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Early universe. quark-gluon plasma. critical point ?. T c. colour superconductor. hadron gas. Temperature. nucleon gas. nuclei. CFL. r 0. Neutron stars. vacuum. baryon density. Search for QCD Critical Point. Electron cooler. EBIS. Critical Point at Jammu
Early universe quark-gluon plasma critical point ? Tc colour superconductor hadron gas Temperature nucleon gas nuclei CFL r0 Neutron stars vacuum baryon density Search for QCD Critical Point Electron cooler EBIS ROOT@Heavy Ions
Critical Point at Jammu ROOT@Heavy-ions workshop Early universe FAIR Electron cooler RHIC quark-gluon plasma LHC critical point ? Tc colour superconductor EBIS hadron gas Temperature nucleon gas nuclei CFL r0 Neutron stars vacuum baryon density ROOT@Heavy Ions
V. Koch QM2008 ROOT@Heavy Ions
QCD Phase Diagram Science: 14 April 2006 At the CRITICAL POINT: singularities in thermodynamic observables => LARGE Event-by-Event FLUCTUATIONS Stephanov, Rajagopal & Shuryak PRL 81 (1998) ROOT@Heavy Ions
Ejiri, et.al.2003 Taylor Expansion Fodor, Katz 2001 Lattice Re-weighting Location of the Critical Point Gavai, Gupta 2005 B Lower Limit B √sNN ——————————————————— 180 MeV 25 GeV 420 MeV 7.5 GeV 725 MeV 4.5 GeV ——————————————————— Cleymans, et.al. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Questions to ponder about …. • Does the Critical Point exist? • All theories point to it. • If not, our current QCD phase theory is in trouble • B. Where is the Critical Point? • Lattice theories vary in their predictions depending on the initial conditions they assume. • C. Can we study Critical point using H.I. Collisions: • Most likely answer is “YES” • D. Is it possible at RHIC? • This is what I like to convince you in this talk. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Overall Status • THEORY: • Very Promising: • New developments: QM2008 talks: Gupta, Lombardo, Nonaka, Koch, Baym, Fukushima, Fujii & Nanji .. • B. ACCELERATOR: • Very promising development at RHIC • Still some details to be worked out – some money needs to be spent • C. EXPERIMENT: • STAR @ RHIC offers the best possibility • PHENIX is also pushing for this program. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Proposed Signals Fluctuation behavior??? Thermodynamic quantity / fluctuation in the quantity Critical point??? • Lots of Ideas related to bulk properties • Fluctuation measures • Energy dependence of Flow properties Energy Density => To study the variation of several quantities with Entropy or Energy Density for a broad range of beam energies and look for unset of possible rapid transitions. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Energy density Basic Signatures Harris & Müller AnnRevNuclPartSci ‘96 ROOT@Heavy Ions
Lattice predictions F. Karsch, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 153, 106 (2004) Energy Density Temperature TC ~ 170 15 MeV eC ~ 0.7-1.5 GeV/fm3 ROOT@Heavy Ions
Bjorken estimation of initial energy density pR2 AuAu 10GeV (estimated) 10GeV Boost invariant hydrodynamics: STAR: Raghunath Sahoo Bjorken density as function beam energy Bjorken density as function of #of participants STAR Preliminary RaghunathSahoo, STAR Assuming Bjorken energy density is similar to that of the lattice calculation: in order to probe the Critical Point (eC ~ 0.7-1.5 GeV/fm3) – the c.m. beam energy need to be between 5-20GeV. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Energy dependence of <mT> and temperature 4.6 Inverse slope parameter (MeV) • Rapid rise in <mT> going from AGS to SPS energies and slowing down towards RHIC. • Step like behavior in the inverse slope parameter in heavy-ions around SPS energies, but not in pp. Mohanty, Alam, Sarkar, Nayak, Nandi PRC 68 (2003) 021901 ROOT@Heavy Ions
<r> [c] Tth [GeV] STAR 4.6 Kinetic freezeout from AGS->RHIC <ßr> (RHIC) = 0.55 ± 0.1 c TKFO(RHIC) = 100 ± 10 MeV • Rapid change in freeze-out temperature and flow velocity between 2-20GeV • Explosive Transverse Expansion • at RHIC High Pressure ROOT@Heavy Ions
Access to large range of mB and T Beam Energy Scan (BES) at RHIC + SPS + FAIR RHIC: advantage of collider geometry ! At fixed target geometry: detector acceptance changes with energy track density at mid-y increases fast with energy -> technical difficulties in tracking ROOT@Heavy Ions
Elliptic flow: The scaling of v2/ε Lijuan Ruan: QM2006 The scaling of the strength of the elliptic flow v2 with eccentricity shows that a high degree of collectivity is built up at a very early stage of the collision. With low energy beam the lower points can be scanned more precisely. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Low energy scan: Search for the phase transition1. Collapse of directed flow 2. Non-monotonic behavior of v2/eps, and/or scaling violation (may also reflect change in the initial conditions (e.g. participant Glauber CGC) S. Voloshin QM2008 page 16 QM’08, Jaipur, India, February 4-10, 2008. Anisotropic flow:… ROOT@Heavy Ions
4.6 Energy dependence of particle ratio and fluctuations Particle Ratio: K/p shows increasing behavior with energy, whereas a horn structure seen in K+/p+ <K/p> <K+/p+> • Fluctuation in Ratio: • K/p fluctuations increase towards lower beam energy. • p/p fluctuations are negative, indicating a strong contribution from resonance decays • STAR results are being finalized. Christof Roland (NA49) ROOT@Heavy Ions
Beam energy dependence of pion HBT 4.6 STAR S. Voloshin, QM02 Debasish Das Pion rapidity density is proportional to the freezeout volume => Constant Freezeout Volume (freezeout at a constant density). ROOT@Heavy Ions
