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Turkey Trot Flandreau Santee Sioux. We have th e p o we r t o pr e v e nt. High li g hts. D iab e te s a nd H e ar t D i sease. R e g ist ra ti o n @ 11:45. Th e r e ' s s ome t h i ng str o ng e r. . am at th e F S S T. tha n th is gr o wi ng di s e ase:. Wel l n es s Ce n ter.
Turkey Trot Flandreau Santee Sioux We have thepower toprevent Highlights DiabetesandHeartDisease. Registration@11:45 There'ssomethingstronger amattheFSST thanthisgrowingdisease: WellnessCenter Andthatisthepeoplewhoare doingsomethingaboutit. GroupWalk will begin promptlyat 12:10pm. Thisyearsturkeytrotis dedicatedtoraisingaware- Alightlunchwill be nesstohelppreventand servedat theWellness heartdisease. Centertoparticipants SponsoredbytheFSST followingthe walk HealthyHeartProgram Tuesday,Nov 22,2011 Phone:605-573-0141•E-mail:fsstwellness@fsst.org FSSTWellnessCenter •1305S.VeteransRd.