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GOCDB-4 development status

GOCDB-4 development status. Gilles Mathieu – STFC WLCG - GDB 8 th of July 2009. GOCDB-4 summary. Key principles Keep a central service Build a sustainable regionalised architecture Propose an implementation where nothing exists, work with existing solutions otherwise Use cases

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GOCDB-4 development status

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  1. GOCDB-4 development status Gilles Mathieu – STFC WLCG - GDB 8th of July 2009

  2. GOCDB-4 summary • Key principles • Keep a central service • Build a sustainable regionalised architecture • Propose an implementation where nothing exists, work with existing solutions otherwise • Use cases • Region 1: use a distributed GOCDB instance • Region 2: keep on using central GOCDB • Region 3: Use their own model and implementation

  3. Where are we? • Plans and milestones are online: • http://goc.grid.sinica.edu.tw/gocwiki/GOCDB4_development • Currently we have: • A clear view of the overall architecture • A data model defined and implemented • I/O data exchange formats defined • I/O interfaces under development • A basic web portal under development • A deployable regional prototype

  4. Overall architecture Region 3 (other tool) Region 3 local portal Publisher Region 3 homemade local DB 3rd party tools End users Web services / interfaces Central GOCDB SOAP GOCDB-PI ActiveMQ Portal Web services / interfaces XML output XML input Region 1 (GOCDB) Portal SOAP GOCDB-PI ActiveMQ XML output XML input API API GOCDB (all regions) GOCDB Region 1

  5. What is started/done? Web services / interfaces • Portal Prototype • XML I/O modules prototypes • First level API • Data model • Complete deployment • script for regions SOAP GOCDB-PI ActiveMQ Portal XML output XML input API GOCDB

  6. What remains to do? Web services / interfaces • Web services and interfaces (migration from GOCDB-3 + new development) • Complete web portal • GOCDB3 functionalities • User management • Packaging • Data migration and validation SOAP GOCDB-PI ActiveMQ Portal XML output XML input API GOCDB

  7. from GOCDB3 to GOCDB4 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER GOCDB 3 writing data migration scripts finalising data migration scripts GOCDB3 deprecated GOCDB3 in production data migration (production) data migration (test) data migration (test) GOCDB 4 Regional prototype packaged Regional package ready Schema validation Data and workflows validation Central instance in production Central prototype ready Deployment tests in pilot regions Central instance ready Development iterations on central and regional packages

  8. from GOCDB3 to GOCDB4 3rd party tools End users What will GOCDB-4 central instance look like at the beginning of November? Read access to all data Read access to all data WS interfaces Central Portal code Region A Region A Portal Region B Region B Portal Region … Region … Portal Region N Region N Portal Read/write access to data per regions

  9. from GOCDB3 to GOCDB4 3rd party tools End users How will first pilot regions integrate to this? Read access to all data Read access to all data WS interfaces Central Portal code Read access to Region B data Region A Region A Portal Region B WS interfaces Region B Portal Region … Region … Portal Region N Read/write access to data per regions Region N Portal code Region B

  10. Items for discussion • Role handling in a distributed DB • What about central roles: ROC managers, c-CODs, Security Officers… • What about various rules? • Downtime classification rules might be different from one project to the other

  11. Appendixes • Data schema overview • Links examples

  12. Data schema overview SITES Site Generic Contact ENDPOINTS Service endpoint Security Contact Emergency Contact USERS User LCG Alert Contact CONTACTS downtime Time zone DOWNTIMES Role Group ROLES Permission Group type DESCRIPTORS Service Type ROUTERS Router VO Certification Status Abstract classes / tables Object types

  13. Links example Group type Group Service Type Site VO Service endpoint Generic Contact downtime

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