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Electronics for High Energy Physics Experiments

Learn about the DDL data generator and ACORDE electronics in high-energy physics experiments. Explore current projects and implementation details. Achievements in DAQ software testing and ACORDE system functionalities.

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Electronics for High Energy Physics Experiments

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  1. Electronics for High Energy Physics Experiments Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  2. Current Projects • DDL data generator • ACORDE electronics • FEE of the muon Telescope for the Pierre Auger Observatory Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  3. DDL Data Generator (DDG) Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  4. DDG The ALICE DAQ system required an autonomous data source in order to test and commission the DAQ during the installation at the experimental area. This gave the possibility of testing the DAQ standalone before using it to test and commission detectors. This data generator emulates an ALICE detector as closely as reasonably possible. This device send data to the DAQ system. Its interface with the DAQ is the DDL as for any detector. This data generator is able to receive and decode the information coming from the ALICE trigger system and initiate the transfer of data upon reception of a trigger Level 2A. The TTCrx chip is used as standard interface to the trigger. Also, the data generator is able to emulate the trigger system. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  5. ALICE Data-Acquisition architecture DDG Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  6. Implementation • The DDG generates data using data produced in the ALICE event production. These data is allocated in the RAM memory of a PC. • To generate the Data Header the DDG decode the trigger messages coming from the TTC partition. The Data header and the Data are transmitted to the DAQ system through the DDL. • To emulate completely an ALICE detector the DDG produces a BUSY signal; the duration of this signal is programmable in 12 steps, from 1ms to 100ms. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  7. Implementation (Continue) • The DDG is able to emulate the trigger system; to do this, words of 16 bits are stored in the PC RAM memory, containing enough information to produce the trigger messages. These messages are used to generate the Data Header. • The DDG has an input signal to indicate if must work with the real trigger system or with the trigger system emulator. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  8. Implementation (Continue) The DDG uses 3 cards. • The D-RORC card controls the flow of the data to be sent to the DAQ system through the DDL. • A daughter card is used to decode the trigger messages coming from the TTC partition. Also, this card includes a TTCrx emulator, a Data Header Generator and a BUSY signal generator. • A TTCrx mezzanine card was used to receive the optical link coming from the TTCex card, part of the TTC partition. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  9. DDG block diagram Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  10. Cards Cards assembled Busy connectors L0 connectors FPGA 1 FPGA 2 SIU TTCrx chip SIU Optical connector Connectors to plug in the daughter card Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  11. Data Challenge Achievements Standalone tests of the DAQ software have been conducted continuously during its development, sometimes by emulating the outside components not yet available. This procedure allowed validating the behavior and performances of the whole chain of DATE processes and data flow. In particular, this task was achieved during the various data challenges performed at CERN to measure the sustained event building rate and writing speed to permanent data storage Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  12. ACORDE Electronics Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  13. ACORDE Electronics • The first stage of ACORDE consist of an array of 60 modules placed on the top sides of the ALICE magnet. Each module consists of two superimposed scintillators counters with 1.88x0.2m^2 effective area. • ACORDE electronics generates the single muon trigger (This system will be used to calibrate the TPC and other detectors). • Generate the multi-coincidence muon trigger (This system will be used to perform cosmic ray studies). • Provide the wakeup signal to the TRD. • Must have a calibration system to perform periodical test on ACORDE. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  14. Requirements to generate the single and the multi-coincidence muon trigger • It will be able to scan up to 120 channels of ACORDE in synchronization with the LHC clock signal. • Produces a coincidence between two overlapped plastic scintillator counters. • Generates a trigger signal when atmospheric muons impinge upon ACORDE. • The time of the electronics to generate the trigger signal is about 100ns. • It will be able to provide the tracking information (spatial location of the scintillator fired). • The system will have one memory to storage the tracking information. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  15. Requirements to generate the single and the multi-coincidence muon trigger (Continue) • ACORDE should recover the LHC clock and decode the trigger messages coming from the Central Trigger Processor through the TTC partition. • It will generate the Data Header to send the tracking information through the DAQ system. • The voltage threshold will be fixed. • The multi-coincidence number will be set remotely. • The system should have a FEE interface to be able to communicate with the DAQ’s Source Interface Unit (SIU).We will use this SIU to have access to the bidirectional Detector Data Link (DDL). Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  16. Requirements of the calibration system • Must be able to receive a start signal remotely. This signal will produce that the calibration system runs the performance test on ACORDE. • The ACORDE system could have one counter per channel to perform the test. The counters should operate during some time after receiving the calibration signal. • The system must send the counters data to the ALICE DAQ system. • To send data to the DAQ system we should use a FEE interface to be able to communicate with the DAQ’s Source Interface Unit (SIU). Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  17. Block diagram Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  18. Data Header Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  19. Last modifications • ACORDE has now 143 configuration bits distributed in 9 parameters. They can be set through the DAQ system. • ACORDE can read 70 parameters (983 bits) through the DAQ system. • The four LO trigger and ML0 modes has been included. • The BUSY signal and the ACORDE calibration system has been instrumented. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  20. BUSY signal generation Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  21. Controls words (DAQ) Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  22. Status words (DAQ) Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  23. DATE and Trigger software Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  24. ACORDE modules in the Cavern Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  25. ACORDE modules on the Magnet Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  26. ACORDE electronics in the Cavern ACORDE electronics ALICE trigger Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  27. Test results • The L0 and ML0 trigger modes have been tested successfully. • Data header generation is being correctly. • The difference between minieventID and eventID is constant or cero. • The BUSY signal generation allows complete trigger sequences. • The electronics is installed in the cavern and has been integrated to ACORDE modules, the DAQ and trigger systems. • The calibration system works correctly. • Now ACORDE is taking data. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  28. First results Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  29. FEE of the muon Telescope for the Pierre Auger Observatory(BATATA) Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  30. Introduction BATATA (Buried Array Telescope at Auger) is an instrument to measure the electromagnetic contamination of the muon component and it is built using three XY layers of scintillator bars and shit fibers. Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  31. 200 m. 200 m. BATATA Experimental array L0 Layer xy a 3 xy layers with optical fibers buried close to the Auger tanks 0.5m 1.5 ns. Layer xy b L1 L0 7.5 ns. Data storage time Layer xy c 2.5 m 2ms L0 100ms t L1 L0 Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  32. Layers of optical fibers 50 optical fibers are coupled to a 64 channel fotomultiplier, one PMT by layer. Layer y Layer x Layer xy Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  33. Multi-anode photomultiplier H7546B HAMAMATSU Specifications: Spectral Response:300nm to 650nm Wavelength of maximum Response: 420nm Cathode Sensitivity 80 A/lm Anode Pulse Rise Time : 1ns Photocathode-Minimum effective Area: 18.1x18.1 mm Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007 Lab.Dec. ICN-UNAM

  34. Front End Electronics AD8009 MAX9201 SN55LVDS31 1 2 OUT OUT IN 1A PMT H7564B 1Y 3 Differential connector G=10 1Z Amplifier discriminator G 64 G DAC-TLC7226C VDD CMOS-LVDS Line drivers DB0 DB7 C O N E C T O R OUT A Voltage Threshold OUT B WR OUT C A0 A1 OUT D REF Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  35. FEE PCB LVDs line drivers DACs Discriminators Amplifiers HV 18.5cm 31 cm Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  36. 3D view of the FEE PCB Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

  37. Thank you Sergio Vergara Limon, Guy Fest, September 2007

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