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Havforskning i Polhavet : Europeisk Infrastruktur: AURORA-Ideen by Jörn Thiede (Fak. f or g eografi geoøkologi SPbGU / RF) og ERICON- deltakere. Polhavsmøtet 2013 Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi Oslo/ Norway. First Point.
Havforskning i Polhavet:Europeisk Infrastruktur:AURORA-Ideen byJörn Thiede (Fak. forgeografigeoøkologiSPbGU/ RF) og ERICON-deltakere Polhavsmøtet 2013 DetNorskeVidenskaps-Akademi Oslo/ Norway
First Point • CongratulationstoourNorwegiancolleaguesthattheyconvincedtheirgovernmenttograntfundingfor a newresearchicebreaker • This decision will propellNorwegian marine polar research – alreadyexcellent in manydisciplines - tothe international forefront • This ship will not duplicate, but supplement in manyways AURORA ideas
The AURORA ExperienceGloballytheLargestClimaterelatedInfrastructure Project • The scientificchallenge • The technicalchallenge • The challengeofgovernanceof an international researchicebreaker • The financialchallenge • The politicalchallenge • Whataboutthefuture?
The Scientific Challenge: The Scientific Perspective -2004 -2012
Major themes of research for AURORA BOREALIS Large and medium - scale circulation of ocean and atmosphere Interactions between the pelagic ecosystems and the biogeochemical state of water masses Physiology and population dynamics of benthic assemblages in the deep sea and in the coastal shelf seas in polar areas Reconstruction of past climate from deposits in marine and periglacial environments including modeling of their properties and variability Structure and kinematics of the lithosphere and the polar ice caps Origin and evolution of the Arctic lithosphere Ocean history and basement structure 2004
Pysical and Chemical Oceanography - water sampling - Cryosciences Winter ice thickness / properties GeophysicsMCS, 3D, optimized arrays, streamer, winches, etc. Geological and Biological OceanographyLong sediment cores (e.g. CALYPSO-system), Plankton nets, fishery biology, remotely operated drilling, surface sediment sampling, etc. MCS Data, Mendeleev Ridge (B. Coakley, unpublished)
Monitoring Systems for Arctic sea ice, icebergs & atmospheric interactions • Ground-truth remote sensing/satellite data. • Helicopter support for ice monitoring • Act as a mother ship for a hoovercraft • Permanent laboratories for continuous ship-borne monitoring of marine meteorology and atmospheric physics • (e.g. tropospheric aerosols: IFAC-CNR proposal, M. del Guasta, V. Vitale). Aerosol LIDAR and Optical Particle Sizer (onboard ITALICA) Photos: M. del Guasta
The AURORA Philosophy • Try to do things which nobody can do: It will give the actors a decisive advantage! • Be innovative in Technology and Management! • Think big when the research subject is big! • Act big when needed! Our head politicians “think big”, but do not act “big”!The finances will come on top of regular financing, or not at all! • Be courageous: Our climate problem calls for decisive action in polar research, the upcoming young generation of polar scientists deserve the safest and most modern equipment to conduct their research in the most extreme environments on EARTH!