K/p Fluctuations Neeraj Gupta, Zubayer Ahammed, Supriya Das and Gary Westfall: QM2008 Torrieri QM06 ROOT@Heavy Ions
Gary Westfall, STAR Panos Christacoglou, NA49 preliminary W Energy dependence of balance functions W is a normalized measure of the time of hadronization with respect to uncorrelated data sample. This is consistent with delayed hadronization at RHIC compared to SPS energies. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Lattice Calculations for Small Chemical potential Lattice computations of the quark number susceptibilities: 4th order 2nd order 6th order • Net charge • Isospin • Strangeness K. Redlich: Quark Matter 2006 Ratio of 4th to 2nd order ROOT@Heavy Ions
Q(net charge) distributions MEAN of Q distributions Q distributions for AuAu 200GeV at 4 different centralities and 6 bins in pT <Q> low pT high pT <Q>/Npart Q (net charge) <Q>/Npart is independent of centrality. Moments of Q distributions have been analyzed. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Variance and kurtosis of net charge distributions n(Q) with pT binned AuAu 200GeV Kurtosis (4th moment) Centrality & pT • n(Q) is low at low pT ad increases with increase of pT. Could be an effect of more resonance production at low pT. • First analysis of the 4th moment of net charge distribution is performed. Detailed comparison in terms of lattice calculations is expected soon. ROOT@Heavy Ions
V. Koch QM2008 ROOT@Heavy Ions
PHOBOS BRAHMS Jet Target RHIC PHENIX STAR RF LINAC NSRL Booster AGS Tandems RHIC Low Energy Program Electron cooler EBIS ROOT@Heavy Ions
Beam Energy Scan at RHIC: sNN ~ 5-50 GeVexperimental window to QCD phenomenologyat finite temperature and and baryon number density Grazyna Odyniec Tim Hallman QM2008 • boundary between hadronic and partonic phases • Location of critical point The location of the QCD Critical Point, if it exists, remains a matter for experiment ROOT@Heavy Ions
Proposed Energy and Mass Scans 27 ROOT@Heavy Ions Gary Westfall, Quark Matter 2008
The STAR experiment and inclusion of TOF Large acceptance: 2p coverage at mid-rapidity Magnet Coils Central Trigger Barrel (CTB) ZCal Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Year 2000 Barrel EM Cal (BEMC) Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) FTPCEndcap EM CalFPD TOFp, TOFr FPD Year 2001+ PMD ROOT@Heavy Ions
Addition of TOF to STAR P. Sorensen Charged pions and kaons 0.2 < pt < 0.6 GeV/c Westfall QM2008 29 STAR will add TOF for Run 10 The TOF will provide excellent particle identification for π, K, and p for a large fraction of the measured particles event-by-event Improved K/π fluctuation measurements Improved balance functions with identified π, K, and p ROOT@Heavy Ions
Particle production at low sNNenergies uRQMD Pseudo-rapidity distribution of charged particles at 4 different centralities. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Triggering with STAR Beam-Beam Counter (BBC) STAR uses two BBCs wrapped around the beampipe: one on either side of the TPC. Each counter consists of two rings of hexagonal scintillator tiles: an outer ring composed of large tiles and an inner ring composed of small tiles. Internally, each ring is divided into two separate sub-rings of 6 and 12 tiles each. Table below gives the #of particles within BBC coverage for two c.m. energies and four different centralities: BBC is sensitive down to single MIP falling on the detector. BBC can be used for triggering for low energy runs – STAR is modifying the trigger system to be more effective. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Physics topics • Particle spectra (pT, (pseudo)-rapidity distributions) • Flow (v1, v2, v4 ….) with charged and identified hadrons • Strangeness production (k/pi ratio) • Resonance • HBT Radii • Fluctuations (net charge, k/pi ratio, baryon number….) • Correlations • Formation of Disoriented Chiral Condensates (DCC) • Using PMD–FTPC and BEMC–TPC • Long range (forward-backward) correlations • v2 of Omega (centrality dependence) • v2 of phi (centrality dependence) • Jet quenching, Energy loss (RAA and RCP). • For RAA: pp reference will be needed. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Beam-time estimation for a basic energy scan STAR Proposal 2007 5M events: 12.5 weeks: JUST enough, Errors factor 2-4 better than NA49 TN in: Can We Discover QCD Critical Point at RHIC Brookhaven National Laboratory March 9-10, 2006 ROOT@Heavy Ions
RHIC Capabilities ROOT@Heavy Ions
STAR experience with Low Energy RHIC running STAR TPC image of 9 GeV Au+Au, taken on June 7, 2007 (run 8158119, ev.44), figure from Jeff Langraf 2001: 19.6 GeV Au+Au 2004: 22.4 GeV Cu+Cu 2007: 9 GeV Au+Au 2008: 9 (5?) GeV Au+Au observed apparent rates of collisions surprisingly high (?!) to do: (1) understand beam gas background (2) optimize triggering Improve Tiggering for upcoming run. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Straw-man 5-Year Run Plan (With Decent Budgets) Steve Vigdor QM2008 Physics priorities will determine machine upgrade priorities. ROOT@Heavy Ions
Summary • The QCD phase boundary is worthy of study, including that of the tri-critical point. • STAR experiment with the inclusion of TOF will be the ideal place for this study. • PHENIX will be able to carry out an extensive program for the search of critical point. • RHIC has an unique capability to scan the full range from the top AGS to top RHIC energy. • SPS low energy program will add to the understanding. CBM follows suit afterwards. • Fluctuation study especially with strangeness plays a major role in the search for critical point. ROOT@Heavy Ions