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What is Bullying?. Definition of Bullying. The general consensus among experts in thefield is that bullying is a relationship problem that involves: an imbalance of power between the victim and the perpetrator (s) deliberate action that is intended to hurtunjustified and repeated action. (CIP
1. Bullying and Violence Prevention A Presentation for Secondary Students and Older Youth
2. What is Bullying?
3. Definition of Bullying The general consensus among experts in the
field is that bullying is a relationship problem
that involves:
an imbalance of power between the victim and the perpetrator (s)
deliberate action that is intended to hurt
unjustified and repeated action.
(CIPB, 2005; SACSC, 2005a; Rigby, 2002; Olweus, 1991)
4. What is Violence?
5. Definition of Violence The actual or threatened use of physical, verbal, sexual or emotional power, intimidation or harassment by an individual or group which is harmful to the physical, psychological or social well-being of an individual or group.
6. Root Causes of Violence An absence of healthy, human bonding and/or caring relationships
Inconsistent tolerance of violence
Lack of a personal value system based on respect and responsibility
Poorly managed stress and conflict
Abnormal brain functions
7. Types of Bullying
8. Types of Bullying Physical
Physical bullying involves picking on people who are smaller.
Typically boys or larger girls engage in this type of bullying.
Less than one-third of bullying is physical.
9. Types of Bullying Verbal
Seventy percent of bullying is verbal with an equal number of girls and boys participating.
It dehumanizes the victim, making it appear that he/she deserves the abuse.
The language typically emasculates boys and either refers to girls’ sexuality or attempts to infantilize them.
Coloroso, B. The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander. Toronto, ON, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2002
10. Types of Bullying Non-verbal
Non-verbal bullying messages are conveyed using body language, gestures, looks and stares.
11. Types of Bullying Nuisance Bullying
Nuisance Bulling provokes peers by teasing or repeated pestering.
They often start by bullying but end up being bullied.
Note: The difference between bullying and “bugging” is that those who bully cause intentional and repeated harm.
12. Types of Bullying Relational
Destroys the victim’s sense of self. This bullying sends a message of rejection and alienation.
Generally exhibited at a younger age in girls than in boys, but boys catch up as verbal skills increase.
13. Types of Bullying High-tech or Cyber bullying
Through email, instant messaging and text messaging on cell phones or pagers.
Since contact and emotions are masked, verbal assaults are harsher (ie assault or death threats) and messages are likely to have sexual overtones.
14. Bullying Continuum
15. The Consequences of Bullying
16. What May Happen to Bullying Victims? Learning is reduced because of difficulty concentrating.
The ability to analyze and remember diminishes.
Depression occurs.
Self-esteem is lowered.
Illness and absenteeism increase.
17. What May Happen to Those Who Bully? Reduced chance of finishing high school.
Problems holding jobs or maintaining relationships.
Higher probability that their children will become bullies themselves.
18. What May Happen to Those Who Bully? Less respect from other people, especially as bullies get older.
By age 24, 60 percent of those identified as having a history of engaging in bullying behaviour have at least one criminal conviction.
19. How to Handle Bullying Situations:SMART Advice for Victims
20. SMART Approach to Addressing Bullying The SMART approach is useful for both victims and witnesses of bullying behaviour.
Sometimes victims need help standing up for themselves, and bullying situations end more quickly when a bully’s peers become involved.
21. SMART Approach to Addressing Bullying Stay Safe
Make Connections
Always Stand Up For Yourself
Realize Your Options
Talk It Out
22. SMART Approach to Addressing Bullying Stay Safe
Think ahead. Do what you need to do to stay out of harm’s way.
Avoid places and situations that place you at risk.
23. SMART Approach to Addressing Bullying Make Connections
Develop friendships with people whom you view as trustworthy and who share your interests.
24. SMART Approach to Addressing Bullying Always Stand Up For Yourself
Walk with your head up and make eye contact with others.
Keep your cool.
Don’t allow the words or actions of others to hurt you.
Tell the harasser to stop.
25. SMART Approach to Addressing Bullying Realize Your Options
You didn’t cause this problem.
Suffering in silence only gives the person harassing you more opportunity to continue or increase harmful behaviours.
