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This presentation outlines the re-registration process for social services beneficiaries, including phases, challenges, benefits, and the new biometric smart payment card. It includes statistics, implementation details, and the purpose of re-registration. Phase 1 focused on new applications and Sekulula beneficiaries, Phase 2 on payments and card swapping, and Phase 3 involves full enrolment of existing beneficiaries. The re-registration process aims to identify fraud, update beneficiary data, and ensure payment system integrity. The SASSA Biometric Smart Payment Card enhances security and verification. Meetings with micro-lenders were held to address deductions issues, and the process involves capturing biometric data for each beneficiary.
PURPOSE The purpose of this presentation is to: • Outline to the Select Committee on Social Services the re-registration process; and • Solicit support for the planned activities for the next phase.
RE-REGISTRATION WHAT IS RE-REGISTRATION? Re-Registration means the biometric registration of all beneficiaries, primary care givers and their children as well as all procurators . • Re-registration does not imply that beneficiaries must re-apply for their social grants. • SASSA is in the process of updating its database of social grant beneficiaries.
Implementation Phase: 1 Phase 1: From 01 March to March 31 2012 • Phase 1 – Preparatory processes • it involved the enrolment of all new applications in all provinces; and re-registration of Sekulula beneficiaries • Enrolment of new applications • 35 431 new applications for social grants were enrolled in 9 Provinces from the 01 March. • These beneficiaries were issued with temprary SASSA payment card. • Registration of Sekulula beneficiaries • Registration of Sekulula beneficiaries commenced on the 01 March 2012 • This are beneficiaries previously paid by Allpay where a special arrangement was made to pay them through ABSA bank. • At least 820 330 beneficiaries were re-registered by end of March 2012. • Those who could not register are still encouraged to visit their closest SASSA office or pay-point • Arrangements were made to pay unregistered beneficiaries through their old cards
Implementation Phase: 2 Phase 2: From 01 April – May 2012 • Phase 2 commenced on the 01 April until end of May 2012. • Payments of all beneficiaries and swapping of old cards for cash beneficiaries • During this phase, all beneficiaries will receive their payments at the places where they normally receive their payments. • Cash Beneficiaries will continue at their designated pay-points . More than 96% of the cash beneficiaries were paid by the 20 April 2012. • Banked beneficiaries will receive all their payments in their bank accounts and they will be able to make withdrawals at banks, or ATMs or point of sale. 99% of banked beneficiaries have been paid already.
Challenges : Phase 1 and 2 • Deductions on social grants; • Network; • Malfunctioning of equipment; • Overcrowding at pay points; and • Late payments.
DEDUCTIONS • CEO of SASSA met with micro lenders and insurance customer service companies to engage and consult with them on 15 May 2012; • A feedback meeting was held on 29 May 2012 with micro lending companies; and • A follow up meeting will be held with all other regulatory bodies: National Treasury, South African Reserve Bank, Financial Services Board and the National Credit Regulator in order to reach an amicable solution.
Implementation Phase: 3 • Phase 3: 01 June to 31 December 2012 • Full enrolment of all existing beneficiaries, including banked beneficiaries and children; • SASSA will conduct home visits for beneficiaries over 75 years of age, frail, bedridden beneficiaries and those beneficiaries who are in institutions ; • All beneficiaries will be issued with SASSA branded biometric smart card that is endorsed by MasterCard.
NEW PAYMENT SYSTEM • The new payment system requires all beneficiaries to be biometrically registered through 10 finger prints, voice prints and a photograph. • Once beneficiaries biometric prints are captured onto the system, a one-to-many match will be done on the system to verify the existence of any other matching biometric prints of the beneficiary/children. • If no match is detected the beneficiary will be biometrically registered to receive a social grant. • If a matching record is discovered, an investigation will be conducted to determine whether the record is a duplicate or fraudulent.
