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EDGAR MIDDLE SCHOOL. 2014-2015. District Goal: Excellence for All. B . Investigate and recommend changes to school schedules to maximize learning opportunities. At EMS for 2014-2015:. Grade 5 Mathematics. Grade 5 Changes.

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  1. EDGAR MIDDLE SCHOOL 2014-2015

  2. District Goal: Excellence for All • B. Investigate and recommend changes to school schedules to maximize learning opportunities

  3. At EMS for 2014-2015: • Grade 5 • Mathematics

  4. Grade 5 Changes • ELA Block replaces separate reading and language arts classes. • ELA Block is heterogeneously grouped. • Semi-Departmentalized Teaching Schedules • 8th Section of Fifth Grade

  5. ELA Block • Currently, 5th grade students have two separate course offerings, one in reading (ability-grouped) and one in language arts (non-ability grouped). In the latter course, students receive instruction in writing and spelling. • An ELA block allows for the integrated instruction of reading and writing and meets the definition of a Balanced Literacy Program. • Currently, 5th grade teachers have implemented the Guided Reading portion in their reading classes and have taught writing using the workshop model.

  6. ELA Block • The current 4th grade class has received instruction through this model in heterogeneously grouped classes. • In order to determine the effectiveness of this model, it must be studied over time to assess student achievement using the Balanced Literacy framework. • Therefore, instituting the ELA block with the incoming class makes sense as they will not need to transition to a new instructional approach for English Language Arts.

  7. Semi-Departmentalized Teaching Schedules • History: 1st proposed in the spring of 2012 for consideration. • Fifth grade teachers have been regarded as elementary generalists. • In Grades 6-8, teachers are considered subject-area specialists. • In a semi-departmentalized schedule, a fifth grade teacher would be responsible for one of the two major content areas, ELA or Math.

  8. Semi-Departmentalized Teaching Schedules • By teaching either ELA or math, teachers could specialize in one of those major content areas. • The quality of the instruction will improve as teachers can narrow their focus. • Professional development could be targeted in that area.

  9. Teacher Schedule ELA Specialist Math Specialist • (8) HR: Alphabetical • (100) ELA/SpBlock • (100) ELA/SpBlock • (36) Social Studies ------------------------------- • 236 Instructional minutes with 3 preps • (8) HR: Alphabetical • (100) Math/Science Block • (100) Math/Science Block • (36) Social Studies -------------------------------- • 236 Instructional minutes with 3 preps

  10. Student Schedule 2013-2014 2014-2015 • (8) HR • (60) Math • (40) Science • (47) Reading • (47) Language Arts/Spelling • (40) Social Studies • (8) HR • (60) Math • (40) Science • (100) ELA & Spelling • (36) Social Studies

  11. In order for a semi-departmentalized schedule to work, there needs to be an even number of fifth grade classes. Current 5th Grade Enrollment: 189 ------------------------ • 7 homeroom sections • Class size: 26-27 • Instructional support in math and reading with an additional teacher added from the Grades 6-8 staff. Current 4th Grade (as 5th grade) Enrollment: 184 ---------------------------- • 8 homeroom sections • Class size: 23 • No additional staffing.

  12. Algebra 1: 2013-2014 (Current) Algebra 1: Accelerated Algebra 1: Advanced • HS Level Algebra 1 Curriculum • HS Level Algebra 1 Course of Study • HS Level Algebra 1 Textbook • Eligibility for HS Math Sequence • HS Level Algebra 1 Curriculum • HS Level Algebra 1 Course of Study • HS Level Algebra 1 Textbook • Eligibility for HS Math Sequence

  13. Algebra 1: 2014-2015 • HS Level Algebra 1 Curriculum • HS Level Algebra 1 Course of Study • HS Level Algebra 1 Textbook • Eligibility for HS Math Programming Sequence • PARCC PBA & EOY Algebra 1 Assessment • Course Title: Algebra 1

  14. Algebra 1: Additional Considerations • More balanced class size for all sections of Algebra. • Highest achieving students will be represented in more sections of non-ability grouped classes since their schedule becomes more flexible with additional Algebra sections. It is expected that this will raise the level of expectations for achievement in all content areas.

  15. Pre-Algebra: Grade 7 • Pre-Algebra is currently taught to Accelerated and Advanced level 7th Grade students. • Same rationale as Algebra 1. Same course of study regardless of the level. Accelerated students are not “above grade level”. Course content is the same as the advanced section. • For 2014-2015, offer Pre-Algebra to high achieving 7th grade students formally designated as accelerated and advanced. This remains a full year course.

  16. Pre-Algebra: Current Program • Pre-Algebra is currently taught to: • 7th Grade Accelerated • 7th Grade Advanced • 8th Grade Average • Pre-Algebra and Algebra are the two single most important math classes offered in the middle school. Student success in math at the secondary level is predicated on a strong foundation in Algebra.

  17. Pre-Algebra:2 Year Sequence • Grade 7 Math (Average Level Offering) • CCSS for Grade 7 • Pre-Algebra (1st half of course) • (Implement in 2014-2015) • Grade 8 Math (Average Level Offering) • Pre-Algebra (2nd half of course) • CCSS for Grade 8 • (Implement in 2015-2016)

  18. Pre-Algebra: 2 Year Sequence • The new curriculum standards in math require the following shifts: • Greater focus on fewer topics • Coherence: Linking topics and thinking across grades • Rigor: Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity

  19. Fact: The standards do accommodate and prepare students for Algebra 1 in 8th grade by including the prerequisites for this course in grades K‐7. Students who master the K‐7 material will be able to take Algebra 1 in 8th grade. At the same time, grade 8 standards also include rigorous algebra and will transition students effectively into a full Algebra 1 course. Common Core State Standards Initiative Myths About Content and Quality: Math

  20. Thank you

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