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What happened to the dinosaurs?. Did they really exist? Does the bible talk about them? 3. If they existed, does that mean that the Theory of Evolution is true and the bible is wrong? 4. How can the biblical timeline be correct given the scientific evidence about the age
What happened to the dinosaurs? Did they really exist? Does the bible talk about them? 3. If they existed, does that mean that the Theory of Evolution is true and the bible is wrong? 4. How can the biblical timeline be correct given the scientific evidence about the age of the earth/universe?
What happened to the dinosaurs? Did they really exist?
What happened to the dinosaurs? Did they really exist? Well, the presence of their skeletal remains would seem to suggest that they did in some manner. Anyone care to suggest that the smaller skeleton doesn’t indicate that humans ever somehow existed?
What happened to the dinosaurs? 2. Does the bible talk about them? MAYBE.
Job 40:15-24 15 “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.” Tail as big as a cedar Wt 30-38 tons
Job 40:15-24 16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly!17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.
Job 40:15-24 19It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword.20 The hills bring it their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby.21 Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.22 The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it.23 A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.24 Can anyone capture it by the eyes, or trap it and pierce its nose?
What happened to the dinosaurs? 3. If they existed, does that mean that the Theory of Evolution is true and the bible is wrong? No. Not at all. Why would the existence of dinosaurs prove evolution? Is there any fossil evidence of transitional species or types from one dinosaur to another? None that I could find. Is there any fossil evidence of ANY transitional species? Again, none that I could find that were definitive, indisputable proof of a temporary species leading from one to another.
What happened to the dinosaurs? 4. How can the biblical timeline be correct given the scientific evidence about the age of the earth/universe? Does the existence of dinosaurs, and the evidence of a millions of years timeline, disprove the biblical time line?
THEISTIC EVOLUTION The word "theistic" comes from the Greek word theos, meaning God. Therefore, when one claims to be a "theistic" evolutionist, he is claiming to believe in both God and evolution at the same time. Personally, I think there are too many different variations of Theistic Evolution for the idea to be completely trustworthy. Consider this:
ADAM – created on the 6th day. Genesis 2Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. 2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.3Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. This is the 7th day. How old is he?
Adam? or Adam? On the 7th day of the creation account? That is, the day after he was created. When he was 1 day old. • Did God create Adam as an infant? Or as a mature young adult who • could do all the things He commanded him to do? (Tend the garden, etc.) • If you saw him when he was one day old, how old would you have said • he was, if you didn’t know about the creation account? • Wouldn’t you think that he probably started out like the baby on the • right? And so, would be …. perhaps 21 years old?
Earth 4 billion years ago Earth 1 billion years ago Earth as seen today If you saw the earth, when it was four days old, how old would you say it was? Wouldn’t you, perhaps assume that they went through the process of maturing, from something like the infant planet on the left, through planetary youth, to the mature earth we see today? And, as part of the process of planetary maturation, you might see the development of various species, such as dinosaurs, and then their extinction before other species develop. Much like bodily changes that occur in human kind as we mature.
Earth – 4 days old Adam – 1 day old It is MY OPINION, that God created the earth in a literal 6 days, just as the Genesis account says He did. I believe that He created the ‘first’ of everything He created as mature and functioning. And that with our limited knowledge and vision, we now see an earth and a universe that appear to be several billion years old, but in fact, are only about 6000 years old, as per the biblical account. Milky Way Galaxy A day or two after it came into existence, per the Word of God.
But what does this say about dinosaurs? Did they exist, or are they just part of what a developing planet would have gone through as it grew more mature? They could have existed, and been wiped out by the flood. This might explain the many stories that have been handed down from ancient times, about “dragons.” The stories are there in ancient myths in nearly all cultures around the world. Some people believe that there is evidence of the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs in the Pawluxy River bed in Texas. Human foot print made in the mud first. Then the print of some sort of dinosaur afterward, crosses the path. Was it stalking the human, perhaps? I’m glad they don’t live in our world today? Jurassic Park is NOT a good idea!!
The most important thing to remember about the Genesis account of creation, is that it tells us that we came about as the result of the creative super genius will of God. God made us. He made the whole universe. Whether it took Him a literal 6 days (He rested on the 7thday) or if He chose to do so over a process of billions of years, is really irrelevant. Whether the dinosaurs lived millions of years before man came into being, and died out long before man was on the scene, is really irrelevant. What is relevant…. What really matters…. Is that God set in motion, one way or another, a process that HE knew would ultimately result in YOU. He did so because He knew how special you would be, and He loved the idea of YOU, and He wants to have a loving relationship with you. He wants you to choose to believe in Him, no matter what all the chatter about creation vs. evolution says.