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Back to Early Days

O.Watanabe , 2016.5.28. 30+ Years Computational Complexity Conference. Back to Early Days. Structure in Complexity Theory 1st ~ 10th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 11th ~ 29th Computational Complexity Conference 30th ~. special thanks to.

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Back to Early Days

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Presentation Transcript

  1. O.Watanabe, 2016.5.28 30+ Years Computational Complexity Conference Back to Early Days Structure in Complexity Theory 1st ~ 10th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 11th ~ 29th Computational Complexity Conference 30th ~ special thanks to Peter van Emde Boas Uwe Schoening

  2. Structure in Complexity Theory 1st (1986) ~ 10th (1995) Structure 0!? I heard that there was a workshop in 1985 at UCSB as a preliminary for the Structures series. O.W.

  3. 1st Structure in Complexity Theory Berkley, 1986

  4. 1st Structure in Complexity Theory Business Meeting Alan Selman Steve Mahaney

  5. 1st Structure in Complexity Theory(1986) Talks 1/4 Condon Wilson Eric Allendar Feigenbaum Paberry J. Buss

  6. 1st Structure in Complexity Theory(1986) Talks 2/4 Stearns Book Hartmanis

  7. 1st Structure in Complexity Theory(1986) Break & Reception Ambos-Spies Mass Young Rubinstein Cai Dietzfelbinger O.W

  8. 1st Structure in Complexity Theory(1986) Talks 3/4 Hemachandra Seiferas Zachos Sipser Regan Longpre Krentel Russo

  9. 1st Structure in Complexity Theory (1986) Talks 4/4 & S.Buss Schoning Hemachandra Regan Orponen MacAloon Clote Lagarias Mass

  10. 2nd Structure in Complexity Theory Ithaca, 1987 This cover page style started from this year. Unfortunately, I do not have an original proceedings

  11. 2nd Structure in Complexity Theory (1987) Talks 1/3 Amir Nerode Subramanian Joseph Appoloni Kalyanasundaram Watanabe Immerman

  12. 2nd Structure in Complexity Theory (1987) Picnic Balcazar Royer Ko Beigel Fortnow

  13. 2nd Structure in Complexity Theory (1987) Talk 2/3 Ravikumar Leivant Allender Cai Kadin

  14. 2nd Structure in Complexity Theory (1987) Talk 3/3 Lutz Jian-Er Chen Fortnow Longpre Ko

  15. 4th Structure in Complexity Theory Eugene, 1989

  16. 5th Structures in Complexity Theory Barcelona, Spain, 1990

  17. 5th Structure in Complexity Theory (1990, Barcelona) Reception Watanabe, Alvarez, Serna, Martinez Lozano, Fortnow, Nisan

  18. 5th Structures in Complexity Theory (1990, Barcelona) Reception Hemachandra ? Spaan Gasarch Ogihara

  19. 9th Structure in Complexity Theory Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994 reception desk

  20. 9th Structure in Complexity Theory (1994) Talk 1/3 Papadimitriou Agrawal Buhrman Tardos Goldsmith Graedel Wigderson

  21. 9th Structure in Complexity Theory (1994) Banquet & Wrathall Best student paper award Schoening Long Verbitski

  22. 9th Structure in Complexity Theory (1994) Talk 2/3 Watanabe Allender Pudlak Stephan Chang Torenvliet Yung Lange

  23. 9th Structure in Complexity Theory (1994) Talk 3/3 Lipton Reishuk Hertrampf Yamakami Impagliazzo Vitanyi Pruim Gavalda

  24. Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 11th (1996) ~ 29th (2014)

  25. The first conference of the IEEE CCC series 11th CCC, Philaderphia, 1996 best student paper award Dieter van Melkebeek Reducing P to a Sparse Set Using a Constant Number of Queries Collapses P to L

  26. 12th CCC, Ulm, Germany, 1997 reception

  27. 12th CCC, Ulm, Germany (1997) Talk 1/4

  28. 12th CCC, Ulm, Germany (1997) Reception, Banquet, &

  29. 12th CCC, Ulm, Germany (1997) Talk 2/4 Toran

  30. 12th CCC, Ulm, Germany (1997) Talk 3/4 Trevisan Atserias

  31. 12th CCC, Ulm, Germany (1997) Talk 4/4 Fortnow Melkebeek

  32. Many Brilliant New Commers best student paper award 11th CCC 1996 Dieter van Melkebeek Reducing P to a Sparse Set Using a Constant Number of Queries Collapses P to L 12th CCC, 1997 CristophKarg LR(k) Testing is Average-Case Complete 13th CCC, 1998 John Watrous Relationships Between Quantum and Classical Space-Bounded Complexity Classes 14th CCC 1999 Marcus Schaefer Graph Ramsey Theory and the Polynomial Hierarchy 15th CCC, 2000 Valentine Kabanets Easiness Assumptions and Hardness Tests: Trading Time for Zero Error 16th CCC, 2001 JuergenForster A Linear Lower Bound on the Unbounded Error Probabilistic Communication Complexity 17th CCC, 2002 Ryan O'Donnell Hardness Amplification within NP 18th CCC, 2003 Scott Aaronson Quantum Certificate Complexity 19th CCC, 2004 Scott Aaronson Limitations of Quantum Advice and One-Way Communication • 20th CCC, 2005 Ryan Williams • Better Time-Space Lower Bounds for SAT and Related Problems • 21st CCC, 2006 NeerajKayal and Nitin Saxena • Polynomial Identity Testing for Depth 3 Circuits • 22nd CCC, 2007 Alexander Sherstov • Halfspace Matrices • Ryan Williams • Time-Space Tradeoffs for Counting NP Solutions Modulu Integers • 23rd CCC, 2008 Alexander Sherstov • Approximate Inclusion-Exclusion for Arbitrary Symmetric Functions • 24th CCC, 2009 Akitoshi Kawamura • Lipschitz Continuous Ordinary Differential Equations Are Polynomial-Space Complete • 25th CCC, 2010 Daniel Kane • The Gaussian surface area and noise sensitivity of degree-d polynomial threshold functions • 26th CCC, 2011 Andrew Drucker • Improved Direct Product Theorems for Randomized Query Complexity • 27th CCC, 2012 Andrew Drucker • Limitations of Lower-Bound Methods for the Wire Complexity of Boolean Operators • 28th CCC, 2013 AleksandrsBelovs and AnsisRosmanis • On the Power of Non-Adaptive Learning Graphs • 29th CCC, 2014 Alexander Belov • Quantum Algorithms for Learning Symmetric Juntas via the Adversary Bound And then

  33. 30th CCC, Portland, 2015 organized by Departure from IEEE

  34. Now Continuing to the Future !! Fin完

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