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اللهم كن لوليك الحجة ابن الحسن ، صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه ، في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة ، ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ودليلاً وعيناً ، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعاً ، وتمتعه فيها طويلاً. RECOMMENDED ACTS FOR THE NIGHT OF 15 TH SHABAAN.
اللهم كن لوليك الحجة ابن الحسن ، صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه ، في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة ، ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ودليلاً وعيناً ، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعاً ، وتمتعه فيها طويلاً
RECOMMENDED ACTS FOR THE NIGHT OF 15TH SHABAAN Ghusl after sunsetTake Ghusl (Bath) with the thought of washing away sins & as if its your last Ghusl To remain awake all night in worship (Du’aas, Salaat, Quran recitation and Istighfaar (with attention to seeking forgiveness). Namaze Shab and its duas. Recite Namaze Ja’afar-e-TayyarMafaatih (pg. 46)
Importance of this Holy Night the night of 15th Sha’baan, “night of Baraat”, is the most auspicious night after “Night of Qadr” The Holy Prophet (S.A.) had said: on the night of 15th Shaa’baan the Almighty takes decisions in the matters of rizq, life & death & welfare of the people. 3.Imam Muhammad Al Baqir(as) &Ja’far as Saadiq (as) the Almighty Alláh has promised to fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to Him tonight. A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban.
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Dua Kumayl - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 62) Dua Kumayl Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169)
Recite Dua Kumayl for Seeking forgiveness. In Hadith, it is mentioned that Kumayl ibn Ziyad said, "I was sitting with my master Amir al-Mominin ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib (peace be upon him) in Masjid Kufa and a group of companions were also sitting with him. One of them asked him what the meaning of the verse 'Whereupon every wise command is made clear.' (Surah ad-Dukhan, Verse 4) The Imam (peace be upon him) replied, The meaning of this is the night of the 15th of Sha‘ban. I swear by the One who holds the life of ‘Ali in His hands there is not a single servant of Allah except that all the good and bad that will reach him in this year is divided up and handed out on the 15th of Sha‘ban and this good and bad will continue from the 15th of Sha‘ban until the next year on the same night. The servant who stays up this night and recites the Du‘a of Khidr will have his supplications answered." This dua taught to Kumayl ibn Ziad is now known popularly as Dua e Kumayl
Imam Jaa’far bin Muhammad As Sadiq (A.S.) had advised the faithfuls to pray a 2 Raka’t Namaaz tonight, after Ishaa prayers, as under: In the first Raka’t recite Soorah Al Faatih’ah and Soorah Al Kaafiroon. In the second Raka’t recite Soorah Al Faatih’ah and Soorah Al Ikhlaas. After the Salaam recite “Tasbih of Faatimah Zahraa A.S.”. ie -subhanallah’ thirty-three times, ‘alhamdulillah’ thirty-three times, and ‘allahu-akbar’ thirty-four times
To recite Sura-e-Yasin three times with three different intentions: The 1st one with intention of long life The 2nd one for safeguard against misfortunes The 3rd one for to be saved from sudden deaths
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. 2 Rakat Namaaz & Tasbih 2 Rakat Namaaz After Surah Al-Hamd recite In 1st rak’ah, Sura-e-Kaafiroon in In 2nd rak’ah Sura-e-Tawhid (Qul huwallaah) Then do tasbih in this format : SUB-HAANALLAAH (x 33), AL HAMDU LILLAAH (x 33), ALLAAHU AKBAR (x 34).
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) Du’a NO 1 in A’amaal Book or Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166)
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) اَللّـهُمَّ بِحَقِّ لَيْلَتِنا وَمَوْلُودِها O my Alláh for the sake of this night we are now in, for the sake of he who was born tonight,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَحُجَّتِكَ وَمَوْعُودِها Thy decisive argument, Thy “promise”,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) الَّتي قَرَنْتَ اِلى فَضْلِها that Thou joined with it as a favour to keep alive its superiority,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) فَضْلاً فَتَمَّتْ كَلِمَتُكَ صِدْقاً وَعَدْلاً لا مُبَدِّلَ لِكَلِماتِكَ so Thou fulfilled Thy words truly and justly; no one can change Thy Words
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَلا مُعَقِّبَ لاِياتِكَ nor obscure Thy signs.
