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Diabetes mellitus in children

Diabetes mellitus in children. By Henry Cummings MBBS, FMCPaed Delsuth , Oghara. Pre-test. Dm is the commonest endocrine disorder in children Only type 1 dm occurs in children TIDm is a non progressive low-insulin catabolic state

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Diabetes mellitus in children

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  1. Diabetes mellitus in children By Henry Cummings MBBS, FMCPaed Delsuth, Oghara

  2. Pre-test • Dm is the commonest endocrine disorder in children • Only type 1 dm occurs in children • TIDm is a non progressive low-insulin catabolic state • Exogenous insulin replacement remains the only form of replacement therapy • In managing DKA, always add kcl to the initial rehydrating fluid.

  3. Childhood Diabetes mellitus • Definition • Types • Patho physiology • Clinical features • Modalities of management • Complications, short term, long term • Recent advancements • Conclusion

  4. DEFINITION BY WHO: • DM is a metabolic disorder of multiple aetiologiescharacterised by chronic disturbances of carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism, resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. • DM is the commonest endocrine disease in childhood & adolescence.

  5. MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM • Overall incidence 1 to 2 per 1000 school age children. • Estimated prevalence of childhood DM in 2003 were: • 430,000 globally • 250,000 live developing countries. • 63,000 live in 58 poorest countries(least developed countries).

  6. TYPES OF DM Type 1 DM(IDDM) • Beta cell autoimmune destruction • Absolute insulin deficiency • Requires insulin for survival • Accounts for over 90% of childhood DM • Peak age incidence 10-12 years • Slight male predominance • Prone to ketosis

  7. Type 2 DM (NIDDM) • Insulin resistance with relative deficiency OR • Secretory defect with or without resistance • Does not require insulin for survival • Strong genetic component • Not prone to ketosis • Acanthosisnigrans may be present • No islet cell antibodies • Associated with overweight teenagers

  8. Maturity onset diabetes of the youth (MODY) Early onset of dominantly inherited type 2 DM Non- obese children No islet cell antibodies Family history in several generation Identified genetic mutations e.g mutations of glucokinase or hepatic nuclear factor 1 & 2 genes Non- ketotic Two (or at least one)family member diagnosed before age of 25 years

  9. Neonatal Diabetes • hyperglycemia requiring insulin in the first 3months of life • Rare condition 1:400,000 • Associated with IUGR • 50% of cases are transient • Associated with paternal isodomy& other imprinting defects of Chr 6 • In transient NND permanent DM may appear later in life

  10. Secondary diabetes mellitus • May be associated with cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, drugs such as L-Asparaginase

  11. Criteria for diagnosis • Symptoms of DM and casual plasma glucose conc > 11.1mmol/L(200mg/dl) (10 for venous) • FPG > 7.0mmol/L(126mg/dl) (6.3 for venous and cap) • 2hr post load of glucose >11.1mmol/L during an OGTT

  12. blood sugars • Normal RPG: 70 – 140mg/dl • Normal FBS: 70 – 100mg/dl • Hypoglycemia: • Mild 40 – 70mg/dl • Severe 40mg/dl • Neonatal <50mg/dl

  13. Etiology of T1Diabetes • Environmental • Factors • Cow’s milk? • Viruses ? • Nitrates? • Genetic • Susceptibility • DM1: HLADR3,DR4↑ • Protective DRB1,DQB1↓ • DM2 Autoimmunity & Insulitis Destruction of pancreatic βcells

  14. Pathophysiology Insulin • essential to process CHO, fat, protein • It  blood glucose levels by glucose uptake into muscle cells and fat cells • stimulates glycogenesis • inhibits glycogenolysis •  the breakdown of fat to triglycerides, free fatty acids, and ketones. (lipolysis)

  15. Pathophysiology Lack of Insulin •  glucose oxidation in muscle & fat cells • Proteolysis & amino acid release • Glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis • all result in Hyperglycaemia • Glucose intake still continues

  16. Pathophysiology • The kidneys cannot reabsorb the excess glucose load, causing glycosuria, osmotic diuresis(polyuria), thirst, and dehydration. • Untreated pt excrete high glucose load causing polyphagia • Increased fat and protein breakdown leads to ketone production and weight loss.

