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Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies ( FTSMAS )

Discover the Faculty focusing on Turkish language, culture, and geopolitics at NKUA. Explore the unique curriculum and career opportunities available in Turkish Studies.

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Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies ( FTSMAS )

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  1. School of Economic and Political Sciences Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS) http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/

  2. Faculty Profile – Introduction(1) The Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, is a newly established faculty (forteen years since 2003-04) • Establishment: 2003, SchoolofPhilosophy However, its founding (FEK.65 / 2.3.2004) escapes from the specific and familiar limits of the "formal" philosophical schools with Western European linguistic and literary focus (eg English, French, German Language and Literature Departement) and enters the Area Studies, ÉtudesRegionales, RaumWissenschaften. In this sense it sets out new paths, as for the first time in the history of Greek higher education a compact university department is created which exclusively focuses his interest in this specific cognitive and cultural world. • June 2013: Merger with the (new) School of Economics and Political Sciences • Long-standing requirement, both within the University of Athens and the academic community in general. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  3. Faculty Profile – Introduction(2) Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies: • A Faculty in the domain of Area Studies (ÉtudesRégionales, RaumWissenschaften) • A Faculty focusing on the cognitive and cultural world of the Turkish language, history and culture • A Faculty focusing on the geographical and geo-cultural system of the Turkish world, and of its Middle Eastern and Asian geographical, geo-economic and geopolitical super-system; an innovation for the Greek academia Bringing peoples and states closer together is feasible only if the necessary “capital” is invested in education, by comprehending and respecting the physiognomy, the particularities and, generally, the cultural level of the “Other” Sound belief that our academic presence will widen the scientific horizons of the current academic space, suppressing superficialities and allusion, eliminating brinkmanship in political theory and thought, overcoming deadlocks and syndromes Significant contribution towards a self-confident knowledge and understanding, not only of the other side of the Aegean, but also of the wider super-systemic area of the Greater Middle East and Central Asia The first specialisation (cycle of the programme of studies) of the Faculty (Turkish Studies) is fully operational. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  4. Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian StudiesUndergraduate Studies – Curriculum (1)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/proptyxiakes-spoydes.html The curriculum of οur Faculty is designed according to the principle of the modules, having two distinct programmes of studies [specialisation routes (cycles)]: (a) specialisation route A: TURKISH LANGUAGE AND PHILOLOGY; b) specialisation route B: HISTORY, SOCIAL, STRATEGIC STUDIES AND GEOPOLITICS (training at the same time its students at the highest level of proficiency in Turkish) and it is divided into core and specialized courses. Core Courses (1st – 4th semester) and specialization (two specializations from the 5th semester), as well as in Compulsory and Compulsory Elective Courses. The courses are divided into introductory courses, prerequisite courses, specialization courses. There is also a thesis (BA Dissertation) elaborated under the guidance of two supervisors. Both its cycles/programmes offer sound career opportunities to students. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  5. Undergraduate Studies – CurriculumFaculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies Notes (1) The Turkish Language courses are open access courses up to the 4th semester. The successful completion of the first four semesters of the Turkish language courses is a prerequisite for the 5th semester Turkish Language course. The prerequisite courses norm is applicable from the 5th semester onwards (see related announcement in the Curriculum). (2) Students should choose one Elective Course per semester. (3) The new Curriculum is applicable to students that enrolled in the academic year 2008-2009 onwards National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  6. Undergraduate Studies – CurriculumFaculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies Notes (1) The Turkish Language courses are open access courses up to the 4th semester. The successful completion of the first four semesters of the Turkish language courses is a prerequisite for the 5th semester Turkish Language course. The prerequisite courses norm is applicable from the 5th semester onwards (see related announcement in the Curriculum). (2) Students should choose one Elective Course per semester. (3) The new Curriculum is applicable to students that enrolled in the academic year 2008-2009 onwards. * Seminars National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  7. Undergraduate Studies – CurriculumFaculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies Notes (1) The Turkish Language courses are open access courses up to the 4th semester. The successful completion of the first four semesters of the Turkish language courses is a prerequisite for the 5th semester Turkish Language course. The prerequisite courses norm is applicable from the 5th semester onwards (see related announcement in the Curriculum). (2) Students should choose one Elective Course per semester. (3) The new Curriculum is applicable to students that enrolled in the academic year 2008-2009 onwards. * Seminars National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  8. Undergraduate Studies – CurriculumFaculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  9. Undergraduate Studies – CurriculumFaculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  10. Undergraduate Studies – CurriculumFaculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  11. Undergraduate Studies – CurriculumFaculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  12. Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian StudiesUndergraduate Studies – Curriculum (2)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/proptyxiakes-spoydes.html A remarkable feature of the New Curriculum are • the“prerequisite courses” , applicable to the courses of Turkish language, with the aim to ensure the best possible learning and Turk-ish language acquisition results. More specifically, a mixed system of prerequisite Turkish courses is followed, which forms part of the Internal Regulation of the Faculty. This is a safeguard for the high level of studies within the Faculty, with the ultimate goal being for students to master Turkishat the level of “proficient user” and • the “Brush up” courses in Turkish. These are to be taught so as to raise the student’s standard in - preparation for the next level, and for that reason are taught by the instructors working precisely at the next level. http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/proptyxiakes-spoydes/geniki-paroysiash.html BA Dissertation Graduation from the Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies requires authoring and submitting a BA Dissertation. General Description: BA Dissertations must demonstrate certain degree of innovation and originality. They must prove the students’ ability as Turkish Studies Experts (Turkologists), as well as the their basic research skills. The topic of a BA Dissertation should be directly related to the field of Turkish Studies. http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/proptyxiakes-spoydes.html National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  13. Turkish Language: Pedagogic and Teaching Competence Programmehttp://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/programma-pistopoihshs-paidagwgikis-kai-didaktikis-eparkeias.html • In the direction of the connection with the labor market and the widening of the professional rehabilitation options of its graduates, the Department undertook the elaboration of a special curriculum which leads to theCertificate of Pedagogic and Teaching Competence, which operates from the academic year 2013-14. This program is parallel to the existing one and provides the necessary theoretical training and practical training for the certification. Firstthematicarea: EducationIssues and Pedagogics Atleasttwo (2) madatoryelectivecoursesofferedbythe sector of Pedagogics of the Department of Philosophy-Pedagogy-Psychology and at the Department of Psychology of the University of Athens totheDepartmentof Turkish Studies and Contemporary Asian Studies. Secondthematicarea: Issues of Learning and Teaching At least three (3) Mandatory Elective courses from the following courses offered at the Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies as well as at the sector of Pedagogics of the Department of Philosophy-Pedagogy-Psychology and at the Department of Psychology of the University of Athens. Thirdthematicarea: SpecialTeaching and Practice/Stage At least 4 courses (2 Mandatory [70031 and 70091 A] and 2 Mandatory Electives) from the following courses of the Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies. A programmeof a totalof30 ECTScredits. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  14. National Foreign Language Exam System (KPG): Turkish Κρατικό Πιστοποιητικό Γλωσσομάθειας (ΚΠΓ) Τουρκικής http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/kratiko-pistopoihtiko-glwssoma8eias-kpg.html TheNationalForeignLanguageExamSystem (KratikoPistopiitikoGlossomathias-KPG) aims at measuring levels of competence or proficiency in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish. Exam preparation is undertaken by groups of foreign language specialists in the university departments of Athens and Thessaloniki selected to carry out the project and relevant research. • Since 2009, the Faculty is responsible for the KPG exams of Turkish • Aims • having ensured a funding of € 3.5 million from the European Social Fund and the Greek state, differentiated exams which cater to the needs of candidates of different age groups, candidates with special needs, etc • to develop graded pen-and-paper exams for the three basic levels of language competence • to introduce ICTs in the examination system The following subprojects concern Turkish Language : Subprojects 07 and 08 : Turkish language Subproject 07: Differentiated, graded and adaptive Turkish language examsfor the