Status Quo: What we can do and what we cannot do • Regular summer expeditions for all polar research disciplines • Fullfill all logistic requirements (but at the expense of research time) • Provide safety and experienced crews • Bad season expeditions • Deep-sea drilling • Synoptic bipolar expeditions • Deployments of ROV and AUV (or MUV) under closed sea-ice cover • No systematic sampling under closed sea-ice cover • etc. 2004
Technology of the Future • Icebreaker, Drillship and Multi-purpose Research Vessel • Novel icebreaker thatoperates autonomously during all seasons in sea-ice covered oceans and on stations (dynamic positioning), without additional icebreaker support • Multi-purpose Research Vessel for a year-round deployment in the Polar Regions (Central Arctic, Arctic basins, Antarctic Margins) and for international and interdisciplinary expeditions • Scientific Drillshipfor drilling of 1000 m long cores in up to 5000 m water depth under a closed sea-ice cover
Dynamic positioning in drifting ice… • Icebreaking with slow or no vessel speed • Icebreaking sideways: Hull shape • High propulsion power • Mechanically robust azimuth propulsion pods • Ice-resistant, powerful thruster system Extensive testing of models in open water and ice tanks before final design
Safety management systems: • Propulsion systems withstanding severest ice conditions • Complete double-hull design • Fully redundant engine rooms and equipment • Redundant dynamic positioning system (DP2) • Full weather protection (e.g. hangars) for science and drilling operations • Combine high ice-breaking capacity of vessel with stable open water performance (e.g. transits, Southern Ocean) • Advanced concepts for de-icing superstructure and equipment to maintain ship’s stability • Complete equipment for sustained survival of crew and scientists in “Total Loss of Ship” scenarios
Further information is available at: http://www.eri-aurora-borealis.eu
The Challenge ofGovernanceofan International Research Icebreaker
ESFRI EURO-ARGO ERICON-AB ESFRIEuropean Strategy forum on Research Infrastructure COPAL EPOS EMSO SIAOS LIFEWATCH ICOS European Strategy forum on Research Infrastructure
The project is funded by the European Commission Generates the strategic, scientific, organisational, legal and financial frameworks for European ministries and funding agencies to decide about the construction and operation of AURORA asnew European Infrastructure of global importance ERICON - Governance • 48 Months duration • Started March 1, 2008 • Budget: 4.5 Million Euro • 11 countries and 18 partners • Spain and Ireland corresponding members • Endedan extension in May 2012
The Financial Challenge: -AURORA BOREALIS Version approx. € 800 Mioconstruction -AURORA SLIM Version approx. € 550 Mioconstruction -bothversionsapprox. € 30-35 Mio/y for 300 days/yatseafor 30 years
The Political Challenge For Central ArcticOcean Research • Statements of: • Merkel, Chancellorof Germany • Stoltenberg, Prime Minister ofNorway • Putin, Prime Minister of the RF • Connie Hedegaard, EU CommissionarforClimate • Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, EU Commissionerfor Research • Etc. How do wegetthemtoact?
Merkel satser på nordområdene Han inviterteogsåtyskeselskapertilådelta i utviklingenav isgåendefartøyersomkanbrukes i nord.
IPY ICARP II The AURORA Challenge • Generatethemost modern, innovative and powerful polar researchice-breaker, withall-seasonanddrillingcapabilities (3rd generationof polar researchvessels) • Generate a multinational polar researchplatform, motivatingnew countries toinvestintotheirArcticresearchprogramstomeetnewchallenges • Generate a „floatinguniversity“toeducate a newgenerationof polar researchers • Generate a platformforpublicoutreachandeducationalactivities • Preparetheroadforcommercialenterprises in theArcticOcean; potential forrescueoperations
Tothe Nature ofArcticOcean Research: AURORA andbeyond • Needs longtermscientificperspectiveorstrategy • Scientific capacityrequiresformationof an International Consortiumofmotivatedinstitutions/nations • The abilities/ capacitiesrequire a carefullybalanced plan forinterdisciplinaryexpeditions. Wewouldliketoseethedevelopmentof an international andwellcoordinatedArcticOceanscienceplanningstructurebetween relevant andinterestedinstitutes/ countries • Needs a homeportclosstotheArcticandthenecessaryscientificandlogisticsupportstructure
Message to Leading Institutions Arctic Ocean Rim Countries and other Nations with Polar Research Interests • Be on thecuttingedgeof polar oceanresearch • Help togeneratethe 3rd generationofdedicated polar researchvessels • Bepartof a consortiumtofound a „floatingArctic University“ • But thisrequires a strategicorientationofyourscientificcapacitiestowardsthePolar Oceans. It will beyourdecision....
Future Polar Research 1. European researchersaredoingcutting-edgeresearchin extreme polar environments, but theycould do betterandtheyshouldstrivefor a betteruseoftheircapabilitiesandcapacities. 2. Research in extreme polar environmentsrequiresthemost modern andsafestequipment. 3. Italso requirestoattractthebrightestandtheyoungesttounderstand global environmental changewhichisconsideredoneof t he largestsocietalchallengesofourgeneration. THESE WERE MY MESSSAGES TO YOU. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION AND GOOD LUCK TO THE FUTURE OF EUROPEAN SCIENCE!!!