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Typography:. The basic building block of any printed page. Typography is the selection and arrangement of typefaces, sizes, and spacing on a publication. Some of the basic terms used in typography are:. Typography. baseline: the imaginary line that type sits on. Typography.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Typography: The basic building block of any printed page

  2. Typography is the selection and arrangement of typefaces, sizes, and spacing on a publication.

  3. Some of the basic terms used in typography are:

  4. Typography baseline:the imaginary line that type sits on

  5. Typography x-height:the height of the main part of lowercase letters

  6. Typography cap height:height of the capital letters

  7. Typography bowl or counter:lowercase enclosed letters

  8. Typography Stress:slant of an imaginary line going through the thinnest parts of bowl shaped letters

  9. Typography serif:small lines at the ends of characters; finishing strokes

  10. Typography ascenders:lowercase letters that rise above the x-height

  11. Typography descenders:lowercase letters that fall below the baseline

  12. Typography type size:measure in points from top of ascenders to bottom of descenders

  13. Typography Typography Both of these typefaces are size 96

  14. Typography Typography Both of these typefaces are size 96

  15. Typography Typography Both of these typefaces are size 96

  16. Typography Typography Both of these typefaces are size 96

  17. Typography has a major impact on the overall look and image of your page and its overall quality.

  18. When choosing type, you must choose: A font (or typeface) A font size How much leading (space between lines of type) How much space around titles

  19. Type should be readable and legible.

  20. Readability refers to how easy it is to read a block of text. Typefaces are readable when they are invisible to the reader. THIS HAPPENS WHEN THE READER DOESN’T STOP TO THINK ABOUT THE TYPEFACE WHEN READING THE MESSAGE.

  21. Legibility refers to whether a short amount of text, such as a headline or subhead, is easily recognizable. John JOHN Texas TEXAS Cougars COUGARS

  22. The phaomnneil pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  23. Type can be used to create personality and feeling… ABC ABC ABC ABC ABCABC ABC ABC Formal or informal Modern or classic Dense or open Light or dramatic

  24. Oldstyle Modern Slab Serif Script Sans Serif Decorative Six Categories of Type

  25. Serifs. Angles or horizontal. Thick or thin. Transitions. Little, moderate, or radical transition from thick to thin areas. Stress. Vertical or diagonal line drawn through thinnest part of bowls. How to determine category…

  26. Oldstyle • Based on the hand lettering of scribes. • Always has angled serifs • Moderate transition • Diagonal stress • Great for large bodies of text

  27. Modern • Thin, horizontal serifs • Radical thick/thin transitions • Vertical stress • Not good for large bodies of text

  28. Sans Serif • Without Serifs • No transition • Vertical stress • Great legibility and good for headlines

  29. Slab Serif • Serifs are horizontal and thick • Little or no thick/thin transition • Vertical Stress • Great for large bodies of text (but page is darker overall)

  30. Script • Appears to be hand-lettered with a pen, brush, or pencil. • Should be used sparingly–never for long blocks of text. • Can be hard to read if use for long blocks of text. It slows down the reading rate. • IT SHOULD ALSO NEVER BE USED IN ALL CAPS.

  31. Decorative • Fun fonts! • Carry emotions and connotations. • To be used sparingly – it can be difficult to read…ESPECIALLY WHEN USED IN LONG BODIES OF TEXTS AND IN ALL CAPS. • Best used for HEADLINES • or short phrases

  32. Can you identifythe SerifandSans Serifcategories on the next two slides?

  33. Serif or Sans Serif

  34. Serif or Sans Serif

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