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Exploring Creation Myths: Origins and Beliefs Across Cultures

Discover the diverse Creation Stories from different tribes and religions, explaining world origins and human existence through myths with animal or non-gender characteristics. Explore the relationships between nature and people, tribal customs, and the various ways creation is depicted.

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Exploring Creation Myths: Origins and Beliefs Across Cultures

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  1. Creation Myths

  2. Creation Stories* • Similar to the account in The Bible • Similar from tribe to tribe • Used to explain how the world/universe was created • Explained the origin of man • Sometimes had animal characteristics • Sometimes non-gender, or only one gender (usually female—mother earth)

  3. Contained what the tribe generally believed the relationships between people and nature • Contained origins of tribal customs and structures

  4. Creation occurs primarily in one of five ways: • From chaos or nothingness • From a cosmic egg or primal maternal mound • From world parents who are separated • From the process of earth diving • From several stages of emergence from other worlds, or states of being • In every case, there is a sense of birth—both of the world and humans

  5. Creation Stories Characteristics • Characteristics include: • A Creator, and the medium for creation, such as clay, fluids, and a supernatural power • The trickster, sometimes a negative force, sometimes a cultural hero who dives to the depths of nothingness to find form • The first man and woman whose job it is to continue to create both offspring, and plants and animals • The flood hero who saves mankind from the great waters and begins again

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