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Chololo Ecovillage

Strengthening vulnerable rural communities in Central Tanzania to adapt and thrive amidst climate change, transforming Chololo into a model ecovillage. Includes empowering women, enhancing livelihoods, and sustainable resource management.

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Chololo Ecovillage

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  1. Empowering Communities Adapting to Climate Change ChololoEcovillage This project is funded by the European Union

  2. Empowering Vulnerable Rural Communities to Adapt and Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change in Central Tanzania Project title This project is funded by the European Union

  3. To strengthen capacity of vulnerable rural communities to adapt to climate change for improved livelihoods and natural resource management. aim This project is funded by the European Union

  4. To transform Chololo into a thriving eco-village – a model of good practice in climate change adaptation and mitigation; To identify, test, evaluate and share innovative adaptation technologies and approaches; To support the village community to agree and implement land use plans and natural resource management practices; To empower women to act at the forefront of the transformation, with increased authority and reduced workload; To increase household food security and incomes, and improve livelihoods. objectives This project is funded by the European Union

  5. Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O&OD) origins This project is funded by the European Union

  6. Drought – rain season starts later, finishes earlier, less predictable, hence change in crop calendar, crop losses, low agricultural productivity, lowered incomes, food shortage and recurrent famine strike; Deforestation - loss of vegetation, increased desertification, reduced animal forage/pasture, shortage of fuel wood and timber, increased women’s workload, increased land pressure due to poor natural resource management (NRM); Flooding and strong winds – leading to soil erosion, crop losses, land degradation, and declining soil fertility; Human diseases: skin diseases, cholera and diarrhoea; Livestock diseases/crop pests: e.g. Rift Valley Fever, army worm, calidea bugs, stink bugs; Inadequate ground water recharge, lowering water table, increased salinity, leading to shortage of drinking water for domestic use and livestock, and low availability/poor quality of water for crop production Chololo climate change effects This project is funded by the European Union

  7. Community coping strategies This project is funded by the European Union

  8. 3500 people in 922 households TZS 1.4bn (89% EU, 11% local partners) 26 months 6 delivery partners 20+ innovative technologies numbers This project is funded by the European Union

  9. Institute of Rural Development Planning Dodoma Municipal Council Agricultural Research Institute Hombolo Maji na Maendeleo (MAMADO) Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) Dodoma Environmental Network (DONET) Delivery partners This project is funded by the European Union

  10. Cropping systems / conservation agriculture Community seed production Tillage innovations for soil water conservation Ox weeder & Ox carts Development of subsectors that benefit women, e.g. Chicken, Groundnuts, Hibiscus Crop / livestock interaction Low carbon economy development Agriculture innovations This project is funded by the European Union

  11. Improved cattle breeds – Mpwapwa bulls Improved goat breeds – for meat and milk Improved chicken farming – for women Animal disease control Dry season feeding Improved pasture / browsing Watermelon Livestock innovations This project is funded by the European Union

  12. Afforestation Tree nurseries Womens groups / eco-school woodlots Agroforestry Village land use planning Energy saving stoves Biogas Natural REsources innovations This project is funded by the European Union

  13. Aquifer monitoring Borehole repair Rainwater harvesting – roof catchment 600m2 Sand dam for aquifer recharge Sub surface dam for water storage Integrated water resource management water innovations This project is funded by the European Union

  14. Farmer field schools Study visits Technology Transfer Fund Publications National and Local Media Video – documenting the process Website and social media Multiplier effect This project is funded by the European Union

  15. Project delivery timetable This project is funded by the European Union

  16. Introduction of project to district and village authorities Introduction of project to village community Introduction of project to each sub village community Formation of village project committee Survey of crops & livestock Formation of sub village participant groups Formation of innovation groups Identification and demarcation of demo plots Began construction of school roof catchment Began construction of village office Progress to date This project is funded by the European Union

  17. Livestock survey This project is funded by the European Union

  18. CROP survey This project is funded by the European Union

  19. Innovation groups This project is funded by the European Union

  20. Participant Gender balance This project is funded by the European Union

  21. Participant Gender balance This project is funded by the European Union

  22. His Excellency Tim Clarke, EU Ambassador The Delegation of European Union to Tanzania The Ministry of Finance Regional Commissioner, Dodoma Regional Administrative Officer, Dodoma District Commissioner, Dodoma Town Hon. David Malole MP, Dodoma Town Dodoma Municipal Director Mayor, Dodoma Municipality Representative, The Division of the Environment, VPO Constantine Lifuliro, Rector, Institute of Rural Development Planning Government Officials & NGO Representatives With many thanks to all those who made this possible, including: This project is funded by the European Union

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