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This infographic is a guide aimed at anyone interested in a career in criminal law, and specifically those who wish to become police station reps and advise suspects at the police station.<br>The Police Station Representatives Accreditation Scheme (PSRAS) can be undertaken by those with little or no previous experience of criminal law and procedure.<br>It is also extremely popular with students, paralegals and trainee solicitors who can complete the accreditation alongside their studies or day jobs, enabling candidates to earn money whilst gaining the experience required to become fully accredited representatives.<br>This guide will also be of interest to those who wish to supervise candidates undertaking the PSRAS.
PSRA Steps ToSuccess Become police station reps and advise suspects at the policestation ThisguidewillprovideyouwithanoverviewofwhatthePSRAS involves,whyyoushoulddoit,whatstepsyouneedtotakeanda summaryofalloftheabove. BY CATHERINEJORDAN Thisguidewillalsobeofinterestto thosewhowishtosupervise candidates undertakingthe PSRAS. ebooksbyDatalaw
PAGE01 EBOOKS BYDATALAW Thisguidewillprovideyouwithan overview of what the PSRAS involves, why you should do it, whatstepsyouneedtotakeanda summaryofalloftheabove. Who isthis guidefor? Thisguideisaimedatanyoneinterested in a career in criminal law, and specifically those who wish to become police station reps and advise suspects atthepolicestation. The Police Station Representatives Accreditation Scheme (PSRAS) can be undertaken by those with little or no previousexperienceofcriminallawand procedure. It is also extremely popular with students, paralegals and trainee solicitors who can complete the accreditationalongsidetheirstudiesor day jobs, enabling candidates to earn money whilst gaining the experience required to become fully accredited representatives. This guide will also be of interest to thosewhowishtosupervisecandidates undertakingthePSRAS.
PAGE02 EBOOKS BYDATALAW The PSRAS WithDatalaw AboutDatalaw We are a company absolutely determined to bring the most flexibleandpricesensitiveservices to other solicitors. Our company was started by two solicitors who weretiredofpayinglargeamounts fortraining. SincethenDatalawhasgoneonto train over 26,000 users in legal CPD and continue to bring legal trainingstraighttoyourcomputer or mobile phone, so you could watch them whenever and whereveryouwere. Why become apolice stationrep.? Pursuing a career in law, and crime particularlyisverycompetitive.Asa police station rep., you will gain a great amount of knowledge in criminal law and procedure. When attending on suspects regularly, negotiating issues with police, analysing evidence and advising on thelawyouwillquicklybecomemore expert in criminal matters and this will give you an edge over other applicants when applying for a position, or promotion, within a law firm. WhatisthePSRAS? The PSRAS has been designed to ensurepotentialreps.demonstrate thenecessarylevelofcompetence to undertake police station work andthattheadviceprovidedisofa sufficientlyhighstandard. ThePSRASmustbeundertakenby anyonewhowishestogiveadvicein the police station for which payment is claimed from the Legal AidAgency(LAA). The scheme will also ensure that your employer or supervisor considers your training and development needs and that they exerciseadequatesupervisionover you while you complete the accreditation. Police station reps. can work as flexibly as they require. Whether workingforonefirm,orfreelancing, youcanspecifyyourownhourstofit around study, work and family commitments.
