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I ntercultural E ducation of N urses in E urope The IENE Conference London September 13, 2012

Explore how Bildungszentrum Preetz aims to strengthen cultural competences in elderly care through vocational and advanced training. Learn about the IENE project, target group perceptions, survey results, implemented activities, and upcoming steps.

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I ntercultural E ducation of N urses in E urope The IENE Conference London September 13, 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bildungszentrum Preetz Intercultural Education of Nurses in Europe The IENE Conference London September 13, 2012

  2. Bildungszentrum Preetz Information on the initial situation: IENE at Bildungszentrum Preetz Elderly Care nursing school: vocational training and advanced training culture, migration/integration, health, etc. are topics which importance grows – in theoretic as well as in practical training of elderly care Ambitions to join the project: stabilisation and expansion of competences in `culture-sensitive elderly care´ IENE I 2008 – 2010 (partnership-project) IENE II 2010 – 2012 (innovation transfer project)

  3. Bildungszentrum Preetz 1. Ambitions 2. Perception of the target group 3. Explanation: Setting of the survey 4. Analyses: Presentation of the results of the survey 5. Already implemented activities 6. Next steps

  4. Bildungszentrum Preetz 1. Ambitions a) to verify the four main-topics of the PTT-model for transcultural health care and cultural competence b) collection of topics for which there is a need to promote and thus in strengthening the model implementation in vocational and advanced training

  5. Bildungszentrum Preetz 2. Perception of the target group

  6. Bildungszentrum Preetz 3. Explanation: Setting of the survey

  7. Bildungszentrum Preetz 4. Analyses: Presentation of the results of the survey categories: professional competences of elderly care nursing cultural competences/handling of values personal competences social-communicative competences

  8. Bildungszentrum Preetz Comparison between WBL and MAP Which cultural competences does a qualified nurse in elderly care need?

  9. Bildungszentrum Preetz Comparison WBL vs. MAP Which cultural competences should be more developed and supported in the future?

  10. Bildungszentrum Preetz Results AZ 16 / AZ 17 Which cultural competences did you learn during your vocational training till today? * nursing theory: “activities and existential experiences of life “ by Prof. Dr. M. Krohwinkel

  11. Bildungszentrum Preetz Topics to deal with: Similarities of all target groups

  12. Bildungszentrum Preetz 5. Already implemented activities

  13. Bildungszentrum Preetz 6. Next steps Upgrading the curriculum: Assimilation of guidelines for teaching the topic `culture-sensitive handling of AEDLs´ Expand the practical implementation of the topic `culture-sensitive handling of AEDLs´ (e.g. primal care and intimate care) Creation of further materials for teaching as well as development of practical exercises Use of the homepage (BZ Preetz) as well as ILIAS-platform to prepare and release sophisticated information about `culture-sensitive elderly care´, the PTT-model and the survey-/project-results

  14. Bildungszentrum Preetz Thank you for your attention! London, 13. September 2012 Contact: Maria Kölpien AWO Bildungszentrum Preetz maria.koelpien@awo-sh.de

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