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BUDGET BRIEFING TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE OVERVIEW OF DEAT PRIORITIES FOR 2003/2004 20 MAY 2003. Vision. “A prosperous and equitable society living in harmony with our natural resources”. Mission.
Vision “A prosperous and equitable society living in harmony with our natural resources”
Mission To lead sustainable development of our environment and tourism for a better life for all through: • Creating conditions for sustainable tourism growth and development • Promoting the sustainable development and conservation of our natural resources • Protecting and improving the quality and safety of the environment • Promoting a global sustainable development agenda • Transformation
ACHIEVEMENTS – HIGHLIGHTS 2002/2003 • World Summit on Sustainable Development • Transformation in fishing industry • New rights allocation process (2240 quotas in 21 fisheries) • 4x4 Regulations • Patrol vessels tender and building commenced • Approved Destination Status with China • 20% growth in overseas tourist arrivals for 2001-2002
ACHIEVEMENTS – HIGHLIGHTS 2002/2003 • Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park launched • Negotiation for once off sale of ivory stock pile • Translocated game to Mozambique (1041) • Published the Protected Areas Bill, Biodiversity Bill, NEMA Amendments (Chapters 5 and 9A) for public comment • Plastic Bag regulations drafted
Overview of specific priorities for 2003/2004 • Focus on addressing brown issues (Thor, air quality, implement plastic bag regs, municipal waste, recycling of glass, tyres, Durban South, banning asbestos etc) and build environmental compliance capacity • Consolidate parks expansion and TFCAs, establish new legislative framework for biodiversity and conservation • World Parks Congress
Overview of specific priorities for 2003/2004 (cont) • Roll out focused international tourism marketing campaign, maintain tourism growth • Tour guide training and transformation • WSSD follow-up and promoting SA best practice in promoting sustainable development • Consolidate fishing industry transformation, establish new fisheries and promote compliance and enforcement
Overview of specific priorities for 2003/2004 • Amendment to current organogram to improve service delivery (Branch Quality and Protection and dedicated CD for Regulatory services; COO, new CD: Communication etc) • Internship programme established • Extend poverty relief programme and link community development workers to urban and rural nodes
TOURISM GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT • Implement a tourism growth strategy which aligns government & industry • Create environment for investment, transformation and empowerment • Provide information and monitor trends that require development in tourism • Build a tourism nation • Set standards and assure a world class tourism product
BUSINESS PLAN BUDGET 2003/4 FINANCIAL YEAR • Tourism Management • DDG/CD’s/Admin R1 629m • Chief directorate: Tourism Development • Directorate: Business Development R4 431m • Directorate: Research and Development R1 566 m • Chief Directorate: Tourism Support • Directorate: Intern. & Inter-Gov. Coordination R1 094m • Directorate: Quality Assurance R531m • Total: R9 251m • Transfer Payments • Contribution to SA Tourism: R76 400M • Grant-in-aid: International Tourism Marketing: R220 000m • Total Transfer payments: R296 400m GRAND TOTAL: R305 651m
Promote the conservation and sustainable development of our natural resources • Establish a national system of managing biodiversity and conservation • Ensure that conservation and fishing industries contribute towards the cost of managing the resources • Develop and maintain a natural resource information system for effective monitoring, reporting and dissemination of information • Increase public participation of marginsalised and local people and groups in co-operative management, equitable use and benefit-sharing of natural resources • Reduce the illegal trade in and unsustainable use of natural resources
Protect and improve the quality and safety of the environment • Establish an integrated environmental planning, reporting and decision making system • Improve the air quality in South Africa • Ensure compliance, monitoring and enforcement in pollution and waste • Waste minimization and cleaner production • Co-ordinate South Africa’s climate change and ozone protection strategy
Promote a global sustainable development agenda • Ensure the successful implementation of the WSSD outcomes • Lead SA engagement in the environment and tourism components of NEPAD • Ensure the effective international marketing and branding of South Africa • Develop and implement a strategy for engagement in international agreements and events
Environmental Planning and Coordination • Environmental monitoring and reporting: R 9 067 000 • Environmental impact management: R 9 312 000 • Law reform, planning and conciliation: R 3 220 000 • Sustainable development implementation: R2 841 000 • Environmental capacity building: R 5 600 000
Transformation • Use information technology to improve service delivery • Develop and retain a representative and performing team capable of achieving the goals and objectives of the department • Empower South Africans to participate in environment and tourism through networking, outreach and strategic partnerships • Transformation in marine, biological and meteorological science communities
Transformation (cont) • Promote economic improvement, job creation and poverty eradication • Ensure the practice of good governance within the department • Transformation and BEE in fishing, tourism and conservation sectors