2003 What Competencies Do We Need for a Successful Life anda Well-Functioning Society?

  19. Suggestions for Global Learning in schools • It is worth to reflect the competence to be achieved • Competences give Global Learning a better efficiency and sustainability • Competences give Global Learning a broad legitimacy if integrated in every subject • Reflecting Global Learning as competence leads to go from a broad knowledge which is the base to a broader understanding of knowing how to act.

  20. Open QuestionsforResearch • How a modelling of competences could look like (in different levels of competences and competence measurement? • How are competences linked to the learning process and which kind of learning leads to which kind of competences?

  21. Thankyouverymuch! Annette.Scheunpflug@uni-bamberg.de

  22. Aber: • Deskriptive Entscheidungstheorien legen andere Entscheidungsgänge nahe • - Bedeutung von Gefühlen, Emotionen und einfachen Bewertungstools • z.B. fast-and-frugal Theorie bzw. intuitive Theorien (z.B. Gigerenzer/Todd 2006ff). • → eine solche Theorie würde ggf. ein anderes didaktisches Vorgehen nahelegen?

  23. 1 Zu den Relevanzdimensionen des Themas • Die Kompetenzmessung bzw. der sich damit beschäftigende Diskurs dient • der Legitimation schulischen Lernens bzw. schulischer Lernbereiche (Overwien) • der Durchsetzung bzw. Akzeptanz schulischer Lernbereiche (Urabe) • der Gewinnung von Erkenntnis über ein Praxisfeld (Watermann; Martens/Asbrand)

  24. Overview • The Paradigm shift: from input to outcome • What is the outcome of learning? • Competences • Concepts of Competences • Competences of Global Learning • Challenges for research • Challenges for practitioners

  25. How to get Knowledge into Competences? – Challenges for Global Learning in Schools

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