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) نُورُكَ الْمُتَاَلِّقُ Thy Light, soft, pleasant and caressing,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَضِياؤُكَ الْمُشْرِقُ Thy splendour, had come in view bright and brilliant,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَالْعَلَمُ النُّورُ في طَخْياءِ الدَّيْجُورِ for the “Bright sigh”, (so far) invisible and hidden in the obscurity of the darkness,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) الْغائِبُ الْمَسْتُورُ the covering had been taken off,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) جَلَّ مَوْلِدُهُ وَكَرمَ مَحْتِدُهُ his arrival in this world was the basis of all kindness,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَالْمَلائِكَةُ شُهَّدُهُ the Angels stood witness.
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَاللهُ ناصِرُهُ وَمُؤَيِّدُهُ Almighty Alláh will help him and support him when the promise
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) اِذا آن ميعادُهُ (the event of the beginning of his reign) come true,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَالْمَلائِكَةُ اَمْدادُهُ the Angels will be among his troops,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) سَيْفُ الله الَّذي لا يَنْبُو (he will be) a fatal blow from Alláh that will never miss the aim
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَنُورُهُ الَّذي لا يَخْبُو a light from Him that will never grow dim,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَذُو الْحِلْمِ الَّذي لا يَصْبُو a gentle matured disposition that will never jeopardize the truth.
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) مَدارُ الَّدهْرِ The motive and reason of the course of events,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَنَواميسُ الْعَصْرِ the honour and estimation of time,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَوُلاةُ الاَْمْرِ the “Ulil—Amr” (in charge of Alláh’s affairs).
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَالْمُنَزَّلُ عَلَيْهِمْ ما يَتَنَزَّلُ في لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ Accompany that which comes down in the “Grand Night”
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَاَصْحابُ الْحَشْرِ وَالنَّشْرِ the controllers of the Day of Judgement and resurrection,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) تَراجِمَةَ وَحْيِهِ interpreters of the “Revelations”,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَوُلاةُ اَمْرِهِ وَنَهْيِهِ and those who make known what to do and what not to do.
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) اَللّـهُمَّ فَصَلِّ عَلى خاتِمِهم وَقائِمِهِمْ الْمَسْتُورِ عَوالِمِهِمْ O Alláh send blessing on their seal and representative, un seeable to their people,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) اَللّـهُمَّ وَاَدْرِكَ بِنا أَيّامَهُ وَظُهُورَهُ وَقِيامَهُ make his days, his return, his time, reach maturity, (let us be with him),
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَاجْعَلْنا مِنْ اَنْصارِهِ as his helpers,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَاقْرِنْ ثارَنا بِثارِهِ let us be his attacking comrades to hunt up and eliminate the beasts (in human shapes),
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَاكْتُبْنا في اَعْوانِهِ وَخُلَصائِهِ register our names as his supporters
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَاَحْيِنا في دَوْلَتِهِ ناعِمينَ and sincere friends, bring us to life again in his reign,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَبِصُحْبَتِهِ غانِمينَ وَبِحَقِّهِ قائِمينَ gentle and loving, happy and satisfied in his company, and steadfast in his cause,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَمِنَ السُّوءِ سالِمينَ free from sins,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) يا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ O the Most Merciful!
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَالْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعالَمينَ وَصَلَواتُهُ عَلى سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّد خاتَمِ النَّبِيّينَ وَالْمُرْسَلينَ (All) praise is for Alláh, the Lords of the worlds! His blessings be on our Chief, Muhammad, the Last Prophet and Messenger,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَعَلى اَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ الصّادِقينَ وَعِتْرَتِهَ النّاطِقينَ and on his dependable “Ahlul Bayt”, his truth—revealing children,
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) وَالْعَنْ جَميعَ الظّالِمينَ and condemn all the oppressors
A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) واحْكُمْ بَيْنَنا وَبَيْنَهُمْ يا اَحْكَمَ الْحاكِمينَ. and keep back from evil they unleash at us, O the Best Ruler!