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Presentation by Marcin Wcisło, GA WSIiZ student. Briefly about Comenius.
Briefly about Comenius Comenius is the Action of Socrates which targetsschool education. Broadly speaking, this means any type of institution from nursery schools through to sixth form or further education colleges. Comenius comprises three broad types of activity, all of which provide opportunities for schools and colleges looking to introduce or strengthen the European dimension in their curriculum.
Who was Comenius? Born in what is today the CzechRepublic, Joan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) was an educator who worked for peace and unity between nations. He was convinced that education was the only way to achieve full human potential.
Three actions of Comenius • Comenius 1supports a range of School Partnerships which enable pupils, students and staff from across Europe to work together on joint projects • Comenius 2provides European in-service training for staff involved in school education and opportunities for trainee and intending teachers • Comenius 3supports Networks of organisations involved in Comenius which share expertise and good practice.
Comenius 1- School partnership Comenius 1 supports School Partnerships is a range of joint projects for schools and colleges. They support direct contact between pupils, students and staff acrossEurope in exciting, cross-curricular initiatives. There are three different types of School Partnerships: • Comenius School Projects - curriculum projects involving at least three schools or colleges across at least three countries. • Comenius Language Projects - projects involving pupils and students aged 14-25 in two countries in curriculum projects with a student exchange and a focus on foreign language skills • Comenius School Development Projects - projects aimed principally at school or college managers and teachers, focussing on management issues.
Comenius 2 – Staff training Comenius 2 aims to raise standards and strengthen the European dimension in initial and in-service teacher training. It does this through supporting the following types of activity: • Comenius 2.1: European Co-operation Projects. These are partnerships of training organisations which jointly develop training materials, modules, courses and curricula for teachers • Comenius 2.2: bursaries to enable teachers and trainee teachers to undertake training activities in another country • Comenius Language Assistants: prospective language teachers who support the European dimension and the teaching of their native language in schools and colleges.
Comenius 3 - Networks Comenius 3 Networks involve at least one organisation from each of at least six different countries, and partnerships should be designed to bring on board new organisations during the course of the project. Activities supported through Networks could include the organisation of seminars and conferences, the dissemination of project results, comparative studies and the provision of advice and guidance to potential co-ordinators.
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