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Notes for the Teacher. How to make the writing process work. Use a writer’s notebook DAILY but don’t grade or read them. Remember, this is the first stage of writing that is too often neglected—this is the brainstorming stage. Model by sitting in a student desk and writing with students.
Notes for the Teacher How to make the writing process work. • Use a writer’s notebook DAILY but don’t grade or read them. Remember, this is the first stage of writing that is too often neglected—this is the brainstorming stage. • Model by sitting in a student desk and writing with students. • Always know what your end goal is. What type of writing do you want them to give you? So often we want students to write literary analysis but we never share examples of literary analysis (perhaps because there are very few real world examples?) Share real world examples (student samples where possible) and mentor texts. • Some students will resist these prompts and say they can’t do it, don’t know what to write, etc. Keep going. Don’t give them too much help. They will get it. • Build in 1-2 minutes of sharing time every day. If they don’t have time to share with a partner, ask for a volunteer or two. • Set a timer so you stay on task. Each day, push them to write more in the same time frame than they did the day before. Make it a game, a contest. • Many of the prompts in this edition include historical images or docs. You do not have to explain them. Let them guess or imagine through their writing first, then you can share the details—or not.
Notes for the Teacher Using this Powerpoint. • These materials are aligned with Common Core writing standards. • If you have used these prompts before, please note that the alignment simply means we have organized these materials differently, and included some more historical documents and images. Your process for using them remains the same. • Every teacher has a unique aspect to their teaching and we truly value that. This collection is intended to be used as a model to help you get started. Our hope is that you see how fluidly these integrate with YOUR content and you will begin to create prompts based specifically on your students’ needs. This is why we have provided this in both a show and an editable version. Remember—what follows is JUST a model. Make it work for you. • On some of the slides we have shared some additional information in the NOTES section at the bottom of each slide. These include links to sites with samples, connections to the prompts, and more. • Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are having trouble with implementing writing in your class. We are dedicated to helping you implement and succeed. Email us.
Notes for the Teacher EVERY DAY: 5 minutes of writing / 3-5 minutes of sharing • Monday- Thursday: Write for 5-10 minutes as much as you can in that time. • Remind students what your END GOAL is—will this be a personal essay, persuasive? Etc. • Share with a partner or as a class for 3-5 minutes. • Do not collect. Do not grade. Participation grade only. (I give 100 points on the first day, then students can simply keep those points by participating. If they become a distraction, they start losing those points.)
Notes for the Teacher ONCE OR TWICE DURING THE WEEK: Mentor Text • Choose reading activities that mirror the writing students are working with. If you want them to write literary analysis, then share with them some examples of literary analysis. • Try to provide at least two examples with at least one written by students if possible. • These should be real world examples and the reason WHY students would write in this mode. See the list with links to sample papers and publications.
Notes for the Teacher ON FRIDAY Write a complete draft • After the 5 minute writing prompt….look back through the notebook and select one entry, or bits and pieces, or start fresh, and write a complete piece. • Revisit the student examples as models to aim for. • How much time you use for this on Friday depends on your class. At first they will likely need all period. After, they can (and will) do it for HW. • Turn in completed piece (The Draft) on Monday.
Notes for the Teacher On MONDAY Polished Papers(the draft) • Collect the complete paper on Monday. (The Draft) • Give yourself a week to read and make notes of common errors/issues to address. DO NOT WRITE ON THEIR PAPERS. Type up examples. • THE FOLLOWING MONDAY -- Pass back papers. Go over 1-2 issues per week using their examples. Students write those two issues on top of the page. Ex. Skill for the week: fragments, details. • Students must find the issue in their own writing and turn back in (or put in folder for later) • Grade based on their ability to find the errors or on side activity related. If you always collect a paper on the same day you pass back one you have already looked at, you can make better use of your time. They can find the “issues of the week” on BOTH papers this way and be more productive.
