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EU, SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME. EU funded Project: Partner: INTERGEO Environmental Technology Ltd.- Greece Presentation: Apostolos Karteris Dr.Env.Engineer WPO4: Water Technologies. Regional Workshop,Qwara, MALTA, 28-29 May 2007.
EU, SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME EU funded Project: Partner: INTERGEO Environmental Technology Ltd.- Greece Presentation: Apostolos Karteris Dr.Env.Engineer WPO4: Water Technologies Regional Workshop,Qwara, MALTA, 28-29 May 2007
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • PRESENTATION • Objectives – Goal of WP04 • Water Technoeconomic Database • Development Methodology • Description • 3. Water Technoeconomic Database • future utilization
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO OVERALL OBJECTIVE To establish strategies for optimization of water demand-supply-management for each CASE STUDY as a major part of the multi-objective optimization approach of the OPTIMA.
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO TASK of WP04 to focus on • Driving forces:Human influences and activities that when combined • with environmental conditions underpin environmental change • Pressures:Pressures exerted on resources and • ecosystems from human activities • State:Condition of resource and ecosystem • Impacts:Results of pressures on the current • state • Responses:Policies,engineering solutions, • programs, etc
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • CONCEPT • Propose a list of water technologies-(generic+case study) - DYNAMIC • Database describes • alternative water technologies/solutions/policies etc, • their costs and efficiencies • 3. Demand and supply nodes in WaterWare • will incorporate the • database parameters for the optimization
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Water Technoeconomic Database Development Methodology
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • WATER TECHNOLOGIES MAJOR CLASSES • STRUCTURES: Basic Node structures in WaterWare • DEMAND MANAGEMENT: a technology that can satisfy the same useful demand with less water • 3. SUPPLY MANAGEMENT: this basically includes all technologies that reduce water losses • 4. ALTERNATIVE ALLOCATION: not directly be associated with a specific water technology: it simply modifies the rules of water allocation to different users, e.g., reservoir release rules, diversion rules and priorities. • 5. QUALITY MANAGEMENT:
Issues Considered before DB Development • Resource Identification and Quantification • Existing Exploitation Strategies C. Management & Economics Issues D. Existing Environmental Stress E. Access to water and Conflict in Demand F. Water Technology Alternatives Indicators
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues considered A. Resource Identification and Quantification (i) Conventional • Rivers, streams, springs, lakes • Groundwater (shallow and deep) (ii) Non-Conventional • Sea desalination • Roof water harvesting
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues considered B. Existing Exploitation Strategiesof CASE STUDY (i). Dams, Weirs (ii). Reservoirs (iii). Boreholes (iv). Treatment Plants (v). Distribution Systems etc
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues considered C. Water Management & Economics Issues (i). Demand-Side Management Water Conservation Techniques • domestic wastewater reuse (non-potable uses) • irrigation water reuse, drip irrigation • industrial water recycling and reuse • domestic water conservation technologies
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues to Consider C. Management & Economics • (ii). Supply-Side management
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues to Consider (ii). Supply-Side management practices • conjunctive water use • elimination of fresh water release into sea • aquifer recharge and management framework • reservoir management / evaporation prevention • distribution network management • rainfall harvesting • desalination • surface/Groundwater abstraction control • surface/groundwater risk assessment etc……..
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues to Consider (iii). Cost recovery issues • cost build-up (investment, O & M, design, permitting, land use costs,….etc.) • tariffs and charges • billing and bills collection (iv). Legal and financial mechanisms for sustainability
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues to Consider D. Existing Environmental Stress • Stream flow changes • Groundwater Overexploitation • Water quality and land degradation • Downstream impacts of dams and reservoirs etc….
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues to Consider E. Access to water and Conflict in Demand • Domestic user groups (urban, peri-urban, rural) • Agricultural users • Industrial users • Recreation uses • Navigational uses • Ecological/environmental advocate groups
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Issues to Consider 5. Water Technology Alternatives Efficiency Indicators (i). Performance • Water supply increase or water demand reduction (ii). Cost • Affordable investment and service costs (iii). Reliability • Life time (……) ………etc
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • DATA BASE DEVELOPMENT STEPS FOLLOWED • Set up an on-line data base that can be used through the OPTIMA web. • Identify the numerous water management technologies, techniques or methods. (Bibliography and texts/Reports etc) • Start with a subset proposition about the DB structure, fields, templates AND parameter list • Develop few COMPLETE examples as a start.
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • DATA BASE DEVELOPMENT STEPS FOLLOWED • 5. Come into final agreement of TEMPLATES with model requirements. • 6. Allow case study partners, that will eventually utilize the database, to enter some case specific data to the examples provided • 7. Get feedback response by case study users. • 8. Filling up the water technology database – DYAMIC - for each particular case study needs and requirements. • 9. Model utilization by case study users, running different water technology optimization scenario schemes, performance evaluation, database corrections.
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Water Technoeconomic Database Description
DATA BASE DEVELOPMENT STEP 1 1. Set up an on-line data base that can be used through the OPTIMA web.
