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HARBORVIEW FELLOWSHIP. Empowering Passionate Disciples. Equipping people to passionately Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His kingdom together. Change Agents of Hope & Life Prepared & Distinct Living - Pt.2 Fear God. 1 Peter 1:17-21. Fear God. Review
HARBORVIEW FELLOWSHIP Empowering Passionate Disciples Equipping people to passionately Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His kingdom together.
Change Agents of Hope & Life Prepared & Distinct Living - Pt.2 Fear God 1 Peter 1:17-21
Fear God Review • vss. 1-12 – emphases of suffering and salvation • vss. 13-25 • He exhorts them to hope(1:13), grounded in God’s salvation of 1:3–12. • He exhorts them to holiness(1:14–16). • He exhorts them to fear God(1:17–21) • He exhorts them to love one another (1:22–25)
1 Peter 1:17–21 (ESV) Andif you call on him as Fatherwho judges impartiallyaccording to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fearthroughout the time of your exile,18knowing that you were ransomedfrom the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 1 Peter 1:17–21 (NLT) And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time as “foreigners in the land.” 18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. 19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
1 Peter 1:17–21 (ESV) — 20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you 21 who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. 1 Peter 1:17–21 (NLT) — 20 God chose him as your ransom long before the world began, but he has now revealed him to you in these last days. 21 Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory.
1 Peter 1:17–21 (ESV) Andif you call on him as Fatherwho judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fearthroughout the time of your exile,18knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 1 Peter 1:17–21 (NLT) And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time as “foreigners in the land.” 18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. 19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
Fear God Relational Context And if you call on Him as Father . . .
Fear God The Command . . . conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, . . .
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Defined • GkWd “phobos”; terror, reverence, awe, respect • Fearing God recognizes that He is the Creator we are the creatures; He is the Master we are the servants; He is the Father we are the children; He does not answer to us but we answer to Him. • Fearing God is having such a reverence for Him that it impacts the way we live our lives.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Illustrated • Israel Exodus 20:18–20 (ESV) Now when all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of lightning and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, the people were afraid and trembled, and they stood far off 19 and said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, lest we die.” 20 Moses said to the people, “Do not fear, for God has come to test you, that the fear of him may be before you, that you may not sin.”
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Illustrated • Israel’s Leaders Numbers 16:33–34 (NLT) So they went down alive into the grave, along with all their belongings. The earth closed over them, and they all vanished from among the people of Israel. 34 All the people around them fled when they heard their screams. “The earth will swallow us, too!” they cried.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Illustrated • Isaiah Isaiah 6:3–5 (NLT) They were calling out to each other, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!” 4 Their voices shook the Temple to its foundations, and the entire building was filled with smoke. 5 Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Illustrated • Jesus’ Resurrection Matthew 28:3–4 (NLT) His face shone like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow. 4 The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Illustrated • Early Church Acts 5:4–5,11 (NLT) The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!” 5 As soon as Ananias heard these words, he fell to the floor and died. Everyone who heard about it was terrified. . . . 11 Great fear gripped the entire church and everyone else who heard what had happened.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Illustrated • John Revelation 1:17 (NLT) When I saw him, I fell at his feet as if I were dead. But he laid his right hand on me and said, “Don’t be afraid! I am the First and the Last.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Fundamental to Life • It begins by recognizing He is the Creator God! Psalm 33:6–9 (NLT) The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. 7 He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. 8 Let the whole world fear the Lord, and let everyone stand in awe of him. 9 For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Fundamental to Life • Foundational in Relationship with God (OT & NT) Deuteronomy 4:10 (NLT) Never forget the day when you stood before the Lord your God at Mount Sinai, where he told me, ‘Summon the people before me, and I will personally instruct them. Then they will learn to fear me as long as they live, and they will teach their children to fear me also.’
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Fundamental to Life • Foundational in Relationship with God (OT & NT) Acts 9:31 (NLT) The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and it became stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the Lord. And with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, it also grew in numbers. Acts 10:34–35 (NLT) Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. 35 In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Characterized • Faith Genesis 22:12 (NLT) “Don’t lay a hand on the boy!” the angel said. “Do not hurt him in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son.” • Obedience Exodus 1:17 (NLT) But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king’s orders (to kill the infants).
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Characterized • Integrity & Righteousness Job 1:8 (NLT) Then the Lord asked Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? . . . He is blameless—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil.” • Hatred for Evil Proverbs 8:13 (NLT) All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God Characterized • Exercise in Holiness 2 Corinthians 7:1 (NLT) Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God & The Blessings • God’s Delight Psalm 147:11 (NLT) No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love. • God’s Love, Forgiveness, & Compassion Psalm 103:11–13 (NLT) For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. 12 He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. 13 The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God & The Blessings • God Blesses Psalm 115:13 (NLT) He will bless those who fear the Lord, both great and lowly. • God’s Protection & Fulfilling Godly Desires Psalm 145:19 (NLT) He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God & The Blessings • Source of Life Proverbs 14:27 (NLT) Fear of the Lord is a life-giving fountain; . . . • God’s Security Proverbs 14:26 (NLT) — 26 Those who fear the Lord are secure; he will be a refuge for their children. • Abundant Blessing Proverbs 22:4 (NLT) True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life.
Fear God The Command . . . Fearing God as His Child 1 John 4:18 (NLT) Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. Galatians 4:6–7 (NLT) And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” 7 Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.
1 Peter 1:17–21 (ESV) And if you call on him as Fatherwhojudges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, 18knowing that you were ransomedfrom the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 1 Peter 1:17–21 (NLT) And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time as “foreigners in the land.” 18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. 19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
Fear God The Motivations . . . who judges impartially . . . Presently – Ananias & Sapphira; Rev 2&3; Communion 1 Peter 4:17 (NLT) For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with God’s household. And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed God’s Good News?
Fear God The Motivations . . . who judges impartially . . . At the End of Time Romans 14:10–12 (NLT) So why do you condemn another believer? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. . . .12 Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God.
1 Peter 1:17–21 (ESV) And if you call on him as Fatherwhojudges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, 18knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 1 Peter 1:17–21 (NLT) And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time as “foreigners in the land.” 18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. 19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
Fear God The Motivations . . . knowing that you were ransomed. . .
Fear God Talking Points Ecclesiastes 12:13–14 (NLT) Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. 14 God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.
Fear God Talking Points "We have defanged the tiger of truth. "I would like to suggest that the Church become a people where our relationship with God is not a simple belief or a doctrine or theology; it is God's burning presence in our lives. I am suggesting that the tame God of relevance be replaced by the God whose very presence shatters our egos into dust, burns our sin into ashes, and strips us naked to reveal the real person within. The Church needs to become a gloriously dangerous place where nothing is safe in God's presence except us. Nothing--including our plans, our agendas, our priorities, our politics, our money, our security, our comfort, our possessions, our needs.” Mike Yaconelli
HARBORVIEW FELLOWSHIP Empowering Passionate Disciples Equipping people to passionately Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His kingdom together.