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Diodes - The Heart of the Semiconductor

Diodes - The Heart of the Semiconductor. Introduction. KWLD What do I know about diodes? What do I want to know about diodes?. Check it Out. -. +. +. -. Check it Out. “Di” means two Two modes of operation (unlike a resistor) . Team Challenge.

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Diodes - The Heart of the Semiconductor

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Diodes - The Heart of the Semiconductor

  2. Introduction KWLD • What do I know about diodes? • What do I want to know about diodes?

  3. Check it Out - + + -

  4. Check it Out • “Di” means two • Two modes of operation (unlike a resistor)

  5. Team Challenge Goal: Discover what a diode is and how it works. Materials List • Multimeter • 1 - 470W resistor • 1 – 1.0KW resistor • 1 – 1.5KW resistor • 1 – 1N4001 diode • Breadboard • Breadboard wire pack (pre-trimmed wires for making connections on the breadboard) • 6V battery pack ( includes 4 – “AA” batteries)

  6. Wire a battery pack, diode and resistor. Use the 470W resistor. Make sure the silver band on the diode is on the left side of the diode connected to the resistor. Configure your multimeter to measure current. Team Challenge This is the forward biased configuration for the diode.

  7. Team Challenge • Connect the pointed ends of the multimeter probes to the breadboard as shown in the first circuit picture. • Record your current measurement in the table in your Lab Journal. • Repeat the process using each resistor listed in the table. • Reverse the diode direction (reverse bias) and repeat all measurements.

  8. Observations and Analysis • True or False? • Diodes conduct current in ONE direction. • What was the voltage in forward bias position? • What was the voltage in reverse bias position? • What’s going on……… Take a Look

  9. Observations and Analysis • Diode acts like a conductor when…. • in forward biased direction • Diode acts like an insulator when…… • in reverse biased position

  10. Conclusions Finish the KWLD • What did you learn about diodes? • What can you do with what you learned about diodes?

  11. Make the Connection • Do you remember? • “Di” means………. • TWO • Two modes of operation (unlike a resistor) • Two opposite types of doped materials joined together • The two opposite types of doped materials joined together are called a “Diode”.

  12. Make the Connection

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