Notes for the Teacher Three Times a Semester:Writing Workshop • Every 4-6 weeks students take their polished pieces (drafts) and select one they want to revise and submit for workshop. • Must be typed and name must be on the back of the paper. • Teacher makes copies of some of the pieces(approximately 1/3 ) and distributes as a packet to students. • Students workshop 2-3 each day for 2-3 days that week. • Your goal is to get all students to have one of their pieces “workshopped” during the semester. See workshop handouts for more about conducting a workshop
Notes for the Teacher Once a semesterWrite for publication • Students go through their polished papers and workshop piece(s) and choose one they want to send for publication. • Revise, edit, format for that particular publication. • Grade options: • Format (typed, double space, normal font, 1”margins) • Content (effort, revision, editing, proofreading) • Cover letter or submission materials (mailing or email) • Reflection of their overall writing improvement / strengths / weaknesses
This is not a complete list but provides many of the most common types of writing as categorized by Common Core. Prompts in this document can be used for most of these types of writing. Please note: many of these forms of writing overlap the three columns. Most writing does not fall so easily into each of these categories. • Informative / Explanatory • Biography • Brochure • Directions (recipe, procedures) • Experiment and procedure • Explanatory essay • Graphs/tables /Labels • Humor (humor essay, satire, parody) • Journalism • Letters • Magazine article • Newspaper article • Personal narratives • Process essay • Proposal • Reflective paper • Report • Resume • Summary and paraphrase • Narrative / Fiction • Autobiographies • Cartoons and comics • Diary or Journal • Dramatic Scripts • Essay of experiences • Fantasy/science fiction • Graphic novels • Humor (narrative, satire, parody) • Legends and myths • Monologues • Personal essays • Personal narrative and memoir • Poetry / songs • Reflection • Short story • Tall tale or Fairy tale • Argumentative / Persuasive • Advertisement • Argumentative essay • College application essay • Debate • Humor (humor essay, satire) • Literary analysis essay • Opinion or Editorial piece • Position paper • Proposal • Review • Satire or parody • Speech
Personal Write about three separate incidents you experienced involving an animal.
Personal A break from my routine.
Personal Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.-Salvador Dali
Personal Modern Love
Personal The Kiss by Pablo Picasso
Personal Lavender
Personal Grief and loss comes in 5 stages: Denial, anger, depression, resignation, acceptance. Write about a loss. Switch every two minutes to focus on each stage.
Personal My top 5 beliefs are….
Personal Make a list of: The day ____ did ______ (someone) (something)
Humor You can get through very serious and sometimes horrible and sometimes embarrassing and very awkward situations with humor. It gives us a way out. --Janet Evanovich
Humor manners
Humor List ten ordinary things you see on a daily basis. Write what could be seen as humorous about each.
Humor Make a list of 20 people you know. After making the list write an AKA (Also Known As) for each that touches on some part of their personality. Example my mother…The Queen of Guilt my sister… the youngest hoarder in history
Argumentative / Persuasive Write an A-Z piece. First sentence starts with A, second with B. Do not make a list straight down—let it flow like a paragraph. Connect the sentences and ideas.
Argumentative / Persuasive Freedom to Worship Norman Rockwell
Argumentative / Persuasive How does your freedom impact others?
Argumentative / Persuasive If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.Desmond Tutu
Argumentative / Persuasive civil rights
Argumentative / Persuasive “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Argumentative / Persuasive Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?
Argumentative / Persuasive Is a college degree worth the financial investment?
Journalism Choose 3 events from a current novel you have read (or movie you have seen.) Write an attention grabbing headline to capture the main idea of that scene.
Journalism What are the 5 w’s and 1 h of good journalism? Think of a recent newsworthy story that happened at your school or community and list the 5 W’s and 1 H
Journalism What to do with 36 hours in ______ (a place of your choice) See the column in NY Times
Journalism Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Poetry Use these words in a poem rust silk deliver window
Poetry moonstone blue
Poetry The Gulf Stream Winslow Homer
Poetry Make a list of song titles. Create a poem using as many of these titles as you can.
Poetry Write a poem about something in the room