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COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE • MA YA • WANG SHAN • NURULAINI TAIB • NUR AINI OMOR • SAADIAH BAKARIM University of Malaya, KL PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Communicative Competence -- is a term in linguistics which refers to a language user’s grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology and the like, as well as social knowledge about how and when to use utterances appropriately. PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
a language-related term which refers • to formal academic learning. • used to discuss the language • proficiency levels of students who are • in the process of acquiring a new • language. • Cognitive / academic language proficiency (CALP) PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
language skills needed to interact in • social situations, primarily to context- • bound, face-to-face communication. • Basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS) PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
the ability to recognize and produce • the distinctive grammatical structures • of a language and to use them • effectively in communication. Grammatical competence PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
the ability we have to connect sentences • in stretches of discourse and to form a • meaningful whole out of a series of • utterances. Discourse competence PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
the ability to interpret the social meaning • of the choice of linguistic varieties and to • use language with the appropriate social • meaning for the communication situation. Sociolinguistic competence PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
the manner of manipulating language in • order to meet communicative goals. • used to compensate communication • disruption caused by lack of communicative • competence and to strengthen • communicative effects. Strategic competence PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Language Functions PBET 2113 Group 6 ( TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Definition • The purposes that we accomplish with language. E.g.: Stating, Requesting, Responding, Greeting, etc. • Quiz: 1. A : Hello, Dan, Happy Chinese New Yearto you and your family ! B : Thank you. Do come in. I'm glad you have come. (A) To wish (B) To request (C) To welcome (D) to inform 2. A : Lee fell while climbing up the rambutan tree. B: I shouldn't have asked him to pluck the rambutans. (A) To complain (B) To regret (C) To apologize (D) To advise 3. A : Our team played badly, especially I. B : It's all your fault. You have let the team down. (A) To advise (B)To blame (C)To warn (D)To protest PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Communication PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Instrumental Function: To get what we want, to satisfy needs or desires • Regulatory Function: To control the behavior of others, to get them to do want we want to do • Representational (informational) Function : To communicate information, to report facts of conclusions from facts • Interactional Function: To establish and define social relationship • Personal Function: To express individuality and personality • Heuristic Function: To explore the environment, to acquire knowledge and understanding • Imaginative Function: To create a word of one’s own PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Exercise • A. Heuristic F. I want lemon juice. • B. Imaginative F. Go away. • C. Instrumental F. She is a good girl. • D. Interactional F. The sun is hot. • E. Personal F.I like you, my friend. • F. Representational F. Where is he from? • G. Regulatory F. They lived happily ever. PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Functional Approaches to Language Teaching Notional Functional Syllabuses “Notions” • Abstract concept--existence, space, time; • Situation--travel, health, shopping To function as organizing elements of a foreign language curriculum. PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
TOPICS & LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS Syllabus PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
*source: http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/crosscuttings/communication_f2f_eye_contact.html PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Nonverbal Communication (NVC) PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Nonverbal Communication (NVC) PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
NVC PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
NVC cont.. PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
The Communicative Language Teaching • Focuses on helping learners to communicatemeaningfully in a target language. • Emphasizes interactionas both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. • How learners will be assessed? = How well learners have developed their communicative competence. PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
PBET 2113 Group 6 ( TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL
Source: Brown, H. Douglas. 2007. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 5th Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education. Chapter 8. Created for: PBET 2113 Participants (TESL) Semester 2, AY 2009-2010 Department of Language & Literacy Faculty of Education University of Malaya KL Created by: NurAineOmor, NurulainiTaib, SaadiahBakarim, Ma Ya and Wang Shan Facilitator: Jessie Grace U. Rubrico, PhD PBET 2113 Group 6 (TESL) Semester 2 AY 2009-2010, Department of Language & Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya KL