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TEIN2 Applications/Collaborations Framework Session 2 – 16 May 2007

TEIN2 Applications/Collaborations Framework Session 2 – 16 May 2007. 13 th TEIN2 Technical Meeting Bandung, Indonesia. ConferenceXP demo. More info on ConferenceXP can be found at: http://research.microsoft.com/conferencexp/

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TEIN2 Applications/Collaborations Framework Session 2 – 16 May 2007

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  1. TEIN2 Applications/Collaborations FrameworkSession 2 – 16 May 2007 13th TEIN2 Technical MeetingBandung, Indonesia

  2. ConferenceXP demo • More info on ConferenceXP can be found at:http://research.microsoft.com/conferencexp/ • ConferenceXP is an initiative of Microsoft Research, exploring how to make advanced collaboration, multi-institutional instruction and distance learning a compelling, rich experience by using emerging and enabling technologies, such as high-bandwidth networks, high resolution displays, and the advanced features in Windows (but is open source!) • The ConferenceXP research platform enables researchers and developers to create distributed applications that take advantage of ConferenceXP technology. It also enables the development of collaborative tools and applications without having to build them from the ground up. • Caters for a range of bandwidths

  3. Demos for Xi’An meeting • Telemedicine (again aim to involve all TEIN2 Partners and Europe) • Tsunami Videoconference (possible involvement of India) • e-social sciences grid initiaitve • Radioastronomy/eVLBI involving Shanghai Observatory and JIVE (NL) • Teleteaching (maybe CanalAVIST) • Performance measurement/monitoring (maybe involving PRAGMA SCMSWeb) • Earth Observation/Disastersystems • Other?

  4. Telemedicine demo – Live Endoscopy • Xi’An, China (Shimizu) • Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (Yada) – live endoscopy here* • 2nd Red-Cross Hospital, Kyoto, Japan (Tanaka) – live endoscopy here* • Hanyang U, Seoul, Korea (Hahm JS, Choi HS) • National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (Wang HP) • Mahidol University Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand (Somchai, Thawachai) • Malaysia NOC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Salem ) • Universitasklinkum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany (Soehendra)

  5. Telemedicine demo – Live Surgery • Xi’An, China (Han HS) • Korea University Hospital, Seoul, Korea (Kim SH) – live surgery here* • Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, Australia (Bokey EL) • Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam (Loi DD) • National University Singapore (Lomanto D) • Europe - TBD

  6. Telemedicine demo – Nurse Training • Xi’An, China (Sakurai) • Red Cross International Nursing College, Fukuoka, Japan (Kita) • Philippines University, Manila, Philippines (Hilvano SC) • U of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (Ali)

  7. Tsunami Videoconference • Xi’An, China (Hina Sharma) • XXXX, New Delhi, India (TBD) • Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (TBD) • Florida International University, USA (TBD)

  8. e-Social Sciences Grid (1) • To demonstrate: • the distributed nature of populations involved (the subject of the 'eSocial Science') • the distributed nature of the organisations holding the data • the distributed nature of the experts within those organisations, who understand the context to the data • enables linking of patterns in data records to underlying behaviour or organisational process • Once these links are understood, the computational power of the Grid is applied to model and predict those patterns of behaviour • Builds on DEISA experience

  9. e-Social Sciences Grid (2) • Use the network and types of network traffic (i.e. computation, data access, video/audio communications) as a visual cue to describe different types of interaction, whilst monitoring the traffic live to help synchronise a live demonstration of the INWA/INCA Grid with the content of the presentation • a backdrop of a network map, overlaid with a traceroute of the nodes communicating as a visualisation of the underlying infrastructure • differentiate between the traffic carrying data from federated databases that are being joined, on-the-fly, and the resources that are being used to perform computation on the resulting data. There might be one user or many, but that is not visible until we move up the stack and overlay the communications traffic, audio and visual, that supports the synchronous interactions that characterise teamwork

  10. Radio-astronomy/eVLBI • JIVE (NL), Shanghai Observatory, European telescopes, maybe Australia • two displays, • one to display a world map with telescope positions, lightpaths, etc, with the telescope sites clickable to show zoomed-in views in Google Earth. • the other display to show fringes, the data status monitor, the control interface, etc. • *If* China and/or Australia online in time, can make an observing run involving all of them + some European telescopes, in the worst case only European telescopes • show some posters explaining (e)-VLBI.

  11. Other demos • Earth Observation/Disaster systems • Teleteaching • Performance Measurement/Monitoring (NOC?) • Others

  12. CanalAVIST • A joint project between AVIST and ASTRENA, providing channels for seamless education, teaching, training, conferencing, lectures, talks throughout ASEAN countries • Cooperating institutions • Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) • S* Life Science Informatics Alliance • Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) InterLab • National University of Singapore (NUS) • Other institutions in ASEAN countries are invited to participate • Needs scheduling system, multicast implementation among partners

  13. What the EC considers to be key areas • Telemedicine (greater outreach in beneficiary countries) • Climate change and environmental monitoring (suggestions here) • Disaster warning/monitoring • JAXA/ESA collaboration • UN Millenium Development Goals www.un.milleniumgoals • e-governance • What are important to TEIN2 partners and how do we achieve these?

  14. How to develop a Register of Research Interests • Important to each country for “match-making” (eg for FP7 or other funding programs • Partners thoughts/suggestions for how to develop this?

  15. Applications/Collaboration Portfolio – next steps • Discussion on both sessions of the Applications/Collaboration Framework and how to produce a portfolio in a timely manner • Input needed from all partners

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