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Delve into the journey of Quantum Gases from discovery to current advancements and future prospects with interdisciplinary research. Discover new phenomena, systems, and techniques worldwide. Explore atomic and condensed matter physics, Bose-Einstein Condensates, and Fermion interactions in various dimensions. Investigate the symmetries, interactions, and states of quantum gases, from Bose to Fermi systems. Learn about novel states, spin dynamics, and strong interactions in experimental and theoretical contexts. Discover the advancements in laser cooling, evaporative cooling, and possible quantum Hall states. Unveil the challenges and fundamental issues shaping the future of Quantum Gases research.
Quantum Gases: Past, Present, and Future Jason Ho The Ohio State University Hong Kong Forum in Condensed Matter Physics: Past, Present, and Future HKU and HKUST, Dec 18-20
Where we stand What’s new Fundamental Issues Challenges
A decade since discovery of BEC : Still expanding rapidly Discoveries of new systems, new phenomena, and new technique keep being reported in quick succession. Highly interdisciplinary -- (CM, AMO, QOP, QI, NP) New Centers and New Programs formed all over the world. England, Japan, Australia, CIAR, US (MURI&DARPA) Puzzling phenomena being to emerge in fermion expts Worldwide experimental effort to simulate strongly correlated CM systems using cold atoms
J=1/2 alkali atoms J Bosons and Fermions with large spins e I Spin F=1, F=2 bosons: F=I+J Hyperfine spin Spin F=1/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, 9/2 fermions
Magnetic trap B Atoms “lose” their spins! Spinless bosons and fermions
Magnetic trap B Mixture of quantum gases: Ho and Shenoy, PRL 96 Pseudo-spin 1/2 bosons: D.S. Hall, M.R. Matthews, J. R. Ensher, C.E. Wieman, and E.A. Cornell PRL 81, 1539 (1998)
Focused laser Optical trapping: BEC or cold fermions All spin states are trapped, Spin F=1, F=2 bosons: T.L.Ho, PRL 1998 Spin F=1/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, 9/2 fermions
Condensed Matter Physics Atomic Physics BEC Quantum Optics Nuclear Physics Quantum Gases Quantum Information High Energy Physics
Quantum Gases system symmetry environments interaction 3D 2D 1D 0D B BB BF FF F U(1) Magnetic trap, spins frozen S0(3)Optical trap, spins released stationary fast rotating single trap lattice
1996 Discovery of BEC! 1997 Mixture of BEC and pseudo spin-1/2 Condensate interference collective modes solitons Spin-1 Bose gas (Super-radiance) Bosanova Bragg difffration, super-radience, Superfluid-Mott oscillation 1999 Low dimensional Bose gas (Vortices in 2-component BEC) 2000 (Vortices in BEC,Slow light in BEC) 2001 Fast Rotating BEC, Optical lattice, BEC on Chips 2002 Quantum degenerate fermions (Spin dynamics of S=1/2 BEC, Coreless vortex in S=1 BEC, evidence of universality near resonance) 2003 Molecular BEC, (Spin dynamics of S=1 BEC, noise measurements) Fermion pair condensation! (pairing gap, collective mode) BEC-BCS crossover, Vortices in fermion superfluids, discovery of S=3 Cr Bose condensate, observation of skymerion in S=1 Bose gas. Effect of spin asymmetry and rotation on strongly interacting Fermi gas. Boson-Fermion mixture in optical lattices.
New Bose systems: “spin”-1/2, spin-1, spin-2 Bose gas, Molecular Bose gas. (BEC at T=0) Un-condensed Bose gas: Low dimensional Bose gas, Mott phase in optical lattice Strongly Interacting quantum gases: Atom-molecule mixtures of Bosons near Feshbach resonance Fermion superfluid in strongly interacting region Strongly interacting Fermions in optical lattices Possible novel states: Bosonic quantum Hall states, Singlet state of spin-S Bose gas, Dimerized state of spin-1 Bose gas on a lattice. Fermion superfluids with non-zero angular momentum
Often described as experimental driven, but in fact theoretical ideas are crucial. Bose and Einstein, Laser cooling, Evaporative cooling
What is new ? A partial list: Bosons and Fermions with large spins Fast Rotating Bose gases Superfluid Insulator Transition in optical lattices Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases
Question: How do Bosons find their ground state?
