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Learn about the LCLS PPS, including hazard analysis, passive controls, and engineering systems for personnel safety at the LCLS Injector. Understand the theory, interlocks, warnings, and emergency provisions of the system.
LCLS Personnel Protection System An introduction to the LCLS PPS LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Introduction • The LCLS Injector will produce electron bunches with an energy of 135 MeV and will be steered by a series of magnets. Hazard analysis was performed and passive hazard abatement controls applied. After applying passive controls an engineered protection system was deemed to be necessary. The LCLS Injector is a shielded housing with a single entrance. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Breakdown • Logic Description • PPS Theory of Operation • Hardware • Appendix • Beamline component hazard analysis • Beamline Schematic • Architectural Drawings LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Logic Description LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Technical Basis Document • The Radiation Safety Systems Technical Basis Document (SLAC-I-720-0A05Z-002) is the guideline for designing the Personnel Protection System. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Hazard Analysis • Appendix A contains a list of all the hazards along with the credible power output. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Passive Hazard Abatement • Shielding has been calculated and installed in the housing between Sector 20 and the LCLS Injector. • All Electrical Hazards exceeding 50 volts or 10 joules will be covered. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Engineering Controls for Hazards • The gun is a source of prompt radiation. The gun power supply will be redundantly interlocked. The gun will be permitted when the LCLS Injector Housing is in No Access with a Search Reset and the Linac housing is searched and timed out for beam operation. • There is one back beam stopper for the LCLS Injector housing (RST-1). This stopper is interlocked to the 2-29 PPS Security Loop which provides permits to VVS 1A through VVS 15. The stopper may be extracted when the LCLS Injector Housing is in No Access with a Search Reset. • A BSOIC has been installed inside the LCLS Injector housing to detect radiation from the Linac. The BSOIC is interlocked to the 2-29 PPS Security Loop which provides permits to VVS 1A through VVS 15. • The LCLS Injector also includes laser light hazards. A Laser Safety System which is independent of the LCLS PPS will be used to insure personnel protection from laser light. The LCLS-LSS will be built using a PLC. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
PPS Theory of Operation LCLS PPS - P.Bong
3 State Access Control System • The LCLS PPS will have a three state access control system consisting of • No Access • Controlled Access • Permitted Access LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Interlocks for Safe Entry • The access control system will have a keybank to provide tokens to personnel accessing the housing. No changes in access state will be allowed when the keybank is missing tokens. • The entry module into the LCLS Injector will have a door and a gate. Both the door and gate will be interlocked with redundant sense switches. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Warning Lights and Signs • The access module will have posted warnings to indicate that the enclosure is a radiological area. • An annunciator sign above the door will indicate the current access state. • A Yellow/Magenta light will indicate the safe/running status of the LCLS Injector enclosure. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Search and Audio/Visual Warnings • The administrative search will be facilitated with the use of a Search Preset key-switch inside the Injector housing and a Search Reset key-switch at the entry module. After the search is set and all interlocks are reset the LCLS Injector housing may be set to the state of No Access. • When the LCLS Injector is set to No Access the lights will flash and an audio announcement will play for the duration of two minutes. After two minutes of audio/visual warning the lights will be extinguished, the audio will be silenced and the gun will be permitted to be turned on. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Emergency Entry/Exit Provisions • The entry module door will be locked with a magnetic lock. • In case of emergency the magnetic lock may be defeated by an Emergency Entry or Exit (E/E) pushbutton located next to the door. • Activation of the E/E button causes a loss of the interlock summary as well as a loss of the search preset and reset. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Gun Permits • The gun is permitted to be turned on only after all interlocks are reset, the area is set to No Access with the two minute timeout complete, the Linac set to No Entry and timed out with the 2-29 Security Loops complete. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Stoppers and BTMs • There are no forward beam stoppers for the LCLS Injector. • Linac beam is prevented from entering the LCLS Injector housing by the back beam stopper RST-1. RST-1 may be opened and beam injected into the Linac only when the LCLS Injector housing is secure and in No Access with the 2-29 security loop complete. • RST-1 has an associated BTM to detect stopper damage. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Security Violation and Response • Any security violation will cause a loss of the search preset and reset status and will cause a loss of redundant permits to the gun. • The 2-29 security loops will loose the summary status and turn off VVS-1A through VVS-15 when RST-1 (LCLS Injector back beam stopper) is out. • The Linac must be timed out after a violation to the 2-29 PPS Security Loops to restore permits to the VVS. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Hardware LCLS PPS - P.Bong
General Hardware • Materials that resist radiation are used for components located in areas where radiation levels are high enough to cause radiation damage. • Cables will be contained in tray or conduit. Where tray or conduit is not economical or feasible the cable will be armored. • All logic components and cross connects will be contained in locked racks or locked electrical cabinets. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Programmable Logic Controller • The PLC Selected for use in SLAC PPS is the Allen Bradley ControlLogix system with diagnostic input and output modules. • The Programming and Debugging Tool for ControlLogix is RSLogix 5000. • This Allen Bradley system was chosen for the body of experience available here at SLAC and the MTBF data available for components in this family of products. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Self Checking • The ControlLogix architecture provides the user with methods of detecting and reacting to faults in the system. • Modular • PLC modules are swappable. Modules may be electronically keyed to prevent incorrectly configuring the system. • Testability • The RSLogix 5000 software provides programmable tests for system integrity. When faults are detected the software will set the system to a safe state and warn the operator of a fault. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Redundancy • The LCLS Injector PPS will be controlled by two independent PLCs. The PLCs will run different versions of software developed by two programmers. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Security • The PLC will be secured in a locked PPS rack. • The PLC will have a standard TCP/IP connector. The TCP\IP connection is for local diagnostics and the PLC will not be connected to a network. • Communication with control system will be limited to discrete bits from input and output modules. The information provided by the bits must be deciphered by the control system and the PLC thus limiting the messages that can be sent between the two systems. • A hardwired permissive signal will be sent to the PLC in concert with the control system communication to authenticate all messages sent to the PLC. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Configuration Control • Configuration of the PPS is tightly controlled in accordance with the SLAC Guidelines for Operations. • Requests for system modification must be submitted in writing to the PPS Group Leader. The PPS Group Leader will assign an engineer to the task. • Prior to modification the PPS group will submit relevant documentation to the ESD Safety Systems Review Officer. The SSRO will coordinate the review process and grant permission to proceed with modification. • Modification of the PPS will proceed in accordance with the SLAC Guidelines for Operations section 14 Configuration Control of Radiation Safety Systems. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Regular Certification • PPS will be certified regularly in accordance with the SLAC Guidelines for Operations section 27 Testing of Personnel Protection Systems. LCLS PPS - P.Bong
Technical Problems • The system has yet to be presented to the RSC for approval • The presentation is scheduled for late June. • The communications protocol has to be determined. • Protocols that can link TCP/IP messages to the PPS controller are unacceptable. • Luc Lessard at SSRL and I are working on method that passes an array of discrete bits between the control system and the PLC. • The cableplant may be 30% denser than initially estimated. • The extra conductors would carry the N.O. side of the Form-C switches in the field for use in diagnostic testing. • The failure mode of the PLC is indeterminate. • By using redundancy, diagnostic subroutines and periodic testing the PPS would have to suffer multiple failures before an accident is probable. LCLS PPS - P.Bong