language levels B1 and B2 as well as language levels C1 and C2. • Past papers and examiner training schemes available online: http://en.turkmas.uoa.gr/national-foreign-language-exam-system-kpg.html National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  15. Lifelong Learning Programme/Erasmus+ and Erasmus Placement (1)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/erasmus.html As early as the academic year 2006-2007 the Faculty participated in inter-University exchange and mobility programmes of students and teaching staff. In the meantime, the number of bilateral agreements with Turkish, mainly, universities and the mobility of incoming and outgoing students and teaching staff have steadily increased. Since the academic year 2011- 12 there has been a significant rise of student interest in the Erasmus Placement programme. Our students students participate in this programme, doing internships (Stage) in various institutions in Turkey,including the following: a) Erasmus administration committees of Turkish universities b) Libraries of the bilingual Greek-Orthodox (Rum) minority schools of Istanbul: School of Galata, Phanar Greek Orthodox College c) Libraries of university departments d) Specialised divisions of university departments e) Community institutions (e.g. Rumvader, Rum VakıflarDerneği) f) Publishing houses At present, our primary aim is the conclusion of agreements with departments equivalent to ours, that is Departments of Turkish Language and Literature. This will contribute to achieving our central goal which includes: a) the improvement of students’ linguistic competence b) the broadening of the students’ knowledge related to cultural and pragmatic aspects of the Turkish-speaking community National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  16. Lifelong Learning Programme/Erasmus+ and Erasmus Placement (2)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/erasmus.html • Educational institutions collaborating with FTMAS through the Erasmus+ Programme: • 1. İstanbulÜniversitesi • TürkDiliveEdebiyatı Bölümü • 2. MimarSinanÜniversitesi • TürkDiliveEdebiyatıBölümü • 3. YeditepeÜniversitesi • TürkDiliveEdebiyatıBölümü • 4. BoğaziçiÜniversitesi • TürkDiliveEdebiyatıBölümü • 5. GalatasarayÜniversitesi • a) SiyasetBilimiBölümü • b) UluslararasıİlişkilerBölümü • 6. YıldızTeknikÜniversitesi • a) TürkDiliveEdebiyatıBölümü • b) İnsanveToplumBilimleriBölümü 7. AltınbaşÜniversitesi UluslararasıİlişkilerBölümü 8. TrakyaÜniversitesi TürkDiliveEdebiyatıBölümü 9. Ankara Üniversitesi a) Turk DiliveEdebiyatıBölümü b) TarihBölümü c) HalkBilimleriBölümü d) ÇağdaşYunanDiliveEdebiyatıBölümü 10. KırıkkaleÜniversitesi TürkDiliveEdebiyatıBölümü 11. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main InstitutfürStudienderKulturund Religiondes Islam National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  17. Student Stage (Internship) Programmehttp://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/proptyxiakes-spoydes/praktiki-askhsh-foithton.html • Programme implemented in the context of the National Strategic ReferenceFramework (NSRF/ESPA) • Implementation, in co-operation with selected institutions active in: • History and culture • Politics and Economics • Language, Literature and Linguistics • Aim: to provide young scholars and and researchers with the opportunity to improve their practical skills and effectively face the challenges of the contemporary labourmarket. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  18. E-learning programme Active participation in the electronic vocational training centre of the UoA and its training programmes Current programme implemented by the Faculty (since 2013): Issues of Geopolitics and Security in the Islamic Complex of Turkey and the Middle East Main courses taught: • Theory and Methodology of the Modern Systemic Geopolitical Analysis • Introduction to the German School of Geopolitics • Issues of Geopolitics and Security, and Developments in Space, in the Complex of Turkey and Middle East • Islam, Ideology and Politics • The Turkish Islamist Movement (Europe-Turkey) • Language and National Identity • Translation and Geopolitics • International Relations of Turkey (Russia, US, Arab countries) • Analysis of military capabilities and balances of power in the geo-system of the Greater Middle East • Applied Geopolitics, Strategy and Diplomacy in the Islamic complex of Turkey and the Middle East National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  19. Research laboratories (1)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/to-tmima/episthmonika-ergastiria.html Laboratory of Geo-cultural Analyses of the Greater Middle East and Turkey • Covering, on an undergraduate and postgraduate level, educational and research needs in • Economic Geography and Geopolitics, with a focus on Geo-cultural analysis and research • International Relations • Diplomatic History • Intercultural Studies, between Greece and countries of the Greater Middle East • Developing educational programmes of basic and applied research in relevant fields • Co-operating with research centres and academic institutions in Greece or abroad • Organising lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific activities • Scientificpublishing • Providingservicestoindividuals The Laboratory of Informatics and Multimedia: • educates students in new technologies, on the use of IT for supporting their assignments, and practical