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Farmer Joe. Theme: Farm Animals. Natalia Prociuk ED 275 Spring 2004. Rationale. Importance a farmer has to a farm and the animals Realization of a farmer’s job Realization that there are other kinds of farmers. 4:00 am - The day starts. - Set up the milk parlor.
Farmer Joe Theme: Farm Animals Natalia Prociuk ED 275 Spring 2004
Rationale • Importance a farmer has to a farm and the animals • Realization of a farmer’s job • Realization that there are other kinds of farmers
4:00 am - The day starts. - Set up the milk parlor. 4:30 am - 9:30 am - Milking starts in the milk parlor. 9:30 am – 4:00 pm - Cleaning Stalls. - Cleaning the barns. - Feeding starts. - General repairs around the farm. 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm - The feeding, milking and cleaning starts all over again 9:00 pm - The day is over. Time for bed! Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer
Fun Facts • The average farmer produces enough food to feed about 129 people, 97 in the U.S. and 32 abroad. • One dairy cow makes 100 glasses of milk each day. • To be successful, today’s farmers need both formal education and work experience.
References • Adamson, Heather. A Day in the Life of a Farmer. Capstone Pr. Inc., 2003. - This is a great book that takes the students through a farmer’s day at the farm • “A Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer.” California Country, weekly TV show. http://www.cacountry.tv/2003/cctv_1994b.asp - This is a TV show’s website that followed a dairy farmer for a day. • “A Day on the Farm.” Family Farm Project, 1996. http://www2.kenyon.edu/Projects/Famfarm/life/dayonfar.htm - Shows what a day on the farm would be like. • Citrus Farming for Kids. Rainbow Communications. 1999. - Video showing what citrus farming is all about. • “Farm Life.” http://www.agday.org/tc/tc-farmlife.html - Shows the students what a day as a farm family is like.
References Cont’d • Froehlich, Joseph, R., and Charles E. Roth. The Farm Book. New York: Harper and Row,1975. - Gives an introduction to farming. Gives the students a glimpse of what it is like to be a real farmer. • Knightley, Rosalinda. The Farmer. New York: Macmillan, 1987. - Describes a farm and the different jobs associated with one. • Matthews, Morgan. What’s it like to be a farmer. Mahwah, N.J.: Troll Associates, 1990. - Follows a farming family through a year of raising crops and animals • Stringer, John. “Farming and the countryside. Activities and posters.” Child Education 78.7 (2001). Education ABS. Elizabethtown College. Article BEDI01016714. March 24, 2004. - Great activities for students to act as farmers.