BENEFITS OF RE-REGISTRATION • Identification of fraudulent beneficiaries; • Eradication of Duplications; • Updating latest and more reliable beneficiary’s personal data; • Creation of an electronic national centralized database of all beneficiaries of social assistance; • Comparison of data with other data sets such as HANIS; PERSAL; LABOUR; GEPF; and • Ensure the integrity of the payment system. • Written permission from beneficiary's to effect deductions • Education awareness to beneficiaries on deductions • Risk plan
SASSA BIOMETRIC SMART PAYMENT CARD The SASSA Smart Payment Card comprises of an embedded chip that contains the beneficiaries/procurators biometric information This technology delivers “proof of life” certification, namely, that the beneficiary is indeed alive when the grant is activated. The smart card issued will include a Unique Electronic Payment System (U.E.P.S.) application module which will: • Ensure accessibility and interoperability with all mobile and fixed pay points; • Ensure the identification of cardholders; • Ensure the generation of the certificated proof of the amount of the payments made; and • Provide the fundamental framework required to perform periodic “Proof of Life” validation to eliminate payments to be made to deceased individuals.
BENEFITS OF THE SMART PAYMENT CARD • Once the identification step has been performed, a digital certificate is generated by the smart card as a proof of payment and to confirm the amount credited. • Provides a proof of life certificate by means of voice recognition that can be accessed from any phone system available, including fixed line, mobile or public. • Beneficiaries’ voice prints are collected during the registration process and stored for future reference.
BENEFITS OF THE SMART PAYMENT CARD .. Cont Beneficiaries will be able to access their grants anywhere in the country; At fixed or mobile pay points; At ATM’s where normal bank charges will be applicable At over 1400 merchant outlets throughout the country at no cost; and Beneficiaries are not forced to purchase any goods from merchants as they are entitled to receive full cash back.
COMMENCEMENT OF RE-REGISTRATION • Re-registration will commence as from 1 June 2012 to 15 December 2012 only for cash beneficiaries. • Banked beneficiaries will commence after cash beneficiaries have been re-registered.
REQUIREMENTS FROM BENEFICARIES • Valid RSA Identity document; • Child birth certificate; and • Alternate Identity Document. (letter of award for 7777 numbers) • Court Order (optional for FCG) • Old pension card to be surrendered
Re-registration process PROCESS: The beneficiary will be required to submit the following personal information: • Name; • Address; • Contact numbers; • Cell; • Landline; and • Alternate contact numbers.
Re-registration process…cont Biometric information: • 10 finger prints will be taken; • Voice print for Banked beneficiaries, and • A photograph.
Re-registration process…cont • A one-too-many match will be done to check for. If there are no duplications, beneficiary will be issued with a permanent SASSA biometric smart payment card; and • If a match is found beneficiary will be informed and will not be registered. The issue will be flagged and will be referred for investigations.
Re-registration process…cont BANKED BENEFICARIES (ACB) • Beneficiaries wishing to still receive their grants from commercial banks must during re-registration process state this to the registration officer to enable their grants to be transferred on a monthly basis after voice recognition. PROCURATOR • Beneficiary together with the procurator must be registered. Home visits will be conducted, on request, where the beneficiary and procurator must be present. CHILD SUPPORT GRANTS • The care-giver with the child/ren must be registered. Scholars will be done after school hours. Non- scholars will be done during normal working hours and over week-ends. Foster are required to register with their children.
Re-registration process…cont FRAIL, BED-RIDDEN AND 75 YEAR OLDs • Home visits will be done for frail, bedridden and 75 year olds’. A dedicated toll free number will be available for these beneficiaries to call. CARE DEPENDENCY GRANTS • Home visits will be done on requests . BENEFICARIES RESIDENT AT INSTITUTIONS • Mobile teams will be deployed to institutions to verify the existence of the beneficiaries.
RECOMMENDATIONS • It is recommended that the Select Committee on Social Services: • Note and support the planned activities for the next phase; and • Assist SASSA in communicating with beneficiaries to • Encourage beneficiaries to present themselves for re-registration process