  17. Pathophysiologycontd • Acidosis result from ketosis • Acidosis leads to  renal excretion of K+ and Po4 • Na+ loss is due to osmotic diuresis & vomiting • Hypokalemia is due to vomiting, osmotic diuresis & hyperaldosteronism • Coma likely due to ketosis, acidosis, dehydration & hyperosmolality

  18. Absolute insulin deficiency OR Stress, infection or insufficient insulin intake Counter-regulatory hormones:  Glucagon, Cortisol, Catecholamines, GH Lipolysis • Glucose utilization  Proteolysis  Protein synthesis  Glycogenolysis Gluconeogenic substrates  Gluconeogenesis  FFA to liver  Ketogenesis Hyperglycemia  Alkali reserve Glucosuria (osmotic diuresis) Acidosis Loss of water and electrolytes Dehydration  Lactate Hyperosmolarity Impaired renal function

  19. Phases of T1DM • Preclinical diabetes • Presentation of DM • Partial remission or honeymoon phase • Chronic phase of lifelong dependency on administered insulin

  20. Preclinical DM • Occurs months to years preceding the clinical presentation of T1DM • Antibodies can be detected as markers of beta cell auto immunity:- GAD, IA,ICA, IA2 etc • IVGTT

  21. T1DM: a slowly progressive T-cell mediated autoimmune illness “Silent”  Cell Loss Inciting Event(s) Diabetes Diabetes Onset I II III • cell Mass?? Is  cell loss exclusively immune mediated? Time (years) Genetic susceptibility 100% Islet Cell Mass 50% 0%

  22. Clinical presentation • Vary from non-emergency px( polydipsia, polyuria, weight loss, enuresis) to severe dehydration, shock and DKA • Onset may be acute, precipitated by an acute illness, or more chronic and insidious over weeks or even months.

  23. Lab Investigations • Glucose levels • E & U • Ketones • C peptides • Islets cell antibodies

  24. Other Lab Investigations • Lipids • Microalbumin • Thyroid fxn test • Hb A1c • fructosamine

  25. Modalities of management • requires Multidisciplinary team • Insulin therapy • Diabetic education • Exercise • Diet • Psychological care • Monitoring • Others:- sick day mx, adjusting to school

  26. Insulin therapy • Exogenous insulin replacement remains the only form of replacement therapy

  27. The Basal/bolus Insulin Concept • Basal Insulin - Suppresses glucose production btw meals and overnight • 40% to 50% of daily needs • Bolus Insulin (meal time) • Limits hyperglycaemia after meals • Immediate rise and sharp peak at 1 hour • 50% -60% total daily insulin requirement for meals

  28. Basal/bolus therapy regimens Intensive management: • MDI – Multiple Dose Insulin • Once-daily IA or LA insulin usually given at night and 3-ce daily SA or VA before each meal • Mixed preps e.g. Mixtard, humulin 70/30 • CSII – Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (Insulin pump therapy)

  29. INSULIN THERAPY contd. • Twice daily regimen: • Split dose regimen (2/3 morning, 1/3 evening; 2/3 intermediate acting, 1/3 soluble). Aim at maintaining blood glucose within 80-150mg/dl, with the occurrence of as few hypoglycaemic episodes as possible.

  30. 60 40 Insulin 20 0 Twice a day insulin Endogenous insulin Soluble insulin Intermediate-acting insulin Breakfast Lunch Supper

  31. DIET • Complex carbohydrates (CBHs) are preferred to simple refined CBHs. • Dietary regimen should be adjusted according to convenience of the family and school timings to ensure better compliance. • Total CBH content of the meal &snacks should be kept constant.

  32. EXERCISE • Encourage regular exercise. • Insulin requirement may be lower, metabolic control improved and self-esteem & body image better in physically fit child.

  33. SELF- CARE EDUCATION • Should include nature of illness, acute & chronic complications, insulin action, duration and timing, injection techniques, nutrition information, self blood glucose monitoring and urine ketone checks. • Education must be appropriate to child’s age & family educational background.