Reacting by getting physical, getting friends to return the harassment, or ignoring the harassment only makes it worse.
26. SMART Approach to Addressing Bullying Talk It Out
Talk to trusted friends or adults about how you want the negative situation to be resolved.
Get help if and when needed.
When it’s over, let it go. Dwelling on negative incidents takes away from your enjoyment of life.
27. Bullying Research
28. What Have We Learned From Research? In 85% of bullying episodes peers are present.
Pepler, D J and Craig, W M (2000) Making a difference in bullying. LaMarsh Research Report # 60. York University, Toronto
When peers intervene, bullying stops within 10 seconds, 57% of the time.
Pepler, D J, Hawkins, D L and Craig, W M (2001) “Naturalistic Observations of Peer Interventions in Bullying Among Elementary School Children”. Social Development, 10, 512-527.
29. What Have We Learned From Research? 75% of teachers think they always intervene in bullying episodes
25% of students say teachers intervene
Observations showed teachers intervened in 14% of episodes in the classroom and 4% of episodes on school grounds
Pepler, D J and Craig, W M (2000) Making a difference in bullying. LaMarsh Research Report # 60. York University, Toronto.
30. What Have We Learned From Research? Most bullying goes unreported because the victims feel that nothing will be done or there might be greater retaliation next time.
Lahoie, G, Mclellan, A and Seddon, C. Take Action Against Bullying. Coquitlam, BC Bully B’Ware Productions. 2001.
31. What Have We Learned From Research? When a bullying prevention and intervention program was implemented in schools, bullying declined by 50% within two years.
Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school: What we know and what we can do. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.
32. Safe and Caring School and CommunitiesBullying and Violence Prevention
33. The Five Safe and Caring Core Topics Living Respectfully
Developing Self-Esteem
Respecting Diversity and Preventing Prejudice
Managing Anger and Dealing With Bullying and Harassment
Resolving Conflict Peacefully
34. The Five Safe and Caring Core Topics Together these topics reduce risk factors and mitigate the root causes of bullying and violence in schools and communities.
35. Safe and Caring Principles/Philosophy The SACSC programs teach knowledge, skills
and attitudes that build positive adult-youth
and peer relationships. They focus on building
Respect and responsibility, character and
Positive social skills.
36. Safe and Caring Schools and Communities The programs involve:
Adults role modelling non-violent values and behaviour.
Character education
Building respect for diversity and preventing prejudice
Integrating safe, caring and inclusive concepts into the school curriculum.
37. Safe and Caring Schools and Communities Building strong communication skills and positive adult-youth relationships.
Developing problem solving, anger management and conflict resolution skills.
Children and youth learning to take responsibility for their own behaviour.
38. Safe and Caring Schools and Communities The Society strives to affect children and
youth’s total environment which depends on
both whole-school and Community
To engage all groups, the Society has
developed 4 program areas.
39. Four Safe and Caring Program Areas
40. Supporting a Safe and Caring School Builds a safe and caring school culture.
Based on extensive research and input from stakeholders.
Includes a variety of information guides and videos on building respect for diversity, character education, bullying and violence prevention, peer education and support, volunteering and mentorship.
41. Toward a Safe and Caring Curriculum Develops safe and caring knowledge, skills and attitudes through study of Alberta curriculum.
Includes resources to help teachers integrate violence-prevention and character education into all subject areas from Kindergarten to Grade 12. These resources are recommended and approved by Alberta Leaning.
42. Supporting a Safe and Caring Teaching Profession The objective of this program area is to develop a safe and caring teaching profession.
The Society trains curriculum leaders and workshop facilitators to deliver a variety of leadership and curriculum integration workshops for schools or school districts.
43. Toward a Safe and Caring Community The community program offers resources and a series of workshops to help parents and other adults who work with children and teens model and reinforce positive social behaviour at school, at home and in the community. These community workshops cover the same core topics and are designed to complement the school SACSC programs.
44. For More Information The Society for Safe and Caring Schools offers additional bullying and violence prevention resources for students, school staff, parents and other community members, on the Society’s website www.sacsc.ca.
Additional bullying resources can be downloaded from the following webpage:
45. For More Information In addition, the website houses many resources to support youth character education and help young people develop effective conflict and anger management skills.