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Insights into CNRS and IN2P3: Pioneers in Nuclear Particle Physics

Explore the vast research network at CNRS and IN2P3, pioneering advancements in nuclear and particle physics. Discover their ongoing experiments, future projects, and collaborations with international partners.

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Insights into CNRS and IN2P3: Pioneers in Nuclear Particle Physics

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  1. Francois Le Diberder FC-PPL Workshop Deputy Scientific Director of in2p3 (HEP) France-Asia Initiative in2p3

  2. in2p3 Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics National Institute (since 1971… CNRS 1939)

  3. CNRS 14 000 Researchers12 000 Engineers, Technicians, Administrative 1300 laboratories ST2I MPPU in2p3 INSU SPM STIC SPI SC SDV SHS Universe Nuclear Particle Physics Maths Bio. Computing Engineer Chemistry Humanities +600 : from Universities and postdocs Personnel (permanent CNRS positions): 1931 2671 2833 1317 1409 3496 5748 3969 CNRS annual Budget: 2,3 B€ (bulk of it is for salaries)

  4. CNRS National Center for Scientific Research Budget: 2.3 B€ 26,000 permanent employees 14 000 researchers 12 000 staff 6 research departments (all fields) 2 national institutes (in2p3, INSU) 1300 research and service units Strong connections with universities The largest research organization in Europe in2p3 National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics Budget : 170 M€ (salaries=130 M €) 2500 permanent employees 800 researchers 1700 staff 18 Laboratories in France 7 in Paris 11 In French regions A few National Centers Computing Center CC-in2p3 GANIL (Ion Accelerator center) Under ground lab. in Modane CNRS and CNRS/IN2P3 …and CERN

  5. Particle Physics at IN2P3400 permanent (FTE) scientists / 10 Laboratories / 7 Experiments Ongoing Experiments BaBar (20/5) D0 (30/8) H1 (10/3) Next Experiments ATLAS (60/7) CMS (30/4) LHCb (20/6) LCG (LHC computing) all Future Experiments ILC (ILDand SiD) (30/9) Data taking 2008 (end !) 2009 (end ?) 2007 (end !) 2008 (start) 2008 (start) 2008 (start) 2008 (start) 2020 (start ?)

  6. IN2P3 is a NETWORK of 20 large laboratories within Universities

  7. Total France for Particle Physics 300M€/ year + 10 M€/ year (in2p3) France: Host Country: Ministry of Research -> 100 M€/ year (cash)

  8. CERN 6500 users from institutes (+2500 from CERN) 20 M €

  9. ? 2020 ? International Linear Collider Studies started 20 years ago

  10. GLC + LDC merged into ILD First Workshop held right now in DESY Zeuthen http://ilcagenda.linearcollider.org/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2389

  11. LIA: International Associated Laboratory Our goal in2p3 A long term project …

  12. LHC Computing Grid (LCG) Tier-0 Acquisition de données 10 Gbps links Tier-1 1 Gbps links Tier-2

  13. LCG-France Tier2 Tier2 Tier2 Strasbourg Ile de France Nantes Clermont-Ferrand Annecy Lyon Tier1: CC-IN2P3 Grenoble Marseille

  14. Letter of Mission Denis Perret-Gallix Denis Perret-Gallix KeK FJ-PPL International Associated Laboratory Two co-directors Steering Board

  15. Strong support from the French Embassy Lydia Roos Denis Perret-Gallix Denis Perret-Gallix IHEP KeK FC-PPL FJ-PPL Laboratory International Associated

  16. Lydia Roos Kisti Denis Perret-Gallix Denis Perret-Gallix IHEP KeK FC-PPL FJ-PPL FK-PPL Vincent Breton http://www.liberation.fr/transversales/futur/quecherchezvous/302276.FR.php

  17. LIA International Associated Laboratory Funding Agencies and Universities Steering Board Small Money for Collaborations China France scientists Director Director Big Money for Large Projects Funding Agencies / Governements French Universities and CNRS&CEA labs PhD

  18. Fighting Avian-Flu FC-PPL FK-PPL FJ-PPL FV-PPL

  19. A lot of work still ahead of us Lydia Roos Kisti Denis Perret-Gallix Denis Perret-Gallix IHEP KeK FC-PPL FJ-PPL Vietnam France China Japan Korea FV-PPL Patrick Aurenche FK-PPL International Conference Center Vincent Breton

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