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Transpiration. Similar to evaporation, this is the loss of water through plants. Pores in leaves (stomata) are opened to release oxygen and water vapor. Bed load .

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  1. Transpiration • Similar to evaporation, this is the loss of water through plants. • Pores in leaves (stomata) are opened to release oxygen and water vapor

  2. Bed load • Describes sediments that are too heavy or large to be kept in suspension or solution and are pushed or rolled along the bottom of a streambed.

  3. discharge • Measure of a volume of stream water that flows over a specific location in a particular amount of time. • Discharge = width x depth x velocity (m3/s) (m) (m) (m/s)

  4. divide • Elevated land that divides one watershed, or drainage basin, from another.

  5. flood • Potentially devastating natural occurrence in which water spills over the sides of a streams banks into adjacent land areas.

  6. floodplains • Broad, flat, fertile area extending out from a streams bank that is covered with water during floods.

  7. runoff • Water that flows downslope on earth surface and may enter a stream river, on lake; its rate influence by the angle of the slope vegetation, rate of precipitation on, and soil composition.

  8. solution • Dissolved solids or gases carried by a stream

  9. suspension • State in which small particles, such as silt, or sand, or held up, and carried along by the turbulence of a streams moving water.

  10. watershed • Land area drained by a stream system.

  11. delta • Triangular deposit usually made up silt, and clay particles that forms were a streams enters a large body of water.

  12. meander • Curve or bend in a stream formed in a streams slope decreases, water builds up in the stream channel, and moving water erodes away the sides of the stream. • Water velocity is highest around the outside of a meander curve.

  13. rejuvenation • Process during which a stream resumes downcutting towards its based level, increasing its rate of flow.

  14. Stream bank • Ground bordering each side of a stream that keeps the water confined.

  15. Stream channel • Narrow path way carved into sediments or rock by the movement of surface water.

  16. eutrophication • Process by which lakes become rich in nutrients from the surroundings watershed resulting in a change in the kinds of organisms in the lake.

  17. lake • Natural or human made body of water that can form when a depression land fills with water.

  18. wetland • Low-lying land areas, such as a bog or marsh that is covered in water a large part if the year and supports specific plant species.

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