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Rural Regeneration A bit more vague?

Rural Regeneration A bit more vague?. Rural Regeneration. No specific Rural Development / Rural Policy for NI EU Rural Development Programme ‘ The availability of EU funds is broadly acknowledged as instrumental to the fact that NI has had any rural development at all’

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Rural Regeneration A bit more vague?

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  1. Rural Regeneration A bit more vague?

  2. Rural Regeneration • No specific Rural Development / Rural Policy for NI • EU Rural Development Programme ‘The availability of EU funds is broadly acknowledged as instrumental to the fact that NI has had any rural development at all’ (A study of Rural Policy 2005 (DARD commissioned PWC Report))

  3. Rural Regeneration • Regeneration Bill – no real impact in rural areas with policy focus on urban regeneration and neighbourhood renewal in areas with populations over 5,000 • DAERA responsible (through RDP) • Settlements with populations of 5,000 or less (defined as rural)

  4. Origins of Rural Development • Traced back to the mid 1980s • 1985 – EU Anti-Poverty Programme initiated the Rural Action Project to demonstrate the potential for rural development in NI • Report on Rural Action Project published in 1989 • This combined with EU Report ‘Future of Rural Society’ 1988 led to the then SOS establishing an Inter-Departmental Committee in 1990 to look at the best way to tackle social and economic problems in the most deprived rural areas in NI

  5. Origins of Rural Development • The Committee recommended that: • DANI should become lead Department responsible for tackling the needs of most disadvantaged rural areas • DANI would appoint a small team of local co-ordinators from across the public sector to co-ordinate responses to the needs of rural areas • A Rural Development Steering Group should be established to co-ordinate the work of government departments and agencies • A Rural Development Council would be established to advise government on rural development issues and to work with local groups to encourage ‘bottom up’ local development; and • DANI would set up a special fund to support rural development projects

  6. RDC 2006:RPA recommended transfer of RDC delivery function to Local Government and its role in policy development to Central government 2009:Independent Organisation

  7. Rural Regeneration • This made way for the delivery of LEADER via local councils and the establishment of Local Action Groups (LAGs) • Current RDP to LAGs worth £70m • Suite of measures including rural business development, access to services, village renewal, rural broadband, cooperation • £10 m towards rural tourism

  8. Rural Regeneration • Tackling Rural Poverty & Social Isolation • Mix of resource and capital funding • Budget proposals – cessation of all ‘rural affairs’ programmes

  9. Rural Regeneration • Rural Needs Act 2016 • Statutory duty to consider rural needs • Operational 1 June 2017 for government departments & local councils and public authorities 1 June 2018

  10. Rural Regeneration • Slow burner to something quite significant • RDP, Peace, IFI (Crisp programme), Interreg, mainstream DARD, other partners • As programmes changed • RDP remained, TRPSI evolved • Future?

  11. Rural Regeneration • Where should rural regeneration sit? • What will happen in absence of EU RDP? • What will replace CAP Pillar 2? • Will LEADER be retained? • What will rural development look like post 2020?

  12. Rural Regeneration • Need for localised approach to Rural Development • Rural Development Policy for NI • Adequately financed (working on basis can’t be worse off as result of Brexit) • Need to strengthen the integration of local initiatives and rural capacity building into mainstream policy making, in particular bottom up approaches such as LEADER

  13. Rural Regeneration • A focus upon entrepreneurship skills and confidence, new enterprises and diversification is required • Sector specific readiness programmes to support rural communities and businesses to prepare for change • Consider how we can attract and retain talent in rural areas to meet the needs of rural businesses • Overcome connectivity barriers to attract labour into (and retain young people) in rural areas

  14. Rural Regeneration • Whole area of access to services and find new and innovative ways of delivering services • Village renewal and regeneration creating attractive places to invest, live and work in

  15. The Alternative? Rural becomes less of a priority Rural gets forgotten

  16. .

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