Question: How do Bosons find their ground state? Conventional Bose condensate : all Bosons condenses into a single state.
What happens when there are several degenerate state for the Bosons to condensed in? G: Number of degenerate states N: Number of Bosons
What happens when there are several degenerate state for the Bosons to condense in? G: Number of degenerate states N: Number of Bosons Pseudo-spin 1/2 Bose gas: G =2
G: Number of degenerate states N: Number of Bosons Spin-1 Bose gas : G=3, G<<N
G: Number of degenerate states N: Number of Bosons Spin-1 Bose gas : G=3, G<<N Bose gas in optical lattice: G ~N
G: Number of degenerate states N: Number of Bosons Spin-1 Bose gas : G=3, G<<N Bose gas in optical lattice: G ~N Fast Rotating Bose gas: G>>N
Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Spin-1 Bose Gas A deep harmonic trap Only the lowest harmonic state is occupied => a zero dimensional problem
Spin dynamics of spin-1 Bose gas Spin-1 Bose Gas A deep harmonic trap Hilbert space
Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Spin-1 Bose Gas A deep harmonic trap Under spin rotation, rotates like a 3D Cartesean vector . : 3D rotation
C>0 Conventional condensate :
C>0 = Exact ground state : Ho and Yip, PRL, 2004
Relation between singlet state and coherent state z Average the coherrent state over all directions Because y The system is easily damaged x
Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero Bosonic enhancement
Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero Bosonic enhancement
Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero
Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero With field gradient
S=2 Cyclic state S=3 Spin biaxial Nematics
A geometric representation : Generalization of Barnett et.al. PRL 06 & T.L.Ho, to be published
Cycle Tetrahedron S=2 Octegonal S=3 Cubic S=4 Icosahedral S=6 T.L. Ho, to be published
Rotating the Bose condensate condensate Generating a rotating quadrupolar field using a pair of rotating off-centered lasers K. W. Madison, F. Chevy, W. Wohlleben, J. DalibardPRL. 84, 806 (2000)
The fate of a fast rotating quautum gas : Superfluidity ----> Strong Correlation Boson Quantum Hall Vortex lattice Overlap => Melting Normal Quantum Hall Fermion In superconductors
A remarkable equivalence Rotating quantum gases in harmonic traps Electrons in Magnetic field external rotation trap as
No Rotation : Two dimensional harmonic oscillator , n>0, m>0. E m
, n>0, m>0. E As , Angular momentum states organize into Landau levels ! m
E m
Mean field quantum Hall regime: in Lowest Landau level E condensate m
E Strongly correlated case: interaction dominated m
E. Mueller and T.L. Ho, Physical Rev. Lett. 88, 180403 (2002)
Simulate EM field by rotation: Eric Cornell’s latest experiment cond-mat/0607697 TL Ho, PRL 87, 060403(2001) V. Schweikhard, et.al. PRL 92, 040404 (2004) (JILA group, reaching LLL)
Fermion quantum Hall Boson + Fermion
Strongly interacting Fermi gases
Cooling of fermions Pioneered by Debbie Jin Motivation: To reach the superfluid phase Depends only on density For weakly interacting Fermi gas To increase Tc, use Feshbach resonance, since Holland et.al. (2001)
Weak coupling Dilute Fermi Gas : S-wave scattering length Normal Fermi liquid Weak coupling BCS superfluid
What Happens? Dilute Fermi Gas : S-wave scattering length Normal Fermi liquid Weak coupling BCS superfluid
Key Properties: Universality (Duke, ENS) Evidence for superfluid phase: Projection expt: Fermion pair condensataion -- JILA, MIT Specific heat -- Duke Evidence for a gap -- Innsbruck Evidence for phase coherence -- MIT BEC -- BCS crossover is the correct description Largest Origin of universality now understood