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Elements and Principles

Gain insight into the basic building blocks of art and how to apply them to create visually compelling compositions using text and images.

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Elements and Principles

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  1. Elements andPrinciples of Art &Design –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

  2. LearningGoals • Today, Iwill… • Gainan understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design • Apply my understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design using text & images

  3. The Elements &Principles • Elements • The basic buildingblocks; • The things inside, that make up a piece ofart • Most art will contain severalof the elements • (Think of as theingredients) • Principles • What we do with the building blocks(elements) • (Think of as your chef’s technique and preparation of adish)

  4. Elements of Art &Design ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The basic building blocks (ingredients) of acomposition.

  5. Line • Directs the eye – horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curvy, zig-zag,etc. • Has greater length thanwidth • Can be a mark made by a moving point • Can be actualobvious lines or implied like borders or edges ofshapes

  6. Shape & Form • A containedarea. • Can be GEOMETRIC (man-made) ex. Square, triangle, circle,etc. • Can be ORGANIC (natural) ex. Leaves, humans, puddles,etc. • Used to create a sense of space andsubstance.

  7. Shape/Form • Shape • Shapes are 2-Dimensional and flat; created when a line is enclosed • No highlights / shadows • Can be measured in widthx • Height • For example, acircle • Form • Form encloses volume; 3-Dimensional • highlights / shadows • Can be measured inwidth • x height xdepth • For example,sphere

  8. Space • The area used or unused in a composition; can contribute to balance within a composition • Use of space can create dimension for the viewer; the area around, within, or between objects/subjects in an image create perspective; positive and negativespace. • Positive space – the area the objects/subject takes up. • Negative space – the area around, under, through and between. • Foreground (closest), Middle ground, and Background(farthest). • Can define importance and lead the eye to focal point.

  9. Value • True black, pure white and all the greysin-between • The darkness or lightness of a color • Can add drama and impact tocomposition

  10. Color • Color can alter the overall mood/ feeling. • Hue (refers to the name; i.e.red) • Saturation (intensity oramount) • Temperature (cool, warm; measured inKelvin) • Related tovalue.

  11. Texture • The appearance of how a surfacefeels • Rough, smooth, bumpy, gooey, sharp,etc. • Adds interest -sense of sight and sense of touchinvolved.

  12. Principles of Art &Design –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

  13. Principles of Art &Design: What you do with/how you arrange the basic building blocks (elements) to create artistic, interesting, more visually powerfulphotographs. Just like elements, photographs can utilize multipleprinciples.

  14. Principles What you do with the basic building blocks(elements) • Emphasis • Balance • Unity • Contrast • Movement • Rhythm • Pattern

  15. Emphasis • Creating a focalpoint • Emphasis in a composition refers to creating points of interest to pull the viewer's eye to important parts of the body of thework

  16. Balance • Balance is the impression of stability or equality in a composition. • Balance is often referred to as symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial.

  17. Unity • Unity is achieved when the components of a work of art are perceived as harmonious, giving the work a sense ofcompletion • How things are linked, similar, common - when all the parts equal awhole.

  18. Contrast • Contrast refers to the opposites in the composition. • You can achieve contrast by using different shapes, textures, colors and values in yourwork. • For example, something light against something dark, rough against smooth textures,etc.

  19. Movement • Movement refers to the suggestion of motion through the use of variouselements. • The way elements are arranged to lead the eye to or from the focalarea.

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