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Leadership In a Time Of Change

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Leadership In a Time Of Change

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    1. Leadership In a Time Of Change January 15, 2009

    2. Curiosita

    3. Underlying Themes Ownership (Cause > Effect) Flex-ability (The Law Of Requisite Variety) Learning from the past, embracing the now, and creating a compelling future

    4. Our Journey Together The brain acts as a filter Perception is reality Know your outcome and have a clear strategy Current State vs. Desired State Utilize the power of language State it in the positive Words to avoid Create a compelling future The “As If” Frame

    5. Management Versus Leadership Knowing how to do the job is the accomplishment of labour. Showing others is the accomplishment of a teacher. Making sure the work is done by others is the accomplishment of a manager. Inspiring others to engage and to do work is the accomplishment of a leader. Your ability to lead is directly proportionate to your ability to influence.

    6. Leadership Is Influence “Most people define leadership as the ability to achieve a position, not to get followers. Therefore, they go after a position, rank, or title and upon their arrival they think they have become a leader.” - John C. Maxwell Those who possess the “status” of a leader often experience the frustration of few followers. Those who lack the proper title may not see themselves as leaders and, therefore, don’t develop their leadership skills. Positional leadership doesn't work in volunteer based companies.

    8. Leadership: Influence

    9. Law of Requisite Variety "That the available control variety must be equal to or greater than the disturbance variety for control to be possible". - William Ross Ashby The individual or thing within any given system that has the most flex-ability has control over the system.

    10. Hierarchy Of Change

    11. The Brain As A Filter

    12. The Human Filter

    13. Perception Is Reality

    14. “Consumer decision making and buying behaviour are driven more by unconscious thoughts and feelings than by conscious ones. These unconscious forces include ever-changing memories, images, sensations and stories that interact.” - Gerald Zaltman, “How Customers Think”  

    15. Our Internal Representations

    16. “Human beings constantly create or construct new mental representations, and so the content of the mind is by its nature an open, infinitely expandable category.” - Howard Gardner, Harvard Graduate School of Education  

    17. Imagination

    18. Emotional Fulfillment “Emotionally satisfied customers contribute far more to the bottom line than rationally satisfied customers do, even though they are equally “satisfied.” In fact, the behavior of rationally satisfied customers looks no different from that of dissatisfied customers.” “Manage Your Human Sigma” Harvard Business Review (July-Aug. 2005)

    20. “You can give facts all day and you won’t break through. You need to be able to tell a story that stretches their awareness out of the tunnel and across the horizon. You must connect at an emotional level to draw someone out of his or her tunnel.” - Annette Simmons, “The Story Factor”  

    21. Strategic Influence Where is their brain and where do you want to guide it? Present or current state Desired state

    22. The Impact of Language

    23. The Behaviour Generator

    24. Say it the way you want it!

    25. The Magic of Changing/Guiding Reality

    26. “What you resist persists.” -Carl Jung

    27. Words To Avoid The brain does not process negation. Hence, you must … say it the way you want it!  

    28. Say it the way you want it!

    29. Say it the way you want it!

    30. Say it the way you want it!

    31. Say it the way you want it!

    32. Say it the way you want it!

    33. Say it the way you want it!

    34. The Agreement Frame and Softening Language Avoid the use of BUT, TRY, UNDERSTAND Yes…And! I agree (with you), and …. I respect (your situation), and …. I appreciate (your position), and ...

    35. The “As If” Frame: “Daddy, can we get a pet?”

    36. Designing a Compelling Future! “We must become the change we want to see in the world.” Such is the mark of great leaders.

    37. Remember! The brain acts as a filter Perception is reality Know your outcome and have a clear strategy Current State vs. Desired State Utilize the power of language State it in the positive Words to avoid Create a compelling future The “As If” Frame

    38. Dimostrazione

    39. Exercise: “Creating a Compelling Future” In your table groups, decide upon a desired outcome (target and context) Clarify the current state and the desired state Create a clear communication strategy for moving from current state to desired state How do I engage others? (WIIFM - the hole not the drill) Consider the power of questions How do I make the outcome compelling for others? Stay curious!

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