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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN BUSINESS. Course Preface. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN BUSINESS. Instructor in Charge Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud Senior Lecturer in MIS Department of Business Administration Manarat International University. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN BUSINESS. Contact details:
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN BUSINESS Instructor in Charge Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud Senior Lecturer in MIS Department of Business Administration Manarat International University
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN BUSINESS Contact details: emrul151@yahoo.com emahmud@manarat.ac.bd Cell: 01718150263
Introduction& Overview • Introduction of the Class • Course Introduction • Few Words on Lecture Notes • Introduction to Lecture Methodology
Introduce yourself • Your name • Academic background • Where you are from, where you have studied • Your target/ Goal/ Objective. • Something unusual/unique/special/humorous about yourself
The Course • Code and Title: • Bus-402 Computer Applications in Business • Prerequisites: Introduction to Computer.
Why bother? • Why should you, as a business student, care about computer?
Course Objectives • This course is designed to expose the students of BBA to the use and applications of computer in different functional areas of business. Emphasis is placed on skill development in using technology to perform advanced information processing.
Course Objectives Continued To accomplish the objectives outlined above, the course consists of the following three components: • Using Microsoft Excel 2007 in Business(Spreadsheet Analysis); • Using Microsoft Access 2007 in Business(Database Management); • Using SPSS
COURSE COMPONENTS Microsoft Excel Component: Building upon the skills attained in previous time, this component will cover basic, intermediate and advanced, spreadsheet concepts and skills using Microsoft Excel, with particular emphasis on applying spreadsheet techniques and skills in business environment.
Microsoft Access Component: Building upon the skills attained in previous time, this component will cover basic, intermediate, and advanced database management system concepts and skills for use in business, including the design of custom reports, custom screen forms, queries, and mailing labels.
SPSS Component: SPSS component will cover basic & intermediate skills of statistical tools using in business. This component includes usual statistical tools that are used for business research.
Technology Requirements Participation in this course will require the basic technology: A computer with reliable Internet access, A web browser, Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, SPSS
Grading & Marks Distribution Grading will be measured according to the guidelines of the MIU BBA program as outlined in the BBA program bulletin. It will be based on homework assignments, exams and class participation. Though final grade will be calculated according to MIU outlined standard, I will evaluate your performance on the basis of following distribution.
Attendance Policy The students will get 10 marks at the first class of overall 24 classes. Each class contains 10/24=.417 mark. As 50% attendances is the minimum requirement for the course that’s why each absent will reduce student’s marks by 10/12=.833. That means if any student absent 50% of the class will get 0 marks, and the student whose attendance is below 50% will get negative marks. Besides the deduction policy, there is 2 bonus marks for the students who have above 90% attendance.
Home work assignments There are10 homework assignments in total, with more details about each assignment will be given in the site address. All assignments are mandatory and will count toward your final grade.
Report The course contains a project work or report. The guidelines about the project paper will be provided to the Site address prior to the project paper submission.
Discussion & Presentation Each student has to select a topic from the site http://www.inc.com/technologyand present that topic for class discussion. Beside this, students have to present the project paper findings. The students who will participate in the class discussion will get bonus marks.
Class Test & Class Participation The course entitles two class tests, contains 5 marks each. One class test will be held before the midterm examination and the other one will be held on before the final examination.
Exams The course entitles one mid-term and one final exam. The final exam will emphasize material covered after the mid-term. Absences from the final exam will be entertained only in cases of emergencies. The instructor must be notified before the exam if you will be unable to take it and will require documented proof. In such cases, a make-up exam will be rescheduled.
Few Words on Lecture Notes The students have to registrar in the site- http://emrulmahmud.weebly.com From the site students can download the lecture notes.
Lesson…… To Educe means to bring out a potential existence. Education, therefore, is a process of intellectual growth. A student must be curious, open-minded, reflective, strategic, skeptical, and must learn for deep understanding. It is therefore, my cardinal duty as an educator to provide the conditions in which my students can learn to become what they want to be.
Lesson…… Formal education must teach you how to think. The hard facts you learn are secondary to that. Education is not how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It is being able to differentiate between what you know and what you do not.
Lesson…… The big thing you take away from institution is how to induct and deduct in a constructive way. The object of education is to prepare the students to educate themselves throughout their lives.
Lesson…… Critical thinking, self-examination, and the questioning of assumptions are all widely genuflected to as part of any good education. I do provide such an environment and strive to make critical and protracted thinking plausible for my students. This means that students are active participants of creating knowledge and developing skills rather than passive recipients of information.
Lesson…… Students appreciate a teacher who gives them something to take home to think about besides homework. One often forgets what one was taught. However, one only can make use of what one has learnt.
Lesson…… All the interest of education should come together to make students responsible decision makers. My highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who, of themselves, are able to give purpose and direction to their lives. It is the ability to decide for yourself and the responsibility for making a self for yourself; the educator is merely a mid-wife in this process.
Questions • What do you think will happen? • What do you think should happen? • How will these things affect business?