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Greek National Trade Facilitation Roadmap

Workshop on Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports from Greece: Opportunities and Solutions - Athen, June 2014-. Greek National Trade Facilitation Roadmap. F acilitating G reek Agriculture Exports. What we have done for Greek Agriculture export

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Greek National Trade Facilitation Roadmap

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Workshop on Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports from Greece: Opportunities and Solutions- Athen, June 2014-

  2. Greek National Trade Facilitation Roadmap

  3. Facilitating Greek Agriculture Exports • Whatwe have done for Greek Agriculture • export • Business ProcessAnalysis (Kiwi, Feta, Olive,..) • Authorized Exporter (Customs) • AutomatedRiskManagment System (Customs) • Electronic Customs Managment System (ICISNET) • Approvedagri-food exporter scheme(MRDF) • Automatedelectronicqualitycertificate System (MENOS) • Improvedavailability of inspectors (DAOK) • ePayment system • ..stillgoingstrong..

  4. Completedyesterday • Specification for the • Electronic exchange of agriculture conformity certificates and integrated risk management for agriculture Exports: Interface MENO - ICISnet • qualitycertificate • Fullyautomated information exchange between MEDF and Customs • Integratedriskmanagment • ElectronicBettercontrols • Betterstatistics • Significantlylesscontrols • For the exporter: Betterproduce for lesscostsarrivingfasteratyourbuyerspremesis It’s a specification. Westillneed to implementit!

  5. Greek National Trade Facilitation Roadmap • ?

  6. Greece National Trade Facilitation Platform

  7. UNECE strategy for a Smarter Food Single Window SmarterFood Single Window: Increase competitiveness and market access for agriculture exports through use of state of the art Information Technology, logistics and trade facilitation standards. Pillars: • Holistic national agri-food facilitation strategy • Electronic information exchange and management • Business Process Analysis of the supply chain • Risk management techniques • collaboration between the stakeholders

  8. Todays Workshop • Opportunities for export of GreekFresh Fruit and Vegetables • How are weworkingtoday: Business Processes and collaboration of stakeholders • Our strength and weaknesses in the export process • Can welearnlessonsfromotherEuropean countries? • Lookingahead: Can we do thingsbetter? • Movingforward: Whatcanwe do next?

  9. Thank You Markus Pikart United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Markus.Pikart@UNECE.org

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