issues, while it supports technically the examinations of National Foreign Language Exam System (KPG). National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  20. Research laboratories (2)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/to-tmima/episthmonika-ergastiria.html Laboratory of Sociolinguistics, Turkish language, Translation and Interpreting Scope • Covering, on an undergraduate and postgraduate level, educational, research and scientific publishing needs, in fields such as: • Sociolinguistics , Translation and Interpreting Studies, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics with a particular focus on Turkish, in its standard form and its sublanguages and varieties and on its relations with Greek, the rest of the European languages and the Middle-Asian languages. • Developing linguistic and translational resources of written and spoken discourse • Developing methodologies and tools to support the study and research of written and spoken discourse production on an inter- and intra-linguistic level, the production of translations of reference texts, the creation of specialised lexical and terminological resources in the Faculty's areas of research and scientific focus • Planning and offering programmes of language teaching and training and study courses • Disseminating the Greek culture and the Greek scientific thought, through translation and interpreting • Co-operating with research centres and academic institutions in Greece or abroad • Organising lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific activities • Scientificpublishing • Providingservicestoindividuals National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  21. Postgraduate Study Programs (1)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/metaptyxiakes-spoydes.html The two Postgraduate Studies Programs of our Department (a) MSc in “Geopolitical analysis, geo-strategic synthesis and defense and international security studies” http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/metaptyxiakes-spoydes/metaptyxiako-programma-gewpolitiki-analysh-gewstrathgiki-syn8esh-kai-spoydes-amynas-kai-die8noys-asfaleias.html and (b) MSc in “Translation and Interpretation” http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/metaptyxiakes-spoydes/metaptyxiako-programma-metafrash-kai-diermhneia.html have the following objectives: (a) MScin “Geopolitical analysis, geo-strategic synthesis and defense and international security studies”: The course provides detailed study of international security topics ranging from; particular geographical regions to vital contemporary issues such as asymmetric threads, power relations & conflicts. It offers a unique and current insight at the key geopolitical issues impacting and shaping developments and shifts of power worldwide. It prepares students for a wide range of professional careers including government, NGOs, IOs and regional organizations, such as the EU. (b)MSc in “Translation and Interpretation”: developing and providing specialized scientific knowledge and training in the fields of Translation and Interpreting and related fields of science, in collaboration with scientific and research centers with a similar subject, within the framework of the teaching and research activities at postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral level. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  22. Postgraduate Study Programs (2)http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/metaptyxiakes-spoydes.html • Teaching format: Modules are taught through a mixture of lectures (12) and seminars. Assessment methods might vary and include a combination of exams and assignments. Every MSc student is assigned two dissertation supervisors who will advise him/her on the choice of subject as well as provide guidance throughout the research process. • Modules: The modules in this program have varying methods of delivery and assessment. More details regarding each module, including weekly contact hours, teaching methods and assessment, are in the latest module catalogue. The faculty of the program is comprised of scholars and practitioners with international experience. Each course has its own unique design, led by a professor responsible for teaching core lectures. • Dissertation module: This module enables students to undertake a substantial written project relevant to their field of practice. • These two Postgraduate Studies programs correspond to the curriculum content of the two specilisations of the Faculty and, as a consequence, they connect the Undergraduate Studies Program with the already existing Doctoral Program. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  23. MScin “Geopolitical analysis, geo-strategic synthesis and defense and international security studies”

