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IA: Techniques for Science Christine Huesemann Instructor: Gretchen Gall March 4, 2013. Processes of science and scientific method. Nine Processes of Science. 1 . Observation.
IA: Techniques for Science Christine Huesemann Instructor: Gretchen Gall March 4, 2013 Processes of science and scientific method
Nine Processes of Science (Carin, Bass & Contant, 2005)
1. Observation • Definition– when using appropriate senses and instruments, students can gather data to find answers to their questions through examination by using five components of good observation: • Senses • Measurement • Changes • Questions • Communication
Senses • Definition – students should use all appropriate senses and instruments to collect all apparent scientific data. • Classroom Example – students can look at a caterpillar through a magnifying glass noticing how it moves, touch the caterpillars body and students can count legs or measuring the length of the caterpillar.
Measurement • Definition – students should take measurements to support and enhance observations. • Classroom Example – students can be instructed to measure the amount of plant consumption by a caterpillar in a 24 hour time period. Also, students can weigh a caterpillar during it’s growth cycle.
Changes • Definition – students should watch natural changes of the subject and, if necessary, make variable change(s) and observe the results. • Classroom Example – students can add saltwater to the caterpillar terrarium to observe the range of tolerance or students can limit the amount of light to the caterpillar and observe changes.
Questions • Definition – student should keep an open mind during experiments and be able to ask questions regarding the results obtained. Students then can develop new questions that can lead to new information. • Classroom Example –students could develop questions regarding the life cycle of other animals or question results if a different variable is changed.
Communication • Definition – students will report findings through written, verbal or technological reports by using diagrams, charts or other sources that are appropriate • Classroom Example – students can write an informational report, draw posters, give a PowerPoint or an oral report with charts or diagrams to their teacher and fellow students regarding their observations.
2. Measuring • Definition – students should use standard and non-standard units of measurement to solidify scientific observations so they are able to: • give better descriptions • allow for better predictions • clarification • Classroom Example – students can measure the size of the caterpillar during it’s development, weighing the quantity of food before and after consumption, and track time frame of metamorphosis.
3. Classifying • Definition – students can organize scientific data for understanding by properties and purpose and so data can be used to produce new scientific questions. • Classroom Example – students can list the different properties between a caterpillar and a butterfly, creating a diagram showing the similarities/differences of life cycles of other insects or chart the growth of a caterpillar.
4. Inferring • Definition – students make a guess about an observation based off of prior knowledge and experience. • Classroom Experience – students can infer what is happening inside the chrysalis; students can guess on full transformation timeline.
5. Predicting • Definition – students guess of a possible outcome based off of information retrieved from patterns in data collected. • Classroom Example – students can make a prediction that a moth will hatch from its pupae after a given amount of days, the same as the butterfly. Students can predict life cycles in other insects, such as mealworms, based on patterns and outcomes from butterfly data.
6. Controlled Investigation/Experiment • Definition–students can conduct a scientific investigation by purposely changing one variable at a time and observing the results. There are three important types of variables used in scientific experiments: • Manipulated variables • Responding variables • Control variables
Manipulated variable • Definition – a variable that is deliberately changed to effect the outcome of the experiment. • Classroom Example – students can limit food to the caterpillar or place the larva or chrysalis in extreme temperatures.
Responding variable • Definition – variables that change during the experiment in response to the manipulated variable. • Classroom Example – students note that the caterpillar dies when placed in extreme cold; students notice that butterfly emerges from it’s chrysalis delayed due to food deprivation.
Control variable • Definition – variables that are deliberately kept consistent during the experiment in order to not skew the results of the test. • Classroom Example – students consistently provide fresh water to the caterpillar when the light source is the manipulated variable; students provide a safe environment to avoid injury to caterpillar during experiments.
7. Hypothesizing • Definition – students make an educated guess based off of an experimental outcomes. • Classroom Example – students can hypothesize that the butterfly will not emerge from chrysalis due to lack of food in the larva stage.
8. Explaining • Definition– students will make a connection between evidence and scientific knowledge to understand any confusing results. • Classroom Example – students should be able to explain why the caterpillar did not development into a butterfly due to food deprivation.
9. Communicating • Definition – students should present information to others about what they learned from the scientific investigation in a wide range ways. • Classroom Example – students can give a PowerPoint presentation on the life cycle of a butterfly, create poster and give an oral report or produce an informational paper.
Three Types of Science Investigation (Processes of science, 2013)
1. Descriptive Investigations • Definition – students will gather observational and measurement data to answer their questions about: • properties and actions of objects • events and systems
2. Classificatory Investigations • Definition – students will organize collected data by: • sorting and grouping according to one or more properties • identify relationships • define properties
3. Experimental Investigations • Definition – students will conduct experiments, including controlled experiments, to determine how variables are related and to isolate causal factors in natural phenomena.
