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Warm Up:. What is a THEME? What does it tell you? Give an example of a theme and explain what it tells you… How does the theme you chose make you feel?. What is a Theme?. a subject of a talk; a topic; a recurring idea; a motif; the main melody of a piece of music. THEME #1.
Warm Up: • What is a THEME? • What does it tell you? • Give an example of a theme and explain what it tells you… • How does the theme you chose make you feel?
What is a Theme? • a subject of a talk; • a topic; • a recurring idea; • a motif; • the main melody of a piece of music
Themes • Think about the overall theme of Ancient Greece as we move through the next section.
Episode (unit) III: The Greek Empire • The physical geography of the Aegean Basin shaped the economic, social, and political development of Greek civilization. • The expansion of Greek civilization through trade and colonization led to the spread of Greek culture across the Mediterranean and Black seas. • Greek mythology was based on a polytheistic religion that was integral to culture, politics, and art in ancient Greece. • Many of Western civilization’s symbols, metaphors, words, and idealized images come from ancient Greek mythology.
-Questions for Discussion- 1. Can you think of any examples of Ancient Greece used in today’s popular media? (TV, Movies, Etc…) 2. What are some famous Greek names that you have heard of? 3. What about in other subjects in school? Are there any visible contributions of Greek culture?
Locations and places • Aegean Sea • Balkan Peninsula • Peloponnesus • Asia Minor • Mediterranean Sea • Black Sea • Dardanelles • Athens, Sparta, Troy • Macedonia
Ancient Greece is all around you! • Plato (c.429-327 BC) - He was a brilliant student of Socrates and later carried on his work. He gathered Socrates' ideas and wrote them down in a book. Plato founded the world's first university. He wrote down his teachings and people all over the world, even today, study the Greek philosophers • Aristotle (382-322 BC) - discovered many things in science and biology. He wrote books about physics, poetry, zoology, biology, politics, governments, and more. His father was the personal physician of the King of Macedonia. • Parmenides - watched an eclipse of the Moon in about 470 BC, and noticed that the Earth's shadow was curved. He worked out that if the shadow was curved, then the Earth must be round. • Archimedes - was a mathematician and an engineer. He designed a machine, called the Archimedean screw, which could make water flow uphill. His design has been used for almost 2,000 years, to take water from rivers to the fields. • Pythagoras - was a mathematician. Pythagoras' theorem on right triangles. • Alexander the Great - Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. in Pella, Macedonia, the son of Philip of Macedon, who was an excellent general and organizer. He was called 'the Great' because he conquered more lands than anyone before him and became the overall ruler of Greece.
Wrap it up! • Think of what you know and what you’ve seen today… • Can you think of a song or movie soundtrack that could be used as a theme for Ancient Greece? • What kinds of contributions did Greece make to modern society?
Warm Up: • How does physical geography affect the lives of people today? • Example: Bodies of Water, Mountains, Islands, Plains, etc…
Economic and Social Developments • Agriculture (limited arable land) • Commerce and the spread of Hellenic culture • Shift from barter to money economy (coins)
Collectors? Numismatists? • What is a Numismatist?
Warm Up: • http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/12170-ancient-civilizations-greek-mythology-video.htm • What TWO things do Greek Myths try to explain?
Political developments • Mountains both helped and hindered the development of city-states • Greek cities were designed to promote civic and commercial life • Colonization was prompted by overpopulation and the search for arable land
Question! • How did mythology help the early Greek civilization explain the natural world and the human condition?
Greek Mythology • Polytheistic Religion • Offered explanations of natural phenomena, human qualities, and life events • Greek Gods and Goddesses often played tricks on each other and had human characteristics and personalities.
Greek Gods and Goddesses • Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite • Symbols and images in Western literature, art, and architecture
Zeus God of justice and mercy, protector of the weak, punisher of the wicked.
Hera Supreme Goddess, goddess of marriage and childbirth and takes special care of married women.
Apollo The god of healing who taught man medicine. God of light, music, & truth
Artemis Goddess of the hunt, the moon, and the natural environment
Athena Goddess of reason, intelligence, art, literature, and War
Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty
Warm Up: • How did Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses provide explanations of human existence and the natural world? • Provide examples!
Question! • How did democracy develop in Athens? • There are 4 stages • Refer to your charts from last Thurs/Fri
Foundations of Democracy • Classical Athens developed the most democratic system of government the world had ever seen, although not everyone could participate in decision making. It became a foundation of modern democracies.
Greek Politics • Citizens had political rights and the responsibility of civic participation in government. • Who is a citizen? • FREE • ADULT • MALE
Greek Politics • Women and foreigners had no political rights. • Slaves had no political rights.
City-States A city-state is an independent country whose territory consists of a city which is not administered as part of another government.
Athens • Stages in the evolution of Athenian government: monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny, democracy • Tyrants who worked for reform: Draco, Solon • Draco:Solon: • Origin of democratic principles: Direct democracy, public debate, duties of the citizen
Sparta • Oligarchy (rule by a small group) • Rigid social structure • Military society
The Odyssey • Read Excerpt A
Warm Up: • Read: Excerpt B • Be ready to discuss the questions and the Greek Values shown in the reading.
The Persian Wars • A series of conflicts between the Empire of Persia and city-states of the Hellenic worldthat started in 499 BCE and lasted until 450 BCE.
Marathon (490 BCE) • Happened outside of Athens • Athens’ victory was overwhelming: 6,400 Persians but only 192 Athenians died • Messenger ran about 25 mi (40 km) back to Athens, where he announced the victory before dying of exhaustion • In another version, an Athenian runner was sent to Sparta before the battle to ask for help, running 150 miles in two days; Sparta refused
Thermopylae (480 BCE) • Battle in northern Greece (480 BC) in the Persian Wars. The Greek forces, mostly Spartan, were led by Leonidas. After three days of holding their own against the Persian king Xerxes I and his vast southward-advancing army, the Greeks were betrayed, and the Persians were able to outflank them. Sending the main army in retreat, Leonidas and a small contingent remained behind to resist the advance and were killed to the last man.
Review: • Think of any quiz questions you want answered! • Anything you want reviewed?
Salamis (480 BCE) • The Greek fleet of some 370 ships, under the command of Themistocles, lured the Persian fleet of about 800 ships into the narrow strait between the island of Salamis and the Athenian port of Piraeus. • Athens sank about 300 Persian vessels while losing only about 40 of their own. • As a result of this battle, Xerxes had to postpone his planned land offensive, giving the Greek city-states time to unite against him.
Warm Up: • Name the 3 battles of the Persian Wars that we have covered. • What were the outcomes of those battles—Who Won? • How many Persian Wars were there?