  24. MSc in “Geopolitical analysis, geo-strategic synthesis and defense and international security studies” (1) Postgraduate; leading to a Master of Science (Msc): a-18 months taught-postgraduate program. Highlights: The course provides detailed study of international security topics ranging from; particular geographical regions to vital contemporary issues such as asymmetric threads, power relations & conflicts. It offers a unique and current insight at the key geopolitical issues impacting and shaping developments and shifts of power worldwide. It prepares students for a wide range of professional careers including government, NGOs, IOs and regional organizations, such as the EU. The program will enable students to understand better considerations of international security, peace and stability and also, to acquire the ability to analyze the risks and opportunities with regard to: energy reserves, conflicts, geostrategic competition and global power shift. Modules: The modules in this program have varying methods of delivery and assessment. The faculty of the program is comprised of scholars and practitioners with international experience. Each course has its own unique design, led by a professor responsible for teaching core lectures. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  25. MSc in “Geopolitical analysis, geo-strategic synthesis and defense and international security studies” (2) List of courses Mandatory: Geopolitics I: epistemology and methodology of systemic geopolitical analysis, Introduction to the cartographic visualization of the sites of instability and threats, Geostrategic analysis of armaments and contemporary weapon technologies, Geopolitics II: case studies, Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS), Greek Foreign Policy and International law, Political discourse analysis, Contemporary Issues of International Law: legal restrictions on violence in armed conflicts, Space geopolitics-satellite systems. Electives: Ideology and politics of the Ottoman Empire in contemporary Turkey, The use of quantitative methods in decision making Issues, Special issues of economic and regional development, International diplomacy and strategy, Ottoman Empire and Turkey: relations with the West, Bilingualism and national identity: multiculturalism, integration, assimilation, Legal framework of the ancient Orthodox Patriarchates, Contemporary Issues of International Law: legal restrictions on violence in armed conflicts, Space geopolitics-satellite systems. Secretariat Ioannis Sotiropoulos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  26. MScin “Translation and Interpretation”

  27. MSc in “Translation and Interpretation” (1) Postgraduate; leading to a Master of Science (MSc): a-18 months taught-postgraduate program. The modules in this program have varying methods of delivery and assessment. Taught courses, lectures, seminars, workshops Seminar and laboratory courses of both directions of the Postgraduate Program, as well as the preparation of the Master's degree course, are distinguished in: • Core courses that are mandatory for all students in each direction • specialization courses, which are compulsory for the students according to the language pairs of their speciality The educational function of the postgraduate course includes, by semester, specialization and working language, the following (A ' and B' courses): Seminar Courses (Theoretical Background) Theory and Practice of Translation, Semantics & Pragmatics, Lexicography & Terminology, New Technologies and Translation, Corpus Linguistics, Text Corpora in Translation, Critical Language Analysis, Translation as a Profession (Seminar). National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  28. MSc in “Translation and Interpretation” (2) Laboratory courses (Translation of special texts) Translation of general and social texts, Translation of Economic Texts, Translation of Political Texts, Translation of Legal Texts, translation of multimodal texts. From the 3rd cycle of studies (2018-2020) there are still speculations in: • Special / technical translation of medical texts • Audiovisual translation and translation of multimodal texts • Interpretation: emphasis on interpretation of medical conferences, interpretation in the EU institutions, court interpreting, liaison interpreting, community interpreting. Working Languages ("Languages B", 2nd cycle, 2017-2019) • English • French • Turkish • Russian (Students are studying Translation from a working language to Greek). National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  29. MSc in “Translation and Interpretation” (3) Collaborations & synergies (individual and collective) • Lancaster University (Dept. of English Language & Linguistics), • University of Innsbruck, • Faculty of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens • Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP), • Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) of the EU (European Commission), • Publications Office of the EU, • Laboratory of Sociolinguistics, Turkish language, Translation and Interpreting (Faculty of Turkish Studies ans Asian Modern Studies) Secretariat Georgia Koulouri National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  30. ResearchProjects • “Completionoftheselection and developmentprocessofsimple and compositeindicatorsoftheGeopoliticalPillars” • ResearchProgramme-RepositioningGreecein a GlobalizingWorld • Histories, Spaces and HeritagesatthetransitionfromtheOttomanEmpiretotheGreekState • GeopoliticalAnalysisoftheSyrianCrisis and itsGeostrategic Dynamics intheWiderMiddleEast • LearningCultureThroughCitySoundscapes - An educationalTool • TheUrumlanguagedocumentationproject: UniversitiesofAthens, Bielefeld, Bremen, and Potsdam (fundedbytheLatsisFoundation) • Gender and Inter-confessionalRelationshipsinSouth-EasternEurope and theEasternMediterranean (19th- 21st centuries) • Globalnewpositioning – TheimportanceofTransatlanticRelations, Africa, NearEast, Russia and AsiaforGreece National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  31. Scientific e-journal