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Understanding Congestion Management in Electricity Transmission Networks

Congestion in electricity networks causes operational challenges and economic consequences. Learn about technical solutions, economic principles, and international coordination efforts to manage congestion effectively.

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Understanding Congestion Management in Electricity Transmission Networks

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  2. What is congestion ? • First of all, congestion is • an operational technical problem : the network can not accommodate all the requested withdrawals and injections, • due to the fact that security criteria must be respected : • N-1 or more, • Voltage.

  3. Technical means to solve a congestion • In the daily operation : • Topological modifications, • Modification of the requested withdrawals and injections (by re-dispatching). • In a longer term : • Modifications of the maintenance plans (for generation plants and for network elements), • Development of new lines (when possible !).

  4. Main economical consequences of a congestion In a competitive markets on both sides of the congestion If in the south, the market is not competitive Low electricity price zone Low electricity price zone Decoupling of markets, Congestion rent = Difference of price * Transmission Capacity Congestion : lack of capacity Need of a strong regulation to reduce market power ! Market power of some power plants High electricity price zone

  5. Two majors different situations • An easy situation : • The congestion is inside a control area, • All technical means can be controlled by one centralized control centre. • A much more difficult situation : • The congestion is at the limit of two (or more) countries, • There is a strong need to co-ordinate control centres and market mechanisms.

  6. Economic principles • The treatment of congestion should respect the following theoretical economic principles: • Efficiency (application of nodal pricing approaches ?), • Limit power markets, • No discrimination. • Practically, any system must be easily understandable by concerned users.

  7. Example of an internal congestion : South-East of France 400 kV line 225 kV line Rhône Valley Boutre Congestion N-1 line Nice Marseilles Toulon

  8. Example of an international congestion : The Alps to Italy Limited Capacity (The Alps) France, Germany, Switzerland : low price Italy : high price

  9. CIGRE C5 objectives • CIGRE SC 5 has formed a dedicated WG to congestion questions with experts coming from many different countries. • A first objective is to have a worldwide state of art of experiences. • A second objective is to classify these experiences according to different situations. • Each time, national and international situations have to be considered.

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