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Their world of the future? University of Roehampton anthony.barlow@roehampton.ac.uk. Member : GA Early Years and Primary Committee. Their world of the future? Ks1 and 2
Their world of the future?University of Roehamptonanthony.barlow@roehampton.ac.uk Member : GA Early Years and Primary Committee
Their world of the future? Ks1 and 2 Gain an adult perspective on the future of a planet of seven billion and rising and discover practical resources to help provoke discussion with pupils about their world of the future. Play a simulation game to children in different roles thinking about others' perspectives. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaxqUDd4fiw
Last One Standing!Game you can play with children Can you be the Eco champion? Easiest to do Hardest to do Biggest difference Least difference
Key idea – their future is going to be one of choices and change • The world is, has and will always change • There are different agents of change – human and physical • Consequences – intended/ unintended/ unforseen • Change can be good/bad/neutral; there are winners and losers > Think of a familiar environment. • Probable, preferable futures... http://teaching4abetterworld.co.uk/futures.html
Our view of the future? Technology, basic skills, countryside areas, young people, food culture... Progress is good You like change Future positive The Future You’re left behind You keep up We’re losing the ‘old ways’ Future negative You struggle with it
Where we are today Sustainable Development so far... “…development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Bruntland Report, Our Common Future, 1987, OUP. Every Child Matters SEF(s3 is a Sustainable School Self-evaluation) Sustainable schools by 2020 – 8 Doorways Eco Schools “We should live on earth as though we are intending to stay for good not just the weekend”
Where is talk of the future in the draft curriculum? http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/curriculum/nationalcurriculum2014/b00220600/consultation-national-curriculum-pos/draft-pos-subjects http://media.education.gov.uk/assets/files/pdf/n/national%20curriculum%20consultation%20document%20070213.pdf http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2013/mar/19/geography-climate-change-unjust Esha Marwaha is the organiser of a petition to keep climate change on the geography national curriculum for children up to 14 years old Aims: Relationship between human and physical processes, interdependence, change and spatial processes.
Rooting the concepts in the local, applying it to the global Food, clothes, waste, energy and water Practical Action website> Climate Choices: fairtrade, food miles, ‘Jemima’s story http://vimeo.com/44516949 http://studentzone.roehampton.ac.uk/ru-outdoors/index.html
“If we are not to overwhelm pupils with the world’s problems, we should teach in a spirit of optimism. We should build success stories into our curriculum and develop awareness of sources of hope in the world” Huckle J (1990) Environmental Education: Teaching for a sustainable future” in Dufour, D (Ed) The New Social Curriculum, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press “No problem, environmental or otherwise, should be taught about at any level in education without concomitant emphasis on positive strategies for its resolution” Hicks, D (1998) ‘Stories of Hope: A Response to the ‘Psychology of Despair’’ in Environmental Education Research Vol 4 No 2 pp165-176
The bigger picture: 7 billionth person Image: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/31/seven-billionth-baby-born-philippines A baby girl named Danica Camacho has been chosen symbolically as the world's seven billionth baby. Photograph: Erik De Castro/AFP/Getty Images BBC Guardian 1 Guardian2 Which number person were you?The fastest growing countries? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B2xOvKFFz4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc4HxPxNrZ0
Can we relate this to children’s lives? If the World were a village video Use post it notes to show this in the classroom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd2U4mN10gQ POPVILLE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd2U4mN10gQ http://nrich.maths.org/7725&part=note
Imagining a different world: KS1 http://www.amazon.co.uk/PADGETT-Giant-City-Play-Mat/dp/B003N7ERP6/ref=tag_stp_s2_edpp_url Role play in groups – everyone starts with ten points. Pick two cards. Choose type of house and place to live near. Choose three ways you will care for the world. Pick a way you will travel. Be ready for the natural and man-made disasters that may befall you!
Remember to start with ten points The change game!Make a better change town!
Role play in groups – everyone starts with ten points. > Choose type of house. > Choose a place to live near. > Choose three ways you will care for the world from the selection. > Pick a way you will travel – bicycle, bus, car (small or 4x4), train. Be ready for the changes that may befall you!
1 point: If you recycle. 1 point: You know where your clothes are made. Lose a point unless you use a bicycle. 1 point: If you have a meat free day.
1 point: If you live in a house built with natural materials Flood Alert: Lose two points if you have water nearby! 1 point if you grow your own food. Snow alert: You can’t get to work unless you drive a 4 wheel drive.
Cold snap!2 points gained if your house has only one floor. 2 points from harvesting fruit and vegetables! 1 point: Save money by re-using plastic Lose a point if you have taken a flight in the past year.
2 points: Your flowers win a change town award! 1 point if you go for a healthy country walk nearby. 1 point if you use both sides of your paper. Lose a point if you have not donated old clothes.
1 point away unless your house is brick as it needs less heating! You use renewable energy from wood to light a fire 2 points for you! Lose a point unless you walk on Wednesdays! Lose a point unless you have recycled batteries correctly.
2 points away as you are hungry because of bad weather if you grow food. Your wooden house does not need air con so gain a point. Your bicycle gets returned by the police – get one back! Your bicycle gets stolen so you are late for school – lose a point.
2 points away if you have a colourful house as it needs a repaint. Your gutters are full of leaves so it leaks in if you live near trees! Lose a point. Gain a point if you choose less packaging. Your 4x4 needs more petrol – lose two points!
2 points away if you live in a castle as you get a huge repair bill! Lose a point if you live near a road as you get woken by the noise. Your house is detached – lose a point as your heating bill is more expensive! Your bus and train fare gets more expensive – lose a point.