CivitasGentiumhttp://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/episthmoniko-hlektroniko-periodiko-civitas-gentium.html The Department publishes a biannual journal - Peer reviewed - entitled CivitasGentium Indexed by: Index Copernicus (IC Journals Master List 2012 ICV 2012: 5.74; Social Sciences) ISSN: 1792-9474; Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform Publishes scientific papers, book reviews and opinions in the fields of: • Geographic Analytic Method of Geopolitics and Geostrategic Science; • National Defence and Diplomacy; • Languages and Cultures; • Applied Linguistics; • International and Public Law; • Human Rights; • Environment, inculding Modern Technologies; • Energy and Transport; • Crisis Management; • Risk Management; • Organisationand Administration; • Operational Research and Economics. Publishes article preprints by members and researchers affiliated to the Faculty It aims to facilitate the dissemination and visibility of scientific and research work, both within the Faculty and internationally, by providing a platform for online, open access, publication and archival of preprints, in a citable format. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  32. Faculty Staf (1) • Ioannis Mazis, Professor, Economic Geography and Geopolitics • Eleni Sella, Professor, General Linguistics & Comparative Linguistics: Greek-Turkish • Ioannis Saridakis, Associate Professor, Corpus Linguistics and Translation • AimiliaThemopoulou, Associate Professor, Ottoman History • Kostas Gogos, Assistant Professor, Modern Turkey: Political Islam • Ilias Iliopoulos, Assistant Professor, Turkey and Middle East • EfthymiaKanner, Assistant Professor, Turkish Culture and Society • AristotelisMitraras, Assistant Professor, Turkish Language and Literature • KyriakosNikolaou – Patragas, Assistant Professor, Islamic Law, Islamic Literature and Culture • PanagiotisPoulos, Lecturer, Islamic Art • AntonisDeriziotis, Lecturer, Turkey and Middle East • HervéGeorgelin, Lecturer, History of Greek Orthodox Populations of the East in Modern and Contemporary Times National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  33. Faculty Staf (2) Members of the Specialised Teaching and Research Staff of the Faculty (EEP and EDIP/ETEP) • SofiaProkou (EEP) • VirginiaMpalafouta (EDIP) • FrangaGkritzapi (ETEP) TermcontractUniversityteachers (2018-2019) • Maria Rompopoulou • Christina Sanlioglou • Eythymia Mouka • MarkosTroulis • MichailSarlis • Georgios Kougioumtzis FacultyCommittees • Research Committee of the University (participation) • ECTSCommittee • Curriculum Committee • Internal Evaluation Committee • Hellenic National Academic Recognition Centre (participation) Secretariat Dimitra Pappou, Faculty Secretary Administrative staff Sofia Ioannidou Petros Papadopoulos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  34. Professional outlets of graduates Graduates from the Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies have a wide range of options regarding their professional career. • Graduates following the Department’s Pedagogic and Teaching Competence Programme and holding the Certificate of Pedagogic and Teaching Competence can pursue a career in language education (teaching of Turkish Language in the public and private sector). All Graduates can pursue careers in a number of fields in civil service and private sector, like: • the Diplomatic Service and various Ministries (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Economics etc.), • the creative industries (publishing, advertising, mass media, arts etc.), • the bank sector, • various international organizations, private enterprises and companies (e.g. consulting risk analysis) and NGOs active in relevant fields in Greece and abroad, offering services as translators, instructors and analysts • the translation sector National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  35. Evaluation Processhttp://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/e3wteriki-a3iologhsh-m-o-d-i-p.html • Constant and focused evaluation of all academic functions is a critical aspect of the operation of the Faculty Evaluation process: internal and external • The evaluation covers all aspects of the Faculty's operation, with reference to supporting and annexed documents Last Internal Evaluation Report: Executive Summary, on line: http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/fileadmin/turkmas.uoa.gr/uploads/studies/odigos_spoudwn/2014_Evaluation_Executive_Summary_final.pdf Last External Evaluation Report (2014), published in English. The External Evaluation Report mirrors the requirements of Law 3374/2005 and corresponds overall to the structure of the Internal Evaluation Report submitted by the Department. Available also online: http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/fileadmin/turkmas.uoa.gr/uploads/studies/odigos_spoudwn/UniAthens_TurkishAsianStudies_2014.pdf For detailed information on the Faculty's structure and operation, the reader is referred also to the Faculty's website and its Guide of Studies, available both in print and online (http://goo.gl/tBD4XV) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) - Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS)

  36. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Faculty of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies (FTSMAS) http://www.turkmas.uoa.gr/

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