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • DATA BASE LIST • TOTAL TECHS introduced in the db 92 • 2. 46 GENERIC water techs • 3. 46 CASE STUDY SPECIFIC water techs
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Introduced list of generic water techs a.SUPPLY TECHNOLOGIES Desalination (Distillation) -Desalination (Membrane) -Protected springs -Pumps powered by non-conventional energy sources
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Introduced list of GENERIC water techs b. DEMAND TECHNOLOGIES DIstribution -Channel lining (Compacted earth) -Channel lining (Concrete) -Channel lining (Geomembrane) -Channel lining (Shotcrete) -Channel piping (Concrete) -Channel lining (PVC) -Pipe leakage control Agriculture -Irrigation technologies (Drip) -Irrigation technologies (Subsurface) Domestic-Tourism -Urban water saving (car wash recycling) -Urban water saving (grey water reuse) -Urban water saving (Landscape-Xeriscape) -Urban water saving (Plumbing fixtures) -Urban water saving (Rainwater harvesting) -Urban water saving (Storm water reuse) c. WATER QUALITY TECHNOLOGIES -Wastewater treatment and reuse (Activated sludge) -Wastewater treatment and reuse (RBC) -Wastewater treatment and reuse (SBRs) -Wastewater treatment and reuse (Stabilization ponds) -Wastewater treatment and reuse (Trickling filters)
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO List of GENERIC water technologies d. WATER STRUCTURES Groundwater -Artificial groundwater recharge -Groundwater development using mechanized deep boreholes -Shallow groundwater development – Dug wells -Shallow groundwater development – Tube wells Others -Permeable rock dams -Subsurface dams -Surface water development (Concrete arch dams) -Surface water development (Concrete buttress dams) -Surface water development (Concrete gravity dams) -Surface water development (Earthtfill dams) -Surface water development (Rockfill dams) -Reservoirs -Reservoir covering (Aluminium) -Reservoir covering (Concrete) -Reservoir covering (Membrane) -Reservoir covering (Steel) -Reservoir lining (Compacted earth) -Reservoir lining (Concrete) -Reservoir lining (Geomembrane)
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO List of CASE STUDY water technologies Case Study: Gediz River, TURKEY Channel lining (pressured pipes) Education of farmers (irrigational) Education of urban water users Urban water saving Channel lining and irrigation technologies Case Study: Litani, River, Tyr, LEBANON Irrigation Canal Awareness Irrigation Campaign Wastewater Treatment Plant Concrete dam Channel lining Irrigation channel lining Pipe leakage control Pipe Network Rehabilitation Case Study: Dhiarizos River, CYPRUS Crop replacement Desalination Farmer training in irrigation efficiency
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO List of CASE STUDY water technologies Case Study: Zarqa River, JORDAN Desalination Inter basin transfer Irrigation Water Management Land use Public awareness for water conservation in agriculture Pipe Network Rehabilitation Case Study: Wadi Zeimar-Alexander River, PALESTINE-ISRAEL Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO List of CASE STUDY water technologies Case Study: Melian River, TUNIS Irrigation technologies (Drip) Irrigation technologies (Sprinkler) Earthfill dams Urban water saving Case Study: Martil River, MOROCCO Channel piping Irrigation technologies (Drip) Irrigation technologies (Sprinkler) Urban Water Saving Pipe leakage control Public Awareness for urban water users Public awareness for water conservation in agriculture Pipe Network Rehabilitation Runoff Harvesting Concrete Dam Wastewater Treatment – Stabilization Ponds
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO NAME of the technology
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • DESCRIPTION • Title • Technology Description (Operation and Maintenance included) • Critical Factors (i.e. those factors that would affect cost, operational efficiency and sustainability) • Sustainability • (i.e. advantages/disadvantages) • Cost Indication (RANGE) • Performance OR Water • Sustainability Contribution • Bibliography • GOAL: • GIVE GUIDANCE • (SUGGESTIONS) TO THE USER • FOR PERFORMANCE • AND COST
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO LOCATION (case study this applies to, OR GENERIC)
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO COST ESTIMATION (annualized investment costs, in Euro) Unit investment cost - EUR Investment reference unit Unit operating cost - EUR Operating cost reference unit Technology Life Time Minimum implementation
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO WATER DEMAND AND LOSSES Demand reduction: % Consumptive use reduction: % Conveyance loss reduction: % Return flow loss reduction: %
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO WATER QUALITY BOD reduction: % Tracer reduction: %
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO Water Technoeconomic Database future utilization
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO • FUTURE USE OF DB 1 • The DB provides a large number of water saving measures that are usually practiced globally • and can successfully get integrated to any WATER MANAGEMENT DSS • OR • Update the generic water technology database unit, with nationally oriented cost adaptive figures, • by any public or private body-authority responsible for water management • OR • as a complete water technology database unit, directly utilized by any public or private body-authority responsible for water management districts, especially in OPTIMA case study partner countries, • Cyprus, Turkey, Palestine-Israel, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco.
OPTIMA - WP 04 - Techno-economic data– INTERGEO FUTURE USE OF DB 2 Finally the specific water technoeconomic database concept may be adopted to other environmental sectors such as renewable energy, pollution abatement etc.