Six Steps to the Scientific Method (Learning plan 4:, 2013), (Have fun teaching)
1. Observation • Definition – students should make observations of the world around them by: • collecting information on a subject • relying on personal experiences • research information that is already known • Classroom Example – students note that some seeds are bigger than others and understand that these plants are grown in different areas of the of the world. Students also research and find that each plant has a different type of root system and grow to different heights.
2. Questioning • Definition – students begin to ask questions about information they want to know more about the subject. • Classroom Example – students formulate questions, such as: “Which seed will germinate first when soil conditions have been altered?”
3. Hypothesis • Definition – students will predict an outcome to their question based off of prior knowledge, knowledge they have gained from observations and research. • Classroom Example – students can hypothesize the seeds that receive the most water will germinate quicker because they will be able to suck up the most nutrients from the soil.
4. Experiment • Definition – students set up a procedure to confirm or disprove their hypothesis. When experiments are conducted, students should: • record all measurements made • use all qualitative data • conduct experiment using: • independent variables • dependent variables • controlled variables
Experiment continued • Classroom Example • Controlled variable - students plant four separate trays of seeds, each tray including marigold seeds, spinach seeds, peas and corn. Students are instructed to plant them in equal amounts of soil. Also, each plant box is given the same light source. • Independent variable – students are instructed to give each seed in the first tray 5ml of water; 10ml of water to each seed in the second tray; 25 ml of water to each seed in the third tray and 50ml of water to each seed the last tray. • Dependent variable – Students notice the seeds that are only given 5ml of water germinate the slowest. They also notice the seed that are given the greatest amount of water were the next slowest to germinate. Students should note how growing conditions (amount of water given) affect germination.
5. Analysis • Definition – students will use the data they have collected to put into graphs, tables or diagrams to review the results of their experiments. When students organize data, it allows them to look for patterns. This will help students with understanding of the experiment so a conclusion can be made. • Classroom Example – students can use computer programs or draw their own line graph to show how growing conditions (water given) can affect germination of seedlings.
6. Conclusion • Definition – students show the results of the experiment and a statement of how the experiment relates to their hypothesis. The results can be used to form new questions regarding the experiment. • Classroom Example – based on the results, students can conclude that too little or too much water can effect growing conditions. The results from this experiment can produce new information and questions, such as, “Would germination rate increase in the dry tray if humidity levels were higher because there would be less water evaporation from the soil?”
Reflection Science, like most other learning, has a process. As an educator it is important to encourage students to follow the scientific process to answer their questions regarding their world and how it works. We need to instill upon them that when they do have these questions, they need to follow certain guidelines in order to answer questions with credibility. Once students understand that following the scientific method and being accurate within those methods, they will obtain great information. Students, and teachers alike, must also understand that once a question has been answered, this does not mean that it is the final answer. Everyone must keep an open mind and listen to others, who knows, that future science student may have the answers to an age old question that has been plaguing man for centuries. Teachers have the huge responsibility to teach the scientific process and method to their students, not to answer the questions students formulate, but to help redirect them to new questions.
References • Carin, A. A., Bass, J. E., & Contant, T. L. (2005). Methods for teaching science as inquiry. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall. • Have fun teaching. (Producer) (n.d.). The scientific method song [Web]. Retrieved March 4, 2013 from http://online.morainepark.edu/re/DotNextLaunch.asp?courseid=71aG • Learning plan 4: The scientific method. (2013). Informally published manuscript, Instructional Assistant, Moraine Park Technical College, Fond du Lac, WI, Retrieved from http://frameset.next.ecollege.com/(NEXT(366af62cc7))/Main/AllMode/FramesetHybrid/NavigateView.ed?courseItemType=CourseContentItem&subItemID=261496208&expandUnit=41872027 • Processes of science and scientific inquiry. (2013). Informally published manuscript, Instructional Assistant, Moraine Park Technical College, Fond du Lac, WI, Retrieved March 5, 2013 from http://frameset.next.ecollege.com/(NEXT(366af62cc7))/Main/AllMode/FramesetHybrid/NavigateView.ed?courseItemType=CourseContentItem&subItemID=261496206&expandUnit=41872027
Learning Plan 4: Scoring Guide 1 - Processes of Science and Scientific Method You must earn at least 75% of the points possible for this assessment task in order to pass this course. A redo is required if you do not earn at least 75% of the points possible. See the course redo policy for details. You will not be able to earn points lost for criterion rated with a 10/0 or 5/0 rating scale.