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HFSD Methods. Objectives To consider types of systems To characterise methods for HF input into SD To identify HF contributions to SD To present specific HF methods & approaches To present some critical issues re HFSD. Types of systems.
HFSD Methods • Objectives • To consider types of systems • To characterise methods for HF input into SD • To identify HF contributions to SD • To present specific HF methods & approaches • To present some critical issues re HFSD HFSD Methods Nov 2002
Types of systems • To consider how HF can be incorporated in the design and development of systems we must first recognise the different types of systems that may be developed • Generic systems • Made for release on the open market • Bespoke systems. Large & small scale • Government departments. SME In-house system
HFSD • In the design and development of each of these types of systems must look for methods that will:- • Focus on users needs and capabilities • Enable the principles of software ergonomics to be applied • Take account of the organisational and work context within which the system will operate • Involve users • Enable Human factors principles to be applied throughout the design process, not just as part of an end-process evaluation
Structured Analysis & Design Methods • Are widely used as these appear to support • The management of complexity – analysis and design is a systematic & documented process • Design team and user communication – decisions requirements and products • Quality assurance – verification, validation • Design prototyping evaluation & maintenance • Integration of human factors and software engineering design
Incorporating HF into SADMs • Current SADMs are:- • Mostly Software Engineering and Data Analysis • Human factors is only implicit in the method or via consultancy • Human Factors is largely under-represented
Characterising Methods for HF input to SD • Some questions which need to be asked include:- • Is the method aimed at producing a computer solution, can it also lead to a manual solution? • What type and scale of application is it best suited to? Small systems, large systems or both? • Which of the phases in the development of the system does the method cover – analysis, design, evaluation? • What is the precise scope of the method what assumptions does the method make re skills of the practitioners availability of tools? • Can the method be understood by end users?
Examples of HF contributions to SD • Specification Phase • Soft Systems Analysis Checkland • Open Systems Task Analysis Eason • Design Phase • Software I/F Guidelines Schneiderman • Prototyping tools Demo2 Bricklin • Evaluation • Usability Labs Tyldley
Contributions to HFSD (cont) • In addition several researchers and practitioners have attempted to develop methods that incorporate HF into the overall design process • Ethics Mumford 1983 • The HUSAT Research centre at LUT in the UK have developed three approaches to the input of HF in IT systems design • DIADEM • HUFIT • D Browne of KPMG (IT consultancy) developed STUDIO
DIADEM • Is the Departmental Integrated Application Development Methodology • Methodology was designed for use by user representatives in large scale computerisation projects. In the UK is used in Government IT development projects Eg DHSS Benefits Systems • It is a superset of SSADM and provides 12 key human factors inputs • Stakeholder analysis – task analysis – user interface design – organisational impact analysis
HUFIT • Human Factors in Information Technology • This tool was developed to be used in the planning, analysis and specification of systems • The tools are a set of 5 high level procedural paper based tools • The tools were designed to be used by non Human Factors experts in the design of generic IT products
STUDIO • Structured User Interface Design for Interaction Optimisation • Is a method for the analysis and design of interfaces • Developed in response to inadequacies of existing SD methodologies to meet the needs of users • STUDIO consists of 5 stages which include • Planning – Requirements Analysis – Task synthesis – Usability engineering – User Interface development
Commonalities • Research reveals that within each approach the methods need to:- • Be able to be used by recipients with little or no human factors expertise as HF specialists are in short supply • Enable adherence to the principles of user centred rather than techno-centred design • Incorporate human factors across the whole design process • Enable human factors to be incorporated as early as possible in the design process • Incorporate human factors in the QA process
HFSD Critical Issues • The design task in generic product development is fundamentally different from the bespoke design task • In the former the users are more diverse and cannot be as closely or as widely involved as in the latter case • Design is a highly integrated task and as teams become large, the problem of coordination and control becomes critical
HFSD Critical Issues (cont) • Large scale developments tend to use linear or ‘waterfall’ design methods, whereas in small scale developments it is more likely that ‘iterative’ methods using prototyping techniques are used • Software specialists are the majority in design teams and traditionally have the most power and influence but there are others with a ‘stake’ in the system whose views must be heard
HFSD Critical Issues (cont) • Implementation of systems inevitably results in change both to individuals and organisations, there is a clear need to plan for change before the system is introduced • Even when technical solutions are possible, there may be human factors reasons why the system will not work as intended • Unless the users needs are considered at the beginning no amount of sophisticated re- programming is likely to hide deficiencies in the overall design
HFSD Conclusion • HFSD is under-represented in most of the SD methods • Most of the SD methods are technically centred rather than user centred. There is also little evidence that the organisational consequences of implementing a system are considered • Where human factors is incorporated into the method it is often only implicit part of the design process rather than explicit
HFSD Conclusion (cont) • There are few tools and methods which can support users in the specification of their requirements • Researchers and practitioners have attempted to develop tools to overcome this • HUFIT - STUDIO • Human factors needs to be presented as a value added & cost effective solution to the problems of designing interactive systems