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Congestion in electricity networks causes operational challenges and economic consequences. Learn about technical solutions, economic principles, and international coordination efforts to manage congestion effectively.
What is congestion ? • First of all, congestion is • an operational technical problem : the network can not accommodate all the requested withdrawals and injections, • due to the fact that security criteria must be respected : • N-1 or more, • Voltage.
Technical means to solve a congestion • In the daily operation : • Topological modifications, • Modification of the requested withdrawals and injections (by re-dispatching). • In a longer term : • Modifications of the maintenance plans (for generation plants and for network elements), • Development of new lines (when possible !).
Main economical consequences of a congestion In a competitive markets on both sides of the congestion If in the south, the market is not competitive Low electricity price zone Low electricity price zone Decoupling of markets, Congestion rent = Difference of price * Transmission Capacity Congestion : lack of capacity Need of a strong regulation to reduce market power ! Market power of some power plants High electricity price zone
Two majors different situations • An easy situation : • The congestion is inside a control area, • All technical means can be controlled by one centralized control centre. • A much more difficult situation : • The congestion is at the limit of two (or more) countries, • There is a strong need to co-ordinate control centres and market mechanisms.
Economic principles • The treatment of congestion should respect the following theoretical economic principles: • Efficiency (application of nodal pricing approaches ?), • Limit power markets, • No discrimination. • Practically, any system must be easily understandable by concerned users.
Example of an internal congestion : South-East of France 400 kV line 225 kV line Rhône Valley Boutre Congestion N-1 line Nice Marseilles Toulon
Example of an international congestion : The Alps to Italy Limited Capacity (The Alps) France, Germany, Switzerland : low price Italy : high price
CIGRE C5 objectives • CIGRE SC 5 has formed a dedicated WG to congestion questions with experts coming from many different countries. • A first objective is to have a worldwide state of art of experiences. • A second objective is to classify these experiences according to different situations. • Each time, national and international situations have to be considered.