  34. Monitoring • Monitoring of growth & development: the use of percentile charts is a crucial element in the care of children & adolescents with DM • Poor gain of height & weight, hepatomegaly and delayed puberty might be seen in children with persistently poorly controlled DM

  35. Monitoring • HbA1c at least twice a year • Screening for long term complications

  36. Partial remission (honeymoon) phase • Defined as when the patient requires < 0.5units of insulin/kg/day and has an HbA1c <7% • Due to partial recovery of the damaged beta cells • Commences within days or weeks of start of insulin therapy and may last for weeks to months • Ketoacidosis at presentation & young age reduces the likelihood of a remission phase

  37. Complications • comprised of 3 major categories: 1. acute complications - reflect the difficulties of maintaining a balance between insulin therapy, dietary intake, and exercise. 2. long-term complications 3. complications caused by associated autoimmune diseases

  38. ACUTE COMPLICATIONS • Hypoglycaemia • Diabetic ketoacdosis • Infections

  39. HYPOGLYCAEMIA • Defined as blood glucose level < 60mg/dl (3.3mmol/L). For preschool children, values below 70mg/dl (3.9mmol/L) should be a cause for concern. • Severe episodes occur 10-25% of pts per year • Commonest acute complication of Type 1 DM

  40. WHY WORRY ABOUT HYPOGLYCAEMIA? Recurrent severe hypoglycaemia can lead to: • Hypoglycaemia unawareness(25% of DM pts) • Epilepsy • Learning difficulty • Death (accounts for 4% of deaths in DM as a result of unintentional trauma).

  41. Diabetic ketoacidosis • creates a life-threatening medical emergency. • is the most important cause of mortality and severe morbidity in children with diabetes, particularly at the time of first diagnosis. • Early recognition and careful management are essential if death and disability are to be avoided.

  42. Diagnosis • 3 cardinal features: • Hyperglycemia - >200mg/dl(11.1mmol/l) • Ketonuria >5mmol/l, ketonemia • Venous ph<7.3 or metabolic acidosis < 15mmol/l • Clinical features • Severe dehydration, shock • Frequent vomitng • Polyuria despite dehydration • Weight loss in spite of good intake • Acetone breath – (Kussmaul respiration) deep and rapid • Altered sensorium • Signs of raised intracranial pressure – bradycardia, HT, anisocoria

  43. RISK FACTORS • AS INITIAL PRESENTATION: • Young age: < 5 years • Low socioeconomic background • IN ESTABLISHED TYPE 1 DM: • Higher HbA1c • Adolescents, particularly females • Psychiatric disorders • Longer duration of diabetes

  44. severity • mild = pH < 7.30 or bicarb < 15 mmol/L • moderate = pH < 7.20 or bicarb < 10 mmol/L • severe = pH < 7.10 or bicarb < 5 mmol/L

  45. Goals of therapy • Correct dehydration • Correct acidosis and reverse ketosis • Restore blood glucose to near normal • Avoid complications of therapy • Identify and treat any precipitating event

  46. Emergency assessment • Brief history to find cause • Weigh the child • Assess degree of dehydration • Assess level of consciousness(glasgow coma scale) • Biochemical assessment

  47. Biochemical assessment • Blood samples: • Plasma glucose • E&U, Cr, Ca, PO4, Mg • HbA1c • Venous pH • pCO2 • Hb • FBC( Leucocytosis could exist without infection due to stress) • Beta hydroxybutyrate

  48. Biochemical assessment • Urine sample • Urinalysis for ketones (acetoacetate) Others include culture samples:- (blood , urine, throat) ECG:- k status

  49. Supportive therapy • Secure airway • A peripheral IV catheter should be placed in for convenient and repetitive sampling • Cardiac monitor • Give oxygen to pts with severe circulatory impairment or shock • Give anitbiotics to febrile patients after cultures have been taken

  50. FLUID THERAPY • 1st hr: 10 – 20ml/kg 0.9% Nacl with insulin infusion at 0.05 – 0.1 U/kg/hr • 2nd hr & subsequent hrs: 0.45% Nacl plus continuous insulin drip + 20mEq/L K+ • 5% dextrose if blood glucose <250mg/dl (14mmol/L) • IV Rate= 85ml/kg +(maintenance minus bolus) divided by 23

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