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Coping with loss. Have you ever lost something that could not be replaced? Even an athletic contest or a pet. These are all loses. So are breakups, rejection, death, loss of job, and death. . A GRIEF REACTION –an individuals response to a major loss.
Have you ever lost something that could not be replaced? • Even an athletic contest or a pet. These are all loses. So are breakups, rejection, death, loss of job, and death.
A GRIEF REACTION –an individuals response to a major loss. -this reaction can take many forms and includes many stages from feelings of emptiness or deep sadness to feelings of intense anger.
KUBLER-ROSS • Dr. Elisabeth Kubler- Ross has done pioneering work on the subjects of death and dying. • She created five emotional stages that people go through as they grieve. • May be experienced by anyone suffering a major loss.
1. Denial • 2. Anger • 3. Bargaining • 4. Depression • 5. Acceptance
DENIAL • Stage one. • Initial reaction to any loss. In this stage, a person does not believe that the loss has occurred. • A person feels isolated and lost.
ANGER • Stage two • A person can no longer deny the loss or illness. • “why me” • A person may be critical, demanding or uncooperative.
Bargaining • Stage three • A person may pray or promise to change if the lost object or person can be returned.
Depression • Stage four • A period of grieving. • Typically a quiet sadness.
ACCEPTANCE • Final stage • Can involve sense of power, allowing the person to face reality in constructive ways. • A coming to terms with the situation.
The stages do not necessarily occur in this order and in some circumstances all stages do not occur. • Each person is different and handles loss differently • The length of time people remain in a certain stage also varies.
CLOSURE-coming to an end of the most intense parts of the grieving process. • Delayed grief response- putting off of the most intense stages of grief. clip