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SMARTSET Sustainable MARketdriven Terminal Solutions for Efficient freight Transport

SMARTSET develops cost-effective and sustainable solutions to make freight transport in European cities more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly by optimizing the use of freight terminals. This project aims to reduce CO2 emissions, decrease energy consumption, and promote the use of cleaner vehicles through the implementation of innovative business models and incentives. Partners include City of Gothenburg, City of Berlin, City of Rome, and Newcastle University.

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SMARTSET Sustainable MARketdriven Terminal Solutions for Efficient freight Transport

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  1. SMARTSET Sustainable MARketdriven Terminal Solutions for Efficient freight Transport Contract Nr: IEE/12/714/SI2.644747 Duration: 01 May 2013 – 30 April 2016 Slides issued: 07 August 2013 | Updated: 16 January 2015, 10 June 2015

  2. PROJECT SUMMARY • SMARTSET develops and shows how freight transport in European cities and regions can be made more energy-efficient and sustainable by a better use of freight terminals. • SMARTSET provides examples of good practice that can support cities, regions and countries to contribute to the European Union ‘20-20-20‘ targets for reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and improvement in energy-efficiency. • SMARTSET is structured around three core aspects for creating successful and attractive terminals. • SMARTSET is a project, co-funded with around EUR 1.8 million by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union.

  3. BACKGROUND The need for more efficient solutions that lead to less transport kilometres and a more sustainable economic model are key factors of a long-term success in implementing a working model for urban freight transport. By the introduction of electric-powered freight delivery vehicles, SMARTSET greatly contributes to reaching the goal by 2030 on ‘zero-emission urban logistics’. • By implementing low-emissions vehicles for the feeding of cargo, suburban districts of the city centers will be relieved of rom large quantities of emissions. • By implementing an established and effective system for urban freight delivery the number of kilometres driven will be further lowering the possible emissions which may arise from a transition period, where for example CNG powered vehicles are used. www.cyclelogistics.eu

  4. OBJECTIVES, METHOD & APPROACH • SMARTSET aims to • Create cost effective solutions and sustainable business models for combined consolidation and zero-emission distribution of goods. • Demonstrate a model for zero-emission last mile distribution that can be adapted in a number of major, medium sized and small cities in Europe. • Demonstrate the potential of electric-powered distribution vehicles to and within cities. • Develop incentives and restrictions to stimulate consolidated distribution with electric-powered vehicles preserving and improving the quality of distribution services. • Method and approach • 8 application sites will develop sustainable business models for freight distribution and increase the use of clean vehicles, by stimulation through incentives and restrictions. • This approach is unique to SMARTSET and will be tested in both ‘leader’ and ‘follower’ sites. • SMARTSET provides a platform for the transfer of actions and knowledge from leader sites to follower sites, as well as for the exchange of experience.

  5. IMPACTS AND DESIRED OUTPUTS • Reduction of 9,051 tonnes CO2emissions per year • Reduction of 36 GWh energy consumption per year • Reduction of 3,104 tonnes energy consumption per year • Reduction of 50% vehicle kilometers generated from distribution • 5 terminals operating on market based conditions during the project period • 8 business models for terminal schemes covering different geographical sites • 3 business models for terminal schemes envisaged to be set up after the project period

  6. KEY BENEFITS OF SMARTSET Showcasing new solutions for improving the attractiveness of terminals! Reducing the energy impact of freight transport in the sites! Incentives and restrictions for consolidated distribution with electric vehicles! Demonstrating a model for zero-emission last mile distribution! Cost effective solution and sustainable business models! Shift to more energy-efficient modes for longer distance transport! Uptake of cleaner and energy-efficient vehicles for the last mile delivery! Demonstrating the potential of electric-powered distribution vehicles!

  7. PARTNERSHIP SMARTSET is a consortium by and for practitioners. Coordinated by the City of Gothenburg, the project is comprised of organisations that are directly working with terminals and freight distribution. City of Gothenburg, SE (coordinator) City of Berlin, DE City of Forlì, IT City of Graz, AT City of Rome, IT City of Sundsvall, SE FGM-AMOR – Austrian Mobility Research, AT Gruppo CLAS, IT Interporto Padova, IT Newcastle University, UK Rome Mobility Agency, IT Technical University Wildau, DE Trafikverket, SE Trivector Traffic AB, SE

  8. CONTACT Publisher: SMARTSET - Sustainable MARketdriven Terminal Solutions for Efficient freight Transport Contract N°: IEE/12/714/SI2.644747 Concept | Design: City of Gothenburg and Austrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMOR, August 2013, resp. January 2015 and June 2015 Photos: All photos are provided by the SMARTSET project partnership (unless otherwise noted) and approved for reproduction in this presentation. The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Project Coordinator City of Gothenburg | SWEDEN | www.goteborg.com Ms Michelle COLDREY Urban Transport Administration Box 2403 | 403 16 Gothenburg | SWEDEN michelle.coldrey@trafikkontoret.goteborg.seor contact@smartset-project.eu www.smartset-project.eu

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