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Source control of priority substances in Europe EU-project within the sixth framework program

Source control of priority substances in Europe EU-project within the sixth framework program John Munthe IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute www.socopse.se. Source control of priority substances in Europe EU-project FP6-2005-global-4, Topic II 3.1 2006-2009. Overall objective

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Source control of priority substances in Europe EU-project within the sixth framework program

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  1. Source control of priority substances in EuropeEU-project within the sixth framework program John Munthe IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute www.socopse.se

  2. Source control of priority substances in EuropeEU-project FP6-2005-global-4, Topic II 3.12006-2009 Overall objective to provide guidelines and a decision support system tools for the implementation of the WFD with regard to selected priority substances

  3. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd (IVL), Sweden Nederlands Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO), The Netherlands Institut National de l´Environment Industriel et des Risques (INERIS), France Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifi cas (CSIC), Spain Norsk institutt for luftforskning (NILU), Norway Instityt Ekologii Terenow Uprzemyslowionych (IETU/Envitech), Poland Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finland Vyskumny Ustav Vodneho Hospodarstva (WRI), Slovakia Kiwa N.V. Netherlands University of Southampton, School of Civil Engineering & the Environment (SOTON), United Kingdom Environmental Institute (EI), Slovakia Participating organisations

  4. product wastewater air Primary Producer A Application 1 Soil Conversion Secondary Producer B Application 2 Adsorption Secondary Producer C Application 3 Bio- accumulation WWTP Diffuse releases Production chain End use Aqueous Environment Pathways of priority substances Industry, application and release patterns

  5. WP 2 Material Flow Analyses SAG WP 6 Dissemination and stakeholder interactions WP 3 Management, Technologies WP 4 Decision Support System WP 1 Coordination WP 5 Case Studies Final evaluation and report Project organisation

  6. Work flow Material flow analysis European scale Draft Decision Support System Substance reports Control technologies Case studies Final Decision Support System Final Report and Synthesis Web site DSS, synthesis

  7. WP 2: Material Flow Analyses • LeaderNILU:Norwegian Institute for Air Research • Objective: • To describe the main flow paths and releases of Priority Pollutants in European water • Major outcomes: • Material flow and emission inventories for selected substances on European scale. • Database tool for source identification and emission calculations at regional scale

  8. 4.5 Chlor alkali, 120 4.0 Export 1.6 Dental amalgam, 70 3.0 1.7 Measuring&control 26 14.5 Air Hg as Product 302 tonnes 77.9 Electrical control & switching 25 1.7 2.5 SFA Mercury Europe Preliminary results 1.6 Lighting, 21 6 55 1.7 50 Batteries, 15 7 1.7 Other uses 25 Water Export 6 20.0 Power Plants, 42 21.0 10 1 ? Residential Comb. 17 13.4 1 Land 160 Non-Ferrous Metals 9.0 Hg as By-product tonnes 21.3 Cement , 25 1 5.1 Pig&Iron , 8 Export 6 Pacyna -NILU 8.1 Waste Disposal 100 6 ? 50 Other Sources

  9. Emissions database

  10. WP 3: Inventory and assessment of existing and emerging techniques for emission reduction at the source • Leader: INERIS - Institute National de l`Environnement Industriel et des risques • Objectives • To collect and assess the options for emission reductions of Priority Pollutants by: • Process modifications, substitution of the Priority Pollutants in the various/distinguishable applications • Available and emerging techniques for water treatment and/or product recovery

  11. SRs : Substance Reports ERS : Emission Reduction Strategy Work of WP3 Work of other WP Main steps WP2 first clues Biblio review Questionnaires Surveys 1st Draft SRs Workshops 2nd Draft SRs WP5 case studies • Final SRs • ERS Reduction strategy

  12. WP 3: Inventory and assessment of existing and emerging techniques for emission reduction at the source Leader: INERIS - Institute National de l`Environnement Industriel et des risques Major outcome: Substance Reports (full detail information of source control options and identified emission control techniques) and Fact Sheets (operational summaries )

  13. WP 4: Decision support system (DSS) for source control of priority substances • Leader: TNO, the Netherlands Organisations for Applied Scientific Research • Objective • to develop a DSS including supporting tools for management of PS in order to asses the effectiveness and (secondary) impacts of various measures or combinations of measure and make the right selection of measures

  14. WP 4: DSS (2) • Leader: TNO, the Netherlands Organisations for Applied Scientific Research • The DSS will primarily be developed for authorities to make plans for the control of the PS at both European and national or river basin level • The DSS will be formed by a Societal Cost Benefit Analyses, SCBA, supported by knowledge bases and tools for analyses and determination of effect

  15. Step by step guidelines (handbook) for implementation of WFD on PPs Web based DSS + information handling (databases and reports)

  16. WP 4: DSS (2) • Leader: TNO, the Netherlands Organisations for Applied Scientific Research • Major outcome: • Handbook version of the DSS (print version) + Annexes • Web version with additional links to Emissions database, control options database

  17. WP 5: Case studies • Leader: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute • Objective: • To evaluate the decision support tool by applying it to 4 case studies in different geographical regions and to integrate results and experiences to European scale

  18. Case studies • Four case studies representing different geographical • regions of Europe will be carried out. • West (the MAAS) TNO/KIWA • North (Baltic Sea catchment) SYKE/IETU • Central (Danube catchment) WRI/EI • South (Ter/Llobregat river basins) CSIC

  19. Finland Vantaa River • Substances • PAH • PBDE • Nonylphenol • DEHP • TBT (TPhT) Catchment area 1 686 km2 Population of 1 milj. inhabitants Agriculture (24 % cultivated) Industry (dairy, food, metal, paint, detergent) Drinking water source (emergency) to Helsinki Metropolitan area Irrigation source Recreation object Cultural scenery and objects

  20. Substances • Mercury • PAH • Cadmium Kłodnica River http://www.ietu.katowice.pl/klodnica/index.htm Catchment area 1125,8 km² (Odra river basin) Population of 1 mln. inhabitants (Upper Silesia region) Agriculture (40 % cultivated) Industry (coal mining, energy sector, metallurgy, metal production, mechanical sector, chemical industry) Functions: receptor for anthropogenic water, water retention, recreation and source of water for industry

  21. Meuse characteristics • Length: 905 km; Dh: 384 m • From Pouilly-en-Bassigny (Fr) through the Ardennes (Be) to the North Sea (NL) • Catchment area: 34.500 km2 • Population: 8.8 million • Five Countries: Fr, Lu, Be, D, NL • Source of water for drinking water production, agriculture, industry PBDE, Hg, Cd, PAH, Pesticides

  22. Spain Substances PBDE Nonylphenol Pesticides Ter and Llobregat Rivers supplies 55 and 45 % of drinking water to Barcelona and surroundings.

  23. Upcoming events and reports • Reports on material flow analysis and emissions (late 2007) • Workshops on emission control measures

  24. Upcoming activities – WP3 workshops on emission control • HCB, isoproturon, atrazine, 25 October 2007, Paris, FR • PAH, Cd, Hg, 29 November 2007, Katowice, PL • Nonylphenol, TBT, DEPH, PBDE, 14 February 2008, Nieuwegein, NL • Aim of workshops: • to present/discuss/update preliminarycompilations of emission control methods and associated costs with industry, scientists, stakeholders......

  25. Contacts www.socopse.se John Munthe IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Gothenburg, Sweden john.munthe@ivl.se

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