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Reflections on how Realistic Medicine has influenced you

This article delves into the influence of Realistic Medicine on health outcomes and patient empowerment measures in public mental health research. It explores the complexity of measuring realistic health outcomes using advanced quantitative methods and applied psychometrics, such as the ReQoL tool. The importance of patient empowerment in healthcare is also highlighted, along with the need for valid and reliable measures. Through factor analysis and scale evaluation, this research aims to enhance the understanding of subjective health dimensions and well-being constructs in modern healthcare practices.

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Reflections on how Realistic Medicine has influenced you

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  1. Reflections on howRealistic Medicine has influenced you

  2. t.j.croudace@dundee.ac.uk SNHS, University of Dundee Tim Croudace Experimental & Applied Psychology Applied Psychological Measurement in Cognitive ability, School children Common Mental Disorder, Primary Care Population Health/Public Mental Health Epidemiology, Birth Cohorts Health Services Research Health Technology Assessment Advanced Quantitative Methods Outcomes Research/Modern Applied Psychometrics • Factor Analysis of Self-Report Scales in Psychiatry • Dimensionality of Subjective Health • Scale evaluation including well-being constructs

  3. Signposts

  4. Tim Croudace University of Dundee Medical Schools Nottingham – Cambridge – York (Hull/York Medical School) Geddes Quadrangle School of Nursing and Health Sciences 11 Airlie Place

  5. 1 ReCovering Quality of Life A measure 2 Patient Empowerment measures A review Living Realistically

  6. ReQoL

  7. Published papers on ReQoLdevelopment Keetharuth, A., Brazier, J., Connell, J., Bjorner, J., Carlton, J., Taylor Buck, E., Ricketts, T., McKendrick, K., Browne, J., Croudace, T., Barkham, M. (2018). Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL): a new generic self-reported outcome measure for use with people experiencing mental health difficulties. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 212(1).  Keetharuth AD., Bjorner JB., Barkham M., Browne J., Croudace T., Brazier J. (2018) Exploring the item sets of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures using factor analysis. Quality of Life Research. 2018 Dec 21:1-1. Keetharuth A.D., Taylor Buck E., Conway K., Acquadro C., Connell J., Barkham M., et al.  (2018) Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Data in the Development of Outcome Measures: The Case of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) Measures in Mental Health Populations.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2018 15(7). Connell, J., Carlton, J., Grundy, A., Buck, E.T., Keetharuth, A.D., Ricketts, T., Barkham, M., Robotham, D., Rose, D. and Brazier, J., 2(018). The importance of content and face validity in instrument development: lessons learnt from service users when developing the Recovering Quality of Life measure (ReQoL).Quality of Life Research, pp.1-10.  Most recent Grundy A., Keetharuth A., Barber R., Carlton J., Connell J., Taylor Buck E., Barkham M., Ricketts T., Robotham D., Rose D., Kay J., Hanlon R., Brazier J. (2019) Public involvement in health outcomes research: lessons learnt from the development of the recovering quality of life (ReQoL) measures Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2019 17:60; Published: 11 April 2019

  8. Barr PJ, Scholl I, Bravo P, Faber MJ, Elwyn G, McAllister M (2015) Assessment of Patient Empowerment - A Systematic Review of Measures. PLoSONE 10(5): e0126553. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0126553 • “Patient empowerment has gained considerable importance but uncertainty remains about the best way to define and measure it. The validity of empirical findings depends on the quality of measures used. This systematic review aims to provide an overview of studies assessing psychometric properties of questionnaires purporting to capture patient empowerment, evaluate the methodological quality of these studies and assess the psychometric properties of measures identified.” Background fromAbstract

  9. Realistic Complexity

  10. Living Realistically Realistic Complexity

  11. Signposts

  12. Realistically Complex Models Monitoring Health Outcomes

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