PAGE03 EBOOKS BYDATALAW What Do You NeedTo Do? Portfolio–PartA PartAconsistsof4summariesofpolicestationcases,in which you have been involved with both the giving of advice, and attendance at an interview between the policeandtheclient,atapolicestation.PartAmustbe completedinthefollowingchronologicalorder: Overview ThePSRASconsistsofthefollowingstages: RegistrationwithanAssessmentOrganisation(AO) WrittenExam(ifapplicable) Portfolio–PartA RegistrationwithLAAasaProbationary Representative Portfolio–PartB CriticalIncidentsTest(CIT) 1. Two cases in which you have observed your supervisingsolicitorprovideadvicetoaclientinapolice station. RegistrationwithanAO RegistrationwithDatalawoccurswhenpaymentforthe first stage of the accreditation and the relevant administration fee is made. On registration, you will receive a unique candidate number and a copy of our regulations, which provide advice and assistance regardingtheaccreditationprocess. 2.Twocasesinwhichyouhaveprovidedadvicetoa clientinapolicestationwhilstbeingobservedbyyour supervisingsolicitor. ThepurposeofthePortfolioisto: Enableustoassessyourcompetencetogiveadvicein policestations Encourageyoutoconsiderandreflectuponyour performanceinthepolicestation Encourageyoursupervisingsolicitortoreviewyour competence and to take steps to address any deficiencies WrittenExam TheWrittenExamisatwo-houropenbookassessment designed to assess your understanding of both the adviser'sroleinthepolicestationandtheskillsthatare needed to perform that role effectively. Your knowledgeandunderstandingofcriminallaw,evidence andprocedurewillalsobeassessed. RegistrationwiththeLAAasa probationaryrepresentative IfPartAofthePortfolioisapprovedbytheAO,youwill beprovidedwiththeappropriateformtoenableyouto register as a probationary representative with the LAA, whichisnecessaryifyouaretoreceivepaymentfromthe LegalAidFund. ExemptionfromtheWrittenExamisavailabletothose who have completed formal training courses such as the Legal Practice Course or the Bar Professional TrainingCourse. TheWrittenExammustbepassedbythosewhoarenot exemptpriortocompletionofPartAofthePortfolio, andregistrationwiththeLAA. The LAA registration form must be signed by your supervisingsolicitorandsubmittedtotheLAAwithin threemonthsofthedateonwhichtheAOconfirms acceptanceofyourPartAPortfolio. "Datalaw'sSRA Self Assessment makes this as easy as1-2-3" CharlesPeter-BeksonFamilyLaw TheLAAwillthenprovideyouwithaprobationary personalidentificationnumber(PIN)number. FollowingregistrationwiththeLAA,youmaycomplete theremainingassessments;PartBandtheCIT,inany order.
PAGE04 EBOOKS BYDATALAW Whatdoyouneedtodo continued... Portfolio-PartB PartBconsistsof5summariesofpolicestation cases in which you have provided advice to a client in a police station unsupervised. Once submitted,thecasesfromPartsAandBwillbe markedforlegalcontente.g.whatyoudidatthe policestation,thequalityoftheadviceprovided and how you interacted with your client, the policeetc. Why do your accreditationwith Datalaw? Flexibility - Datalaw offer portfolio submission deadlines every month and we have the shortest turn aroundforresults.Wealsoofferthe widestrangeofassessmentlocations whichmeansyoucancompleteyour assessments at a time and location convenienttoyou. CIT TheCITtakestheformofaroleplayassessment underexamconditionsandisdesignedtoassess your effectiveness in advising and assisting clientsatthepolicestation. Cost–Datalawofferthemostcost effectiveratesonthemarket Support - Datalaw have been delivering the PSRAS for over 15 yearsandourAccreditationadvisors arealwaysonhandviatelephoneand emailtoprovideyouwiththesupport andassistanceyourequire.Training –Datalawhave The CIT comprises of several scenarios which willbepresentedtoyouonanaudiotape.Issues willbeposedtoyou,eitherverballyorinterms oftheirbehaviour,bypoliceofficers,yourclient orthirdparties.Youwillberequiredtorespond tothescenarioaudibly.Youwillbeassessedon theappropriatenessoftheresponsesprovided, your oral communication and assertiveness skills. The CIT can only be attempted once you have beenissuedwithandareinpossessionofanLAA PINnumber. Revolutionised Accreditation training by developing comprehensive online training materials, including recorded webinars and sample assessments, which you can access on demand usinganyinternetconnecteddevice Need SpecialistHelp? Ouraccreditationsteamareonhandtohelp youwithanyPSRASquestionsyoumayhave. Togetintouch: Call01512362024orEmail accreditations@datalaw.org Did you know we also provide on- demandaccesstoover600legalCPD courses for one monthly fee. No contract.Noupfrontfees Forgeneralenquiriespleaseemail helpdek@datalaw.org
PAGE05 EBOOKS BYDATALAW InSummary The PSRAS is a flexible way to enter the legal profession and boost your career prospects Dependingonyourlevelofformallegaltraining,the PSRAScompriseseither2or3assessments;Written Exam,Portfolio&CIT OnceyouregisterwiththeLAAyouwillbeableto claimpaymentfortheworkwhichyouundertake whilstcompletingyouraccreditation Datalawdeliverthemostcosteffective,supportiveand flexiblePSRASonthemarket