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Fields as Quotients of Polynomial Rings. In the preceding slides we have constructed fields by starting with the ring GF 2 [x] and “mod-ing off” an irreducible polynomial
Fields as Quotients of Polynomial Rings • In the preceding slides we have constructed fields by starting with the ring GF2[x] and “mod-ing off” an irreducible polynomial • We were able to show that the results were fields by explicitly constructing their addition and multiplication tables and verifying the field properties from those tables • Our first goal is to prove that this construction works for an arbitrary base field F
F[x] mod an Irreducible Polynomial is a Field Theorem 1Let F be a field and q(x) F[x] be an irreducible polynomial of degree n over F. Let K be the set of polynomials in F[x] of degree less than n and define on K be the usual addition of polynomials in F[x]. Define the operation on K by f(x)g(x) = (f(x)g(x)) mod q(x). Then (K, , ) is a field containing F and a root of q(x). Moreover, if F is finite, |K| = |F|n. The field constructed in the theorem is often denoted by F[x]/q(x).
Extension Fields Containing Polynomial Roots Definition 1: If F is a subfield of field K, we say that K is an extension of F. Corollary 1Let F be a field. Then for every nonconstant polynomial f(x) F[x], there is an extension field of F that contains a root of f. proof Since f(x) can be written as a product of irreducible polynomials, we can write f(x) = q(x)s(x) with q(x) irreducible. If we let K = F[x]/q(x), then K is an extension of F containing a root of q(x). Since f(x) = q(x)s(x), is also a root of f(x). Corollary 2Let F be a field. Then for every nonconstant polynomial f(x) F[x], there is an extension field K of F, an element K and a polynomial g(x) in K[x] such that f(x) = (x-)g(x) over K.
Splitting Field of a Polynomial Theorem 2Given a field F and a monic polynomial f(x) F[x] of degree n, there is an extension K of F and elements 1, . . . , n K such that, as a polynomial over K, f(x) = (x- 1)(x- n).
The Splitting Field of a Polynomial • If a monic polynomial f(x) F[x], F a field, can be written as a product of linear polynomials in an extension K of F, we say that f(x) splits completely over K. • The smallest such field is called the splitting field of f(x). • Theorem 2 shows that every nonconstant polynomial splits completely over some extension of F • We are interested in the case where a polynomial of degree n has n distinct roots in its splitting field.
Formal Derivatives • Given a polynomial f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + + anxn over a field F, we define the formal derivative of f to be the polynomial f(x) = a1 + 2a2x + + nanxn-1 • Formal derivatives satisfy the usual product and power rules: • (f(x)g(x)) = f(x)g(x) + f(x)g(x) • ((f(x))n) = n(f(x))n-1f(x) • We will have occasion to consider the formal derivative of a product of powers of linear terms • Suppose f(x) = (x-)a(x-b)b(x-g)c • Then f(x) = [(x-)a](x-b)b(x-g)c + (x-)a[(x-b)b(x-g)c] = a(x-)a-1 (x-b)b(x-g)c +(x-)a[b(x-b)b-1(x-g)c + (x-b)bc(x-g)c-1 ] = a(x-)a-1 (x-b)b(x-g)c +(x-)a b(x-b)b-1(x-g)c + (x-)a(x-b)bc(x-g)c-1 • In general: if , then
Distinct Roots Theorem TheoremA nonconstant polynomial that splits completely over a field has n distinct roots if and only if f(x) and its formal derivative f(x) are relatively prime proof Let 1, . . . , m be the distinct roots of f(x) and let ki be the number of times i appears in the linear factorization of f(x). Then and hence If ki >1 for some i, then (x-i) is a common factor of f(x) and f(x) and hence they are not relatively prime. If all ki equal 1, then f(x) and f(x) have no common factors and hence are relatively prime.
Existence and Uniqueness • By Theorem 2, there is an extension field K of GFp such that the polynomial splits completely over K • That is, there are elements of K such that, as a polynomial over K, we have • We claim that the set of roots of form a subfield of K • To see this we need to show that the set of roots is closed under addition, multiplication, and taking additive and multiplicative inverses. • Let i, j be roots of • Then • Thus the set of roots is closed under addition
Existence and Uniqueness • We are trying to show that the set of roots of thepolynomial in an extension field K form a subfield • We have already shown the set of roots is closed under addition • Again, let i, j be roots of in K • Then
Existence and Uniqueness • Next we show that the set of roots of in K are closed under taking additive inverses • Assuming p > 2, then pn is odd and thus • Thus • For the case p = 2, the same argument may be used, except that -1 raised to the power is now 1. Since -1 = 1 mod 2, the argument still. holds. • Finally, we show that the set of roots is closed under taking multiplicative inverses of nonzero elements. • Since we have shown that the set forms a field, we know that for each prime p and positive integer n